View Full Version : Dark Elf White Dwarf round up...

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:18 AM
So starting this as a new thread, as it's news rather than rumours, and I felt it warranted it. If not, please do roll it into the existing rumour thread!

And off we go!!!

First up, a description of the kit, and it's price....


Does exactly what it says on the tin. £20 for 10 Dark Elves. Can be assembled as Spears, Sword and Shield, or Repeater Crossbows. Quick cost extrapolation.... Battle Report shows a unit of 40 Spears, with full command to be 390 points. Allowing 30 points for the full command, Dreadspears appear to be 9 points a pop. Which is nice. ASF, Hatred; High Elves, and Murderous Prowess. That's a pretty dashed pokey unit, and at a reasonable points cost.

The models.... Legs, torso and head are one piece. Downside is clear, that's a pretty staid unit. Upside is also obvious. Much less of a pain in the arse to assemble, not to mention rank up. And looking at the pics, they look good ranked up! For me, I think the pros outweigh the cons!

Witch Elves....

£35 for 10. Now definitely a Core choice, provided the battle report is accurate (sadly can't be taken as a given overall!). Lots and lots of variety. Pics speak for themselves. Cost in the battle report is 405 for 30, full command and the razor standard. Subtracting the 45 point cost of the banner, and again allowing for 30 point full command (could be more...) I make that 11 points a pop. Fairly reasonable!

No Sisters of Slaughter in the battle report, so limited info available at this point. Described as 'Once dispossessed Daughters of a fallen noble house, thirsty for revenge. Now, their vengeance long sated, they are the queens of the gladiatorial arenas, savage warriors whose quicksilver fighting is born of instinct and malice. Armed with Whips, and Bladed Bucklers. Really, really nice models!

Cauldron of Blood.....£45.

Blimey. That's a £20 price rise.....or is it?...You see, it's now a dual kit. If you make it up as a Cauldron of Blood mount for a Death Hag (hero choice for the Hag)....well....you also get Crone Hellebron on foot, not to mention a Bloodwrack Medusa on...erm...tail, I guess. So your first one is really quite good value if you ask me. Plus, Hellebron can be mounted on it, instead giving you a Death Hag on foot. Or if you'd prefer the Bloodwrack Shrine, big centrepiece, a special characters and a Hero choice. I'm happy that's pretty decent value myself, but will leave your decision to you! :)

Now, about that Bloodwrack... Battle Report has one on tail/foot....90 point Rare gribbly. Haven't read the battle report, so I can't say much about it's combat prowess. But a bit of background. It's not some Chaos mutant from the Mountains. Oh no. It's much more classical and greek than that. It's an Elf cursed by Atharti.... Which I like!!

Ooooh...hello! Fold out section.....Hellebron and Death Hag share pieces and fittings with the plastic Witch Elves.... That, I like! More variety is always welcome!

Now, with Mysteryvision, a couple of tidbits from the sample Army Book pages....

Cold Ones....yep, they've got two attacks each now, which is pretty awesome. Cold One Knights remain Ld9 basic, so that's a whine shutdown right there! Oh, and both beast and rider S4 basic. That's a nasty little Cavalry unit right there! ASF, re-roll 1's to wound...yes please Santa, I'll have that 'rubber lance indemnity policy' please.

Cold One Chariots....Now, I'm very likely misreading, but seems the Charioteer has not one, not two, but three attacks....each...Eurgh! S4 as well ;) And Ld9 to boot. Phwoar!!!!

Black Guard....

S3, I6, A2, plus ASF, Eternal Hatred (which may have changed, this entry doesn't say), and Murderous Prowess. Oh, and Stubborn with Immune to Psychology. And Ld9.....

Hydra....Fiery Breath appears to be an upgrade.

Kharbydiss....little info at this stage.


09-28-2013, 06:22 AM
Good idea, past rumours now.:)

Witch Elves are definitely core, they are gone from the Special section on GW.com and moved into Core.

Love the classical background for the Medusa, nice change from mutants.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:26 AM

Oh, and missed a Warrior point extrapolation....

