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09-27-2013, 11:20 AM
This is the placeholder thread for Gamesday UK 2013

Everyone who attends is now a deputized BoLS photo-savant.

Bring your cameras, iPads, smartphones, and whatever you can to capture the event.

Drop off all your goodies in this thread.

A final note - we have been told to look VERY CLOSELY in all the dioramas, display boards, and display cases. There *may* (hint, hint) be future models hidden in plain sight.

Good hunting ladies and gentlemen!

09-27-2013, 11:26 AM
First up, Forgeworld announced these event only items: (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Events/Games_Day_UK_2013.html)

Limited Edition Loyalists Poster £25.00

Limited Edition Traitors Poster £25.00

09-27-2013, 11:32 AM
for the love of god someone film the seminars.

Lukas The Trickster
09-27-2013, 01:01 PM
Interesting that the Luna Wolves are on the loyalist Legion poster, I thought it was just a handful on Istvaan III that reverted to calling themselves that, and apart from Loken they were all killed. Or maybe more escaped and they will be a recurrent sub plot that will feature in future novels?

09-27-2013, 01:04 PM
to be fair 'a handful' could still mean a thousand odd marines or more, given how many were on Istvaan...

09-27-2013, 01:29 PM
Yea, the Luna Wolves on that poster is odd. As is the Word Bearers being on the Traitors poster twice.

09-27-2013, 01:45 PM
I think it's just because they had space for ten. Technically the Luna Wolves *were* loyal.

09-27-2013, 01:46 PM
Yea, the Luna Wolves on that poster is odd. As is the Word Bearers being on the Traitors poster twice.

Dont you have the first possessed elitely traiters and yourmbog standard foot slogger traiter WBs?

Mr Mystery
09-27-2013, 02:21 PM
As a multi faceted Nerd, can I request that people attending also post up Fantasy goodness too?

I needs me fix, and I'll be your Bezzie Mate forever and ever!

09-27-2013, 06:17 PM
A final note - we have been told to look VERY CLOSELY in all the dioramas, display boards, and display cases. There *may* (hint, hint) be future models hidden in plain sight.

I'd say that this is very likely indeed, given this snippet out of the latest Forgeworld newsletter:

Also at our Designers stand will be two fantastic display tables: one depicting the Iron Hands surrounded on Isstvan V and the other showing the Imperial Fists boarding an Iron Warriors vessel.

Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors in space (Battle of Phall) is due to be covered in Book 3 (along with the rest of the Dropsite Massacre coverage), so if anyone's going, do try and get some snaps of that table please!

09-28-2013, 04:37 AM
What time can we expect roving reporters to start posting?

09-28-2013, 04:38 AM
People usually start posting stuff around 30-60 minutes in, so around 11am tomorrow.

09-28-2013, 04:40 AM
Cool :)
I shall be glued to the interwebs.

09-28-2013, 09:44 AM
I'm now set up with my own little "media centre" in my hotel room near the venue. I won't be posting during the event, as I don't want to spend the limited event time uploading things on some shaky 3G connection. I'll be pretty busy running around talking to people and taking notes. This year, there may even be a few photos, but I mostly leave that to others.

The fact that this year is not my wife's birthday treat and I'm set up on with a better connection should mean I get things up a little quicker this year, whereas last year it took me all week to get things caught up.

I will try to get to as many seminars as I can, but I'll be focusing on writing things down, which prevents me from filming as well - I don't have two pairs of hands!

09-28-2013, 10:16 AM
Looking forward to the photos tomorrow, I'm going to a wedding reception later tonight and expect a slight hangover tomorrow. This could be the cure.

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 11:30 AM
Also, in case of Seminars.....

1. Do not ask about prices and that. They're studio staff. That's not their call, and they won't answer anyways.
2. Do not whine about Finecast. It's not their doing.
3. Do not ask about Squats.

That's most of the common time wasting questions covered!!

