View Full Version : Taucrons 1850 (Necron + Tau Allies)

09-27-2013, 02:13 PM
Necrons + Tau Allies 1850


Destroyer Lord
-Mindshackle Scarabs
-Sempiternal Weave


5 Necron Warriors
-Night Scythe

5 Necron Warriors
-Night Scythe

Fast Attack

6 Canoptek Wraiths

6 Canoptek Wraiths

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90

Tau Allies


Battlesuit Commander

Ranged Weapons
-Missile Pod
-Missile Pod

Support Systems
-Target Lock
-Drone Controller

Signature Systems
-Neuroweb System Jammer
-Iridium Battlesuit

-Marker Drone
-Marker Drone


20 Kroots
- 20 Sniper Rounds



-Ion Accelerator

Support Systems
-Early Warning Override
-Velocity Tracker

Fast Attack

10 Marker Drones

Total 1849

Destroyer Lord and Canoptek Wraiths moves up front and distract everything. Annihilation Barges moves around and soften targets for Canoptek Wraiths. Tau allies markerlight targets of interests and Riptide + Kroots provides fire. Flyers comes during the other turns, and disembark Necron Warriors on turn 5 to capture objectives.

What do you think?

09-27-2013, 04:47 PM
Been thinking about building a Cron / Tau list myself. Looking to see where this thread goes.

Dave Mcturk
09-27-2013, 05:10 PM
mind shackled tau.... oh my

09-28-2013, 08:47 AM
Thx to some feedback, redid the list. Removed markerlight drones, buffed up warriors and switch the wargear for the Battlesuit Commander. Also added a Tachyon Arrow for the Destroyer Lord to instant kill those high toughness multiple wounds monstrous creature.

Necrons + Tau Allies 1850


Destroyer Lord

-Mindshackle Scarabs
-Sempiternal Weave
-Tachyon Arrow



10 Necron Warriors

Night Scythe


9 Necron Warriors

Night Scythe


Fast Attack

6 Canoptek Wraiths

6 Canoptek Wraiths

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90

Tau Allies


Battlesuit Commander

Signature Systems
-Command and Control Node
-Multi Spectrum Sensor Suite
-Puretide Engram Neurochip
-Iridum Battlesuit

-Shield Drone



20 Kroots
- 20 Sniper Rounds




-Ion Accelerator

-Support System
-Early Warning Override
-Velocity Tracker


Total 1849

Taucron vs Ravenguard

Mission type: Big Guns never tire

Deployement type: Hammer and Anvil

Objectives: 3

Turn 1

Taucrons Turn 1

Played a game with the new Space Marine codex. He was playing Ravenguard. I started first, everything on the table except Night Scythes and Kroots (Decided to Outflank with them instead). Canoptek Wraiths move six instead of jumpacking being vary of the large squad of Assault Marines with Shrike. Annihilation Barge moved six and popped the Rhino scoring First Blood, and the next Annihilation Barge firing on Snapshots toke down 2 marines. Riptide rolled a 1 on Gets Hot for the Ion Accelerator and, saved his wound but could not fire his template. Twin-linked SMS out of range too.

Ravenguard Turn 1

Drop Pod with Terminator Captain (Warlord) carrying a Thunder Hammer and Shield, plus a Squad of Sternguards with Meltas and Heavy Flamers landed near to the Riptide and Tau Commander/Drone squad. The Terminator Captain then proceed to detach himself from the Sternguards. My opponent moved his Assault marines and Rhino up. Interceptor+Skyfire on the Riptide killed 2 marines carrying Meltas. Marines proceed to miss the meltas and I saved on the heavy flamers.

The Assault marines with Shrike multiple charged the two Annihilation Barges, with Krak grenades, toke down the two Annihilation Barges, wrecking them.

Turn 2

Taucrons Turn 2

Night Scythe with 10 Necron Warriors arrived on my table edge, and a unit of outflanking Kroots arrived on the middle right table side. Proceed to move my last Annihilation Barge backwards, and to deal with the new Drop Pod threat I moved a squad of Canoptek Wraiths with the Destroyer Lord to intercept them. Riptide and Battle suit Commander moved away from the Stenguards and Warlord to unleash their volley. The 2nd squad of Canoptek moved up front to get ready for an assault on Shrike's Assault Marines. Kroots rapid fire with their Kroot guns plus the combined might of two Annihilation Barges managed to kill off a good number of Assault Marines. Riptide fired it's Ion accelerator on the Drop Pod, destroying it with a mighty blast thanks to the Battlesuit Commander's Tank Hunter. The Night Scythe having deployed the 10 Necron Warriors which opt to Rapid Fire, shot on the squad of Marines near the destroyed Rhino killing a handful. Thankfully both the Tactical Squad, Stenguard and Assault Squad with Shrike pass their morale. Assault are declared and the Canoptek Wraiths slammed on to the Assault Marines. Both sides taking wounds but Assault Marines again pass their leadership. The Riptide moved up too and charged the lone Terminator Captain. He issues a challenge but the Tau Commander being the coward declines. Riptide fights the Captain but both sides dealing no damage.