30 Crossbows, plus command 390. Again allowing 30 for command, that's 12 points a pop.

And the Cauldron joins the Witch Elves in the Battle Report....not sure if unit joining is compulsory from that, but seems more likely than not to my mind.

Lore Attribute.....'which can cause bonus damage on enemy units I cast spells upon'. No other info that that so far.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-28-2013, 06:31 AM
Best fantasy release I've seen in a long time. Rather impressed with all of it it personally, shame I'm poor otherwise I may of been persuaded to pick up some witch elves as they are amazing models.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:35 AM
Oh, and looking at the battle report army rosters, new Lord choice of High Beastmaster, as rumoured! 300 points with his Manticore.

And again, allowing for a 30 point command, Cold One Knights appear to be 30 points a pop (330 for 10 plus Command).

War Hydra is 180 points with Fiery Breath, which as mentioned earlier, appears to be an upgrade, as it's mentioned separately listed.

Level 2 Sorceress is down as 160 with Talisman of Preservation. That makes it 115 for her alone.

09-28-2013, 06:36 AM
The Cauldron of Blood is apparently an upgrade to a Hag Hero and maybe Lord, the fact it isn't in Core with the Witch Elves suggests it isn't a unit upgrade.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:41 AM
I was meaning in terms of deployment :) the battle report isn't exactly conclusive, beyond confirming it can join units. Hard to say if it must.

09-28-2013, 06:42 AM
It adds a 5++ save to a unit it joins though according to one of the blogs with a copy of WD so hard to see why you'd take it away from a unit. Unless that's not true and it's just a few area buffs.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:45 AM
That's pretty damned pokey, and much welcomed by any Dark Elf unit, especially Witch Elves! Was about to make a comment about nudie Witch Elves, but whilst they aren't wearing much, what they are wearing certainly appears fairly practical.

Thought I suspect it can't join units with Sorceresses in them, given the rivalry.

09-28-2013, 06:48 AM
Also in the context of WFB Witch Elves are really the only sexualised females apart from Isabella von Carstein. Now it's true that there aren't a lot of female models but even in the art most are sensibly dressed. So it's just not a big deal. Some sexualised women are fine when it suits their character, the problem comes when all or most females are sexualised even when it doesn't suit them.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 06:54 AM
I guess.

Their kit suggests it's more about feeling the blood on the flesh, as what's there is fairly sensible, like bracers on the off hand for blocking. And the stuff they are wearing, isn't what I'd call skimpy, as it gives decent coverage.

Man I am psyched for this! Can't wait to get the book next Saturday!

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 07:06 AM
And here's a smidge more about the Bloodwrack Medusas, (Medusaes??) from Mat Ward (you in the peanut gallery, STFU).

The Bloodwrack Witches were cursed directly by the Goddess Atharti. They are a pertinent example of how the Cytharai are far more than distant object of worship. The gods of the Dark Elves smite those who mock them, reward those who please, and bless those who champion their cause

There's also a mandala showing the Dark Elf pantheon, including the High Elf and Wood Elf gods. But all in a Dark Elf runic style. Which is nice.

And there's a new transfer sheet for those of us unable, unwilling, or indeed both, to freehand. Showing different cities runes and that. I like it!

Designer interview tidbits (don't want to spoil the whole thing)....

Sister's of Slaughter whips are imagined as being fashioned from their own hair, shorn off as a mark of devotion.

09-28-2013, 09:42 AM
On the Witch Elves and sexualisation, I'm never less than delighted that they're in flats. That's definitely a bonus. Hellebron is in heels, but she can probably get away with it.

09-28-2013, 06:20 PM
I think Dark Elves are quickly going to find that as cool as the buffs are for the Dreadspears at only 2 points more per model, they still die far too easily to really be a great unit. High Elf players have been dealing with that one for a while lol.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 07:46 PM
Dude. They've always been T3. It's not a surprise. But between ASF allowing many re-rolls, and murderous prowess, we can take most enemy units. For our points, we get a well disciplined, highly skilled block of infantry.