09-28-2013, 12:41 PM
Also, in case of Seminars.....

1. Do not ask about prices and that. They're studio staff. That's not their call, and they won't answer anyways.
2. Do not whine about Finecast. It's not their doing.
3. Do not ask about Squats.

That's most of the common time wasting questions covered!!

It's no use, Mr Mystery. They announce it at every seminar, and at every seminar, someone asks the same questions.

I start to think that if people stopped, they'd ask a staff member to go plain clothes to ask anyway so the panelists didn't all freak out as to what happened...

Lukas The Trickster
09-28-2013, 01:32 PM
In the interests of public health, and of your fellow attendees who will have to stand in close proximity during the lengthy queues, could I politely request that everyone going makes sure to have a shower or at least a thorough basin wash tomorrow morning, use deodorant and put on clean clothes if possible. That is all.

09-28-2013, 03:25 PM
In the interests of public health, and of your fellow attendees who will have to stand in close proximity during the lengthy queues, could I politely request that everyone going makes sure to have a shower or at least a thorough basin wash tomorrow morning, use deodorant and put on clean clothes if possible. That is all.

I'm not actually going but I just had to agree with this! Hahaha! It's just funny because it's true!

09-28-2013, 03:36 PM
As per last year, I'll be there and looking for a spot with decent wifi for photo's and info. I'll be taking breaks to take questions, and also trying to get a slot in the 11.30 Forgeworld seminar.

Laptop, Phone and backup battery packed and ready for a 5.30am start!

Mucho excito!

09-28-2013, 06:25 PM
A final note - we have been told to look VERY CLOSELY in all the dioramas, display boards, and display cases. There *may* (hint, hint) be future models hidden in plain sight.

Do GW ever have stuff like that, or is it just Forge World? If it is the former, can someone pretty please :) check that there aren't any hidden Tyranids, or out of the ordinary stuff - i.e. Warriors sitting alone in the middle of Termagant/Hormagaunt broods? Cheers in advance!

09-28-2013, 09:50 PM
Anyone who bags a new Tyranid model pic gets a lifetime custom title of "Alpha Legion Operative" :)

09-29-2013, 02:40 AM
I may as well post this while still in the queue. From the programme:


09-29-2013, 02:41 AM
Arrived and queuing (proves it's a British event). Line shorter and more organised than the NEC last year!

Excitement building!

09-29-2013, 02:42 AM
I may as well post this while still in the queue. From the programme:


Sorry about the orientation, my iPad is not playing ball...

09-29-2013, 02:50 AM
Interesting looks like fists are the first supplement for marines not scars and ravenguard like suggested.

09-29-2013, 02:51 AM
I may as well post this while still in the queue. From the programme:


Sorry about the orientation, my iPad is not playing ball...

Totally forgiveable. :D Loving the look of that Imperial Fist, hoping the supplement is all about them. Says more info at the digital subscription stand, any chance you'll be paying that a visit to learn more?

09-29-2013, 03:14 AM
Sorry to post a link to a third party site, but since it's not my site, I hope you can forgive me.

First few pictures show.... LORGAR!


09-29-2013, 03:34 AM
New audiobooks:

Wolf Hunt
The Stromark Massacre

All photos here: http://imgur.com/a/9V7aC

09-29-2013, 03:40 AM
Lorgar looks brilliant!

09-29-2013, 03:41 AM
Loving the look of that Imperial Fist, hoping the supplement is all about them.
The title of the book makes you wonder doesn't it ?

09-29-2013, 03:46 AM
Definitely my favourite of the primarchs so far.

09-29-2013, 03:49 AM
The title of the book makes you wonder doesn't it ?

It does yeah, cos while it features a Fist on the cover, the Sentinels of Terra could also apply to any of the three Chapters that guarded the Palace, which includes the strongly rumoured to be coming soon White Scars. I don't wanna share a supplement with the topknot tribe!