Ravenwing Turn 2

Stormraven arrived from reserve ready to unleash hell on the battlefield. The last remaining Rhino moved up and deployed it's cargo of Tactical marines armed with Plasma guns. With a mighty salvo of Rapid Fire, the Kroots were reduced to a small number and thus failed their leadership, fleeing from the battle. The Stormraven fired it's weapons and blew up the Night Scythe. The Sternguards rapid fired at the incoming Canoptek Wraiths with the Destroyer Lord but did no damage. Assault phase starts and the Canoptek Wraiths, taking some wounds from the Shrike and his Assault Marines, the Wraiths hit back killing a few more, but Shrike passed his leadership. Yet again the Terminator Captain declares a challenge, but the Tau Commander declines, hiding behind the massive frame of the Riptide. Both sides taking no damage.

Turn 3

Taucrons Turn 3

2nd Night Scythe arrived and unloaded the Necron Warriors. Obligatory movement of the lone Annihilation Barge and Canoptek Wraiths with Destroyer Lord. Shooting phase saw yet another plethora of sixes from the Annihilation Barge + Night Scythe teslas combined with the Rapid Fire of Necron Warriors reducing the marines to a small number. Assault phase starts and the Destoyer Lord and Canoptek Wraiths charges the Sternguards killing all of them. Finally the 2nd squad of Canoptek Wraiths toke down Shrike and consolidated.

Ravenwing Turn 3

Marines moved up and engaged the Necron Warriors firing and killing a few, reanimation protocol brought back few. Stormraven started to hover and dropped off it's payload of Assault Terminators. Assault phase and the two marine squad declares charges on the Necron Warriors near the objective and proceed to hack them down. Terminators too declare charges on the wounded Canoptek Wraiths. The battle was bloody but the two assaults were in a standstill. Both of the Necron units holding off.

Turn 4

Taucrons Turn 4

Night Scythe moved up and take shots at the Stormraven wounding it once. Annihilation Barge moved nearer to the objective, fired and failed to wound the Stormraven. 2nd Necron warrior squad moved up and glanced the Rhino, but only manage to remove 2 Hull Points. This Assault phase gets interesting as I declared my charge on the lone Terminator Captain with the Canoptek Wraiths + Destroyer Lord. The Destroyer Lord being foolish challenges the Captain on a 1 on 1, Mindshackle failed and the Captain fails 2 wounds against the Lord's Warscythe. With a mighty slam, the Terminator Captain kills the Destroyer Lord. And the Lord fails his reanimation protocol, thus granting a Warlord kill point. The other assault phase with the Thunder Hammer Stormshield terminators cause casualties on both side. The Canoptek Wraiths down to 1 model.

Ravenwing Turn 4

In haste the Stormraven tries to take down the lone Annihilation Barge, but fails. Causing only one glance thanks to it's jinx. The Rhino decided to Tank Shock the Necron Warriors, forcing them away and blocking the entrance to the building for the objective. Assault is joined again and this time the angry Canoptek Wraiths kills the Terminator Captain in vengeance against the death of their Destroyer Lord. Finally the lone Canoptek Wraith is butchered by the Terminators.

Turn 5

Taucrons Turn 5

Free from the assault combat, the Riptide and Battlesuit Commander waste no time in taking down the Terminators and the lone Rhino. The Termies survived but the Rhino was reduced to a burning wreck. The 2nd squad of Necrons moved up just enough to rapidfire the Stormraven, combined with the lone Annihilation Barge finally toke down the Stomraven. Assault phase charges are declared and the Canoptek Wraiths charges into the Terminators, killing some. Terminators return the favour but I passed my wounds. Failing leadership the Wraiths are stuck in combat thanks to 'We shall know no Fear'.

Ravenguard Turn 5

The only remaining Ravenguard units were locked in combat, so Assault phase begins. Yet again the Necrons Warriors survived the close-combat encounter with only 3 models left, refusing to budge. The Canoptek Wraiths finally dispatch the remaining Terminators.

Roll is made for Turn 6 and there is none. The game is over.

Taucrons won by 1 because of First Blood. The battle was bloody and brutal, both sides taking casualties.

In Conclusion
Foolish mistake of the Destroyer Lord challenging the Terminator Captain realising I had no inv save. Would have saved the Lord's greedy error. The Destroyer Lord was armed with the Tachyon Arrow and it was a shamed I did not get to use it on the Stormraven. Overall I think this battle turned out well in my favour. I will need to test the Taucrons out more before I commit on the Tau allies.


Dave Mcturk
10-01-2013, 01:45 PM
tau and necron are almost too much of a good thing... think i would love it at 1750 plus and use lots of wraith to protect from close assault... at lower point games think it is a very vulnerable combo...

10-15-2013, 09:44 AM
Thanks for the feedback everyone here is the list I am playing now. So far 10 wins 1 loss. I lost one of the games because I was too busy destroying my opponent and he captured the objectives. It was close to TA.

Necrons + Tau Allies 1850


Destroyer Lord

-Mindshackle Scarabs
-Sempiternal Weave



10 Necron Warriors

Night Scythe


10 Necron Warriors

Night Scythe


Fast Attack

6 Canoptek Wraiths

6 Canoptek Wraiths

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90
Annihilation Barge 90

Tau Allies


Battlesuit Commander

Signature Systems
-Command and Control Node
-Multi Spectrum Sensor Suite
-Puretide Engram Neurochip
-Iridum Battlesuit



10 Kroots

10 Kroots




-Ion Accelerator

Support System
-Early Warning Override
-Velocity Tracker

-Shielded Missile Drones
-Shielded Missile Drones


Total 1850

I was thinking of removing the Iridium Battlesuit and add some Kroot hounds for Acute Senses, I love outflanking my opponents and capture objectives at table edges which I have placed. But in doing so I will have extra 15 points to spend on other stuff.

What do you think?