And seeing as our shock Cavalry and Chariots are pretty rock as is, I'll likely as not be focussing my buff spells on me Warriors :)

09-28-2013, 08:53 PM
Dude. They've always been T3. It's not a surprise. But between ASF allowing many re-rolls, and murderous prowess, we can take most enemy units. For our points, we get a well disciplined, highly skilled block of infantry.

And seeing as our shock Cavalry and Chariots are pretty rock as is, I'll likely as not be focussing my buff spells on me Warriors :)

No you can't. Strength 3 with spears = can't kill anything meaningful, even with re-roll ones to wound. People were hoping the same of High Elf spearmen who get an extra rank to fight in, but it just leads to the same issue; you are paying more points for less bodies to use as fodder. As elite as they want to be, they are still S3 T3 with 5+ armour and no parry for 9 points per model. They die too easily, they can't do anything in combat - seriously, you can put them against Empire Spearmen and the latter will have the advantage due to the greater number of models they can take - so really, no they are not able to take most enemy units. You'll find out very quickly that those 7 point Spearmen were so, so much more alluring because you weren't paying extra points for models that can't even really maximise the rules they pay for.

I'm sorry, but this has been done to death, and it is the blatant truth. Paying more points for S3 T3 core than anyone else isn't worth the rules they get.

09-29-2013, 03:51 AM
Out of curiosity did the dark elves win from the orcs&goblins in the white dwarf? Had to work yesterday so no time to pick it up.

09-29-2013, 03:57 AM
Yeah, the Dark Elves absolutely smashed the Orcs and Goblins! Obviously nothing to really read into White Dwarf battle reports, but still, pretty entertaining to read.

Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 06:21 AM
Guess I must have hallucinated all those victories with my Dark Elves then.

09-29-2013, 07:36 AM
Let's not argue, guys!

One thing we can say for sure is that Witch Elves + Cauldron is an absolute meatgrinder of a unit. It's about 700 points, but damn. It just makes things disappear.

09-29-2013, 07:38 AM
With Witch Elves being Core now you can fit that meatgrinder into a relatively small list which is nice.

Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 08:09 AM
In the Battle Report, 30 Witch Elves and the Cauldron manage to frankly lawnmower 40 Savage Orc Big'uns in a single round....

You see, the Cauldron lets them re-roll to wound...... No mention of the 5+ ward though. Doesn't ran it's not there of course.

09-29-2013, 08:27 AM
It is there, I think they mention it.

09-30-2013, 01:47 AM
Smug mode engaged.

Nine out of the ten Dark Elf rumours I posted back in late 2011 will have been proven accurate by this release. If you accept a hag/Hellebron riding a CoB as a mounted character... The one wrong being talk of a plastic bolt thrower.


Mr Mystery
09-30-2013, 05:15 AM
Plaggy Bolt Thrower has not been seen yet....

We know there's moar toys to come shortly (like, next month it would appear. But may be longer. Who knows!)

09-30-2013, 05:19 AM
Yeah but unless it arrives in the next 3-4 months I wouldn't count it. Still 90% accuracy rate 2 years out isn't bad, especially when people scoffed and said the release would be too big.

Mr Mystery
09-30-2013, 05:29 AM

Though clearly, being female you obtained that info by being a fake geek girl and offering services to GW employees. Oh and you just got lucky.

(am I doing this sexist thing right?)

09-30-2013, 06:03 AM
It's a pretty good effort.:)

Mr Mystery
09-30-2013, 06:09 AM

Now, where's me sandwich?

09-30-2013, 11:57 AM
Also in the context of WFB Witch Elves are really the only sexualised females apart from Isabella von Carstein. Now it's true that there aren't a lot of female models but even in the art most are sensibly dressed. So it's just not a big deal. Some sexualised women are fine when it suits their character, the problem comes when all or most females are sexualised even when it doesn't suit them.

After a only somewhat brief art review (mostly snagged off my gaming bookshelf, and a quick Google Image search...), I have to agree with your evaluation. Am somewhat ashamed that I'd not noted that myself, honestly. I even did a paper on the subject a few years back and could have used that as an additional point (my grade was not as stellar as it could have been...)