09-29-2013, 03:54 AM
It does yeah, cos while it features a Fist on the cover, the Sentinels of Terra could also apply to any of the three Chapters that guarded the Palace, which includes the strongly rumoured to be coming soon White Scars. I don't wanna share a supplement with the topknot tribe!

The Imperial Fists' homeworld is Terra, they are nicknamed the Defenders of Terra. It's quite clearly just for Imperial Fists, there's no need to worry :) Each supplement has been hugely fluff-driven so far, so I severely doubt they will mix and match any of them.

Hard to believe they would show off a painted Lorgar (indicating he is done) just after showing off Ferrus Manus......But I guess Forge World might believe the two won't be as popular as Fulgrim or Angron would have been, hence releasing them together.

Good stuff guys!

09-29-2013, 04:08 AM
Just an FYI guys, the reason the Imperial Fists supplement doesn't just say "Imperial Fists" is likely because it will cover all of their successor Chapters (i.e. Crimson Fists) as well.
You can probably expect similar treatment for each of the others, barring Black Templars of course.

09-29-2013, 04:09 AM
Ferrus manus looked great, Lorgar looks a little boring to me. Now Vulcan I expect to be badass.

09-29-2013, 04:11 AM
Agreed on Lorgar. The model looks great but the pose is just too static for me. Angron, Fulgrim and Ferrus have all pretty much sold me because of their poses.

09-29-2013, 04:15 AM
Agreed on Lorgar. The model looks great but the pose is just too static for me. Angron, Fulgrim and Ferrus have all pretty much sold me because of their poses.

The stance makes sense. Angron is a warrior. Fulgrim and Ferrus were both Warriors in a duel.

Lorgar is a statesman, not a warrior. Corax nearly guts him on Istavan

09-29-2013, 04:17 AM
I know that, but the problem is that the model just doesn't look as interesting as the others for that reason. He doesn't really pop at me visually as a Primarch, particularly with the back-pack. Still very cool though, don't get me wrong.

09-29-2013, 04:36 AM
The others look like futuristic knights / warriors / superhumans. They look dynamic and cool and speak to my inner schoolboy. Lorgar looks like a town cryer (fair enough with a big mace) and whilst it suits the theme I can't see him selling as well as the others. Even his armour is boring.

09-29-2013, 04:37 AM
Live from FW seminar.

IA vol2 second edition at printers, may be out before xmas. Makes stuff like the Spartan legal for 40k :)

Also, more FW images: https://googledrive.com/host/0BwkqKKkkXxeuaGo4cHRJMmgzZm8/

09-29-2013, 04:43 AM
Interesting....hmm, just looked at the Imperial Armour books and what each one concerns. The re-release of Volume 2 means that the first three Imperial Armours have all been done for 6th Edition. Any guesses as to what Volume 4 concerns? You guessed it, Tyranids. :cool:
Thanks for the pics!

09-29-2013, 04:43 AM
He looks taller than a lot of the other primarchs, and I love the cuneiform on his armour. Maybe it's just the size and the implied threat, but he reminds me a lot of Sauron, in the opening of the first LOTR film. He looks both wise in his expression and poise, and as though he's sure of his place in the universe and the grand scheme of things. The fact he's on a raised plinth, and has such a rooted and firm stance, is just so perfect for his character. I'm loving it.

09-29-2013, 04:47 AM
EDIT: Don't mind me!

09-29-2013, 04:48 AM
Live from FW seminar.

IA vol2 second edition at printers, may be out before xmas. Makes stuff like the Spartan legal for 40k :)

Also, more FW images: https://googledrive.com/host/0BwkqKKkkXxeuaGo4cHRJMmgzZm8/

Thanks for this! What's the deal with the mechanicum stuff? Are they praetorians?

09-29-2013, 04:50 AM
Sicaran venator out next month, photo's in my G Drive post above.

AdMech Thralls possibly out in November, possible compatability with IG plastics

AdMech Myrmidons - still WIP (weapon options)

Legion Basilisk WIP

Land Raider Achilles MkIIB almost complete.

Legion Kharybdis Assault claw, drop pod with weapon system. Can land vertically

Myrmidons still WIP, out 'soon'

Grave Wardens Terminators WIP

Night Raptors out xmas/jan

Lorgar release Dec/Jan

5th Primarch IS... HORUS (by Simon Eagon)

09-29-2013, 04:51 AM
FW Extermination. Out Easter 14. 2/3 finished.

Last part of first trilogy:
pt2 isstval V
plus fists & IW - battle of phall.
plus Paramar - RG, IW, Alpha legion etc

Titan legions in book 3 - War Gryff's & Tiger Eyes.

09-29-2013, 04:55 AM
Sicaran venator out next month, photo's in my G Drive post above.

AdMech Thralls possibly out in November, possible compatability with IG plastics

AdMech Myrmidons - still WIP (weapon options)

Legion Basilisk WIP

Land Raider Achilles MkIIB almost complete.

Legion Kharybdis Assault claw, drop pod with weapon system. Can land vertically

Myrmidons still WIP, out 'soon'

Grave Wardens Terminators WIP

Night Raptors out xmas/jan

Lorgar release Dec/Jan

5th Primarch IS... HORUS

FW Extermination. Out Easter 14. 2/3 finished.

Last part of first trilogy:
pt2 isstval V
plus fists & IW - battle of phall.
plus Paramar - RG, IW, Alpha legion etc

You sir are the best!

So it is Lorgar after all! Adeptus Mechanicus stuff.....and FJASDJASPDJ HORUS!!!!!!

09-29-2013, 04:56 AM
Next trilogy:

Prospero End of 2014
Signus (& Dark angels!) Q2 2015
Calth: Q4 2015 or Q1 2016.

09-29-2013, 05:02 AM
Warhammer forge taking back seat. Orcs next, something within the next year, but subject to being pushed back.

09-29-2013, 05:03 AM
So that could mean Prospero by next years GD?

09-29-2013, 05:04 AM
A year until Prospero? Oh, I'll suck it up I suppose :)

09-29-2013, 05:04 AM
Mortarion number 6 or number 7. no work on it so far, likely to be Paul Rudge.

09-29-2013, 05:05 AM
Double awesome!

09-29-2013, 05:10 AM
No Xenos for heresy. They'd only consider it for age of scouring, but that is likely never, as they want to do the entire heresy justice, plus potentially the imperial counter attack. This would be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off - AB.

Aeronautica finished production.

09-29-2013, 05:13 AM
Horus Heresy weekender Spring 14.

Imperial fists will include Dorn, Sigismund, full army list. not just those at phall.

The static pose we saw for Fulgrim previously is not for release, it was a WIP option. There will be multiple primarch models though.

09-29-2013, 05:16 AM
Imperial fists will include Dorn, Sigismund, full army list. not just those at phall.

Happy dance!

Also yay to Imperial Armour vol 2 revised being at the printers. Really hoping that the other types of Rapier get added to 40k as the Laser Destroyer version is nice (and I want some) but I'd love the quad heavy bolter or grav cannon types to be allowed too.

09-29-2013, 05:19 AM
They will build a Warlord titan in next 2 years

09-29-2013, 05:22 AM
Warhammer forge taking back seat. Orcs next, something within the next year, but subject to being pushed back.

No Xenos for heresy.

They will build a Warlord titan in next 2 years
They have been saying that for two years too.:p

Any mention of IA12?

09-29-2013, 05:59 AM
Book 40: Final confrontations, available 2029 as an exclusive iBrain download striaght into your cerebral cortex. Collector's edition paper versions available for 1,000 Moon dollars.

09-29-2013, 06:04 AM
Book 40: Final confrontations, available 2029 as an exclusive iBrain download striaght into your cerebral cortex. Collector's edition paper versions available for 1,000 Moon dollars.

The last book itself will be split into 40 parts, like this:


09-29-2013, 06:05 AM
Those mechanicum guys look great.

I'm hoping we get a sniff off some Morlock terminator models.

09-29-2013, 06:54 AM
More photos uploaded

09-29-2013, 07:13 AM
Ohh I love the look of that Space Marine Basilisk.

I notice on that snippet from the Fists supplement that they cannot take either Captain Lysander or Captain Garadon. Seems we get at least 1 new special character in that book then. Be nice if they had characters to take the place of the other Specials from the main Codex that we can't use as Counts-As anymore. not exactly the same rules obviously, but designed to fill a similar role, so Garadon might be a Sicarius type for example.

09-29-2013, 07:19 AM
It also specifies the enemy is iron warriors from c:csm. Not sure if that's any indication of a dual supplement...

09-29-2013, 07:30 AM
New audiobooks:

Wolf Hunt
The Stromark Massacre

All photos here: http://imgur.com/a/9V7aC

They aren't new. Ive got censure and massacre.

09-29-2013, 07:31 AM
Could someone ask the FW guys about any Salamander love they might be getting? So far book 2 looks to b all WB, IH, and NL. No Sally loving. :(

09-29-2013, 07:40 AM
Battle of Phall board:


Iron Hands Immortals

More Mechanicus

09-29-2013, 07:49 AM
Battle of Phall board:



Nice display! I'm curious about the Imperial Fists in the middle though, as for some reason groups of 3 of them seem to be sharing a larger base. All the rest of the figures seem to have individual bases, but there are a couple of these trio's. I wonder what they are?

09-29-2013, 08:02 AM
Part of the Phallic Campaign?

09-29-2013, 08:05 AM
Part of the Phallic Campaign?

Very droll

09-29-2013, 08:07 AM
Nice display! I'm curious about the Imperial Fists in the middle though, as for some reason groups of 3 of them seem to be sharing a larger base. All the rest of the figures seem to have individual bases, but there are a couple of these trio's. I wonder what they are?

The groups of dudes are posed on one base so the boarding party guys can form a shield wall. There should be an image showing this with 5 iron hands in my G Drive.

09-29-2013, 08:13 AM
ACE01 - You are ON FIRE!

Please aim that lens at any Fantasy Stuff (Dark Elves) and see if you can get a good shot of the Death Guard GraveWardens.

Also look for hidden bugs :)


09-29-2013, 08:13 AM
FW Extermination. Out Easter 14. 2/3 finished.

Last part of first trilogy:
pt2 isstval V
plus fists & IW - battle of phall.
plus Paramar - RG, IW, Alpha legion etc

Titan legions in book 3 - War Gryff's & Tiger Eyes.

Next trilogy:

Prospero End of 2014
Signus (& Dark angels!) Q2 2015
Calth: Q4 2015 or Q1 2016.

Quite a change from the last information we had, thats a lot for the next book, and previous had signus and calth coupled together and no DA mentioned.

09-29-2013, 08:15 AM
Prospero coming earlier nice though, I'm looking forward to Sisters of Silence & Thousand Sons.

09-29-2013, 08:15 AM
No sign of Salamanders legion for the new HH book?

09-29-2013, 08:17 AM
Last set of camera images now added on G Drive (named DSCNxxxx.jpg). For those who missed the earlier link: https://googledrive.com/host/0BwkqKKkkXxeuaGo4cHRJMmgzZm8

Bigred/BOLS Admin/Mods, if you want to update the first post with the link, or use the images for summaries etc, feel free :)

I've picked up Massacre so will do a few photo's and a Q&A tonight once I get home. Pretty tired though, so not promising too much!

And EG to answer earlier question I didn't hear anything re IA12, but I must confess I wasn't really looking out for it, so it is possible I missed it.

Whoever asked about salamanders, TC said We know that they are behind with them, and are planning them, just need to find work slots.

Driving home now, will answer any questions in 4-6 hours or so.

09-29-2013, 08:19 AM
Prospero coming earlier nice though, I'm looking forward to Sisters of Silence & Thousand Sons.

Sooooo much this! Gimme psykers and null maidens!

09-29-2013, 08:21 AM
Amazing work ACE01, thanks for all!

09-29-2013, 08:22 AM
explains about the changes then as prior to this we had salamanders ravenguard etc in the next supplement that was Istvaan alone. If Salamanders are behind guess thats why they have altered stuff as much as they have.

09-29-2013, 08:29 AM
FAO big red. Just popped back down to photo the dark elves. Couldn't see anything unreleased but I'm not too clued up on them so if someone can take a look...

Catch everyone later.

09-29-2013, 08:30 AM
The groups of dudes are posed on one base so the boarding party guys can form a shield wall. There should be an image showing this with 5 iron hands in my G Drive.

Ahh mini diorama type thing then, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up and for all the great photo's you took.

09-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Immortals = Awsome!
Great reporting!

09-29-2013, 08:49 AM
Speaking of characters hidden in plain sight, who is that Iron Warriors terminator with a TH/SS in the far right of the first image?

Mark Fisher
09-29-2013, 08:51 AM
Nice Ace really love the pictures

09-29-2013, 09:10 AM
yup, a thousand thanks ACE, your're ace! :)

09-29-2013, 09:15 AM
fantastic pictures, looks like Forge World Day is a big success.

Just seen this on The Waaaagh Studios facebook page: World Eaters Red Butchers

http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/KirstenIGMB/1374867_520657591354507_1423000668_n_zps230e3b6b.j pg

09-29-2013, 09:56 AM
You're all welcome. Glad you guys enjoyed it, crazy day!

Ooh I made front pagenews! (Would appreciate a credit though!)

~bigred: fully credited sir and the community thanks you!

09-29-2013, 09:57 AM
I am back in my hotel room with not much more than Ace01 has already managed to put out. I'll be typing it up in a bit, but I've already seen three or four things here that I missed, and I was there!

09-29-2013, 10:06 AM
for the love of god someone film the seminars.

Sorry it didn't come out. crap mic and too far back..

Also, in case of Seminars.....

3. Do not ask about Squats.

Squats are re-added to the to-do list everytime the bloke running FW is on holiday.
He has to remove them on return. Apparently if he dies on holiday they'll get done.

Anyone who bags a new Tyranid model pic gets a lifetime custom title of "Alpha Legion Operative" :)

Only nids I saw in cases


09-29-2013, 10:07 AM
Most unfamiliar nid I saw all day, all the other bodies were far more identifiable.

Next primach wip Horus?

09-29-2013, 10:08 AM
dead trygon?

09-29-2013, 10:13 AM
They had one of those I think with all the claws? This looked smaller.
New zoanthrope? *shrug*

09-29-2013, 10:15 AM
While I'm busy typing up the proper news & rumours I managed to gather, here's the fake rumour competition I goaded some of the staff into participating in:


Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 10:20 AM
They had one of those I think with all the claws? This looked smaller.
New zoanthrope? *shrug*

Conversion, made up of leftovers.

Head section is a Mawloc's skull plate.

The Sovereign
09-29-2013, 10:24 AM
While I'm busy typing up the proper news & rumours I managed to gather, here's the fake rumour competition I goaded some of the staff into participating in:


'Andy Hoare: "We're doing an Inquisition skirmish game."'

Uh oh. :(

09-29-2013, 10:24 AM
ah well worth a try...

I'd been hoping they'd hidden Dorn at the back of the phall board.

The drop/assault pod looks amazing.

Also some golden daemon entry pics I don't think you'll see cause i don't think they made the final cut, but they looked awesome


doh third came out blurred

Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 10:29 AM
'Andy Hoare: "We're doing an Inquisition skirmish game."'

Uh oh. :(

Dude. It's a matter of weeks until we find out anyways :p

09-29-2013, 10:31 AM
'Andy Hoare: "We're doing an Inquisition skirmish game."'

Uh oh. :(

maybe it is a double bluff

09-29-2013, 10:48 AM
Just to add to the "Sentinels of Terra" Supplement.

There was a "preview-version" available to flick through on one of the iPads (and I also chatted with one of the Digital Edition project managers manning the booth... not a Codex writer, but hey).


"Sentinels of Terra" is the (new?) honorific / nom de guerre of the Imperial Fist 3rd Company, who will be the focus of the supplement.

09-29-2013, 10:51 AM
Ogryn empires, I would play em :o

09-29-2013, 11:00 AM
Next trilogy:

Prospero End of 2014

Too lazy to read all the thread

As well as Space wolves and thousand sons, this will contain adeptus custodes and sisters of silence.

09-29-2013, 11:27 AM
Here's my write up of the presentation part of the Forge World Seminar - it's something for you to read while I desperately type away at the Q&A section.


Excuse the blog link, but cutting and pasting all that would be a bit of a nightmare. :)

~bigred: Here, let me help :)

Warhammer 40K

Volume 2: Second Edition "War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes" is coming out soon. It will cover all the vehicles Forge World "currently do", which will last for about a month until they release something new. That's Tony's snarky comments, not mine! It will include rules for using the Spartan in 40K. It will include rules for using a Relic Scarian Battle Tank in 40K.

It has a section called "Selected Glories" - which is lots of information on various battles fought by Space Marines. Andy Hoare has completely re-written this book. It may be out in time for Christmas if they get it back from the printers on time.

(I went down to look at the printers proofs from this later in the day, so will return to this in a later post.)

They also showed some pictures of the Tau R'Varna Battle suit. The pictures have been out for a while, but the release will be a short while yet. Some limited numbers were on sale at Games Day

Horus Heresy

We then moved on to the Horus Heresy, which Tony commented could still have some use in normal games of 40K, but were much less applicable to Warhammer Fantasy or Blood Bowl.

Horus Heresy: Massacre will be part 2 of the first trilogy, and the Part 1 of the Istvaan V Drop Site Massacres. It will include the Iron Hands, Salamanders, Word Bearers and Night Lords Legions. There will also be some more information for the Mechanicum and the Titan Legions. There will also be some additional material for the Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Death Guard and Sons of Horus.

The book will also have the story of the first part of the battle, and the history of the four featured legions. There will be rules for special units, characters and Primarchs. There will be rules for the Mechanicum units, and a campaign system.

There were then several slides of illustrations of models. I spotted a Salamander Contemptor which had two melta weapons, but wasn't able to get a photograph.

They then moved on to new models, some of which have already been promoted in Forge World newsletters and similar. They showed the Iron Hands Relic Contemptor, which was done by Israel Gonzalez. They showed the Emperor's Children Phoenix Terminators by Keith Robertson, the Kakophoni Marines by Steve Whitehead (who also did the Ashen Circle models) and then the Legion Vindicator by Phil Stutcinskas.

They showed off pictures of the Fire Raptor that Stuart Williamson has done and mentioned that the side guns have several options including autocannons, and that you can open up the shield segment to see the Marine gunner inside. They also showed the Erebus and Kor Phaeron models, along with Ferrus Manus, all done by Simon Egan.

It then moved on to the newer stuff. They showed the Legion Sicarus Venator by Phil - I got some photos of that at the Forge World stand, and I'll include that in my "wandering the halls" post later. That should be done in a month or so, but wasn't out at Games Day. They also showed some gorgeous pictures of some Mechanicum Thralls, which they are going to see if they can make compatible with the Imperial Guard plastics. There were then some photos of the Mechanicum Myrmidions, which will be bigger than Terminators, and still very much a work in progress.

They showed some pretty pictures of a Legion Basilisk, complete with Marine crew. The crew are not having a cup of tea, although Tony said they were for a short while, he was lying. They showed a Mark IIB Land Raider Achilles that Stuart Williamson is working on.

They also showed off the Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw, which can either be modelled landed or on a flight stand on it's side. There is also a game you can play where you see how long you can cope with wearing it as a hat, but it is quite painful and Tony never told us that because he doesn't want to be blamed when someone gets hurt or drops a model on the floor...

There were even more gorgeous models to come! Iron Hands Medusan Immortals by Israel again, which are a Breacher Marine specialist squad. There was a squad of Death Guard Legion Grave Wardens, and Night Raptor Assault Marines.

Lorgar was at Games Day, although I did not see him. He has been sculpted by Edgar. He should be available in a couple of months.

Then we have Primarch Number 5. He is half finished. He does not have trousers at the moment. Simon Egan is working on him and is aiming for next year.

They showed us a shot for a very short amount of time. A lot of people blatantly had cameras out, so they did not keep him up long and lo, did my camera decide to refocus at a really inopportune moment...

So yes, that photo is rubbish. Someone will have gotten a better one - a lot of people were snapping at that moment. It's Horus, and he looks pretty awesome.

Book 3 will be called Extermination. They are aiming for Easter-ish next year. It is part 2 of Istvaan V, but also includes the Battle of Phall (Iron Warriors vs Imperial Fists) and the First Battle of Paramar. Only one person there knew what the battle of Paramar was...

Book 3 will include the Raven Guard, the Iron Warriors, the Alpha Legion and the Imperial Fists. It will also include the Legio Gryphonicus and the Legio Fureans (maybe, my handwriting is a squiggle then) AKA the Tiger Eyes. Impressively, someone in the audience correctly quoted that they first appeared in White Dwarf 109 and that Tony had designed their original colour scheme...

After Book 3 comes the next trilogy: Prospero, Signus and Calth. Prospero will include the Custodes and Sisters of Silence. Signus is a battle between the Blood Angels and Demons, and will also include some Dark Angels on "Sarun"? (may be wrong, again, can't find correct spelling on the internet.)

Calth will include Ultramarines against the Word Bearers, but also include some traitor Imperial Army.

09-29-2013, 11:32 AM


Yeah, it's Horus. They referred to him by name later...

Brother Garrod
09-29-2013, 11:51 AM
a good day , lots of shiny new toys on the way :) night lords raptors look especially nice

09-29-2013, 12:01 PM
Everyone seems to be missing the most important part, the awesome Red Butchers!!

09-29-2013, 12:01 PM
~bigred: Here, let me help :)

Thanks dude. Not being at my beloved desktop on a hodge podge array of bolted together tech leaves me very sad for doing much more than typing. This laptop is held together by duct tape and prayers. Very 40K, sure, but not that easy to work with...

09-29-2013, 12:02 PM
@ theresponsibleone

Any news if the new Fire Raptor will get 40K rules? Or the new Sicaran Venator? (I must have both)

09-29-2013, 12:03 PM
Everyone seems to be missing the most important part, the awesome Red Butchers!!

I posted a pic of them :p

09-29-2013, 12:07 PM
I posted a pic of them :p

Thanks for that. I actually missed them! :(

09-29-2013, 12:08 PM
no worries, I just found them on facebook so steal away :p

09-29-2013, 12:10 PM
I posted a pic of them :p

And they are awesome, covered in awesome-sauce with a side of awesome-fries.

09-29-2013, 12:12 PM
I've been posting and photo-editing for 5 hours now fueled only by coffee....

Ability to reason - failing...


The BoLS community officially recognizes your awesome and speedy intelligence gathering on our behalf with custom titles.

You are both now: Alpha Legion Operatives

09-29-2013, 12:21 PM
I've been posting and photo-editing for 5 hours now fueled only by coffee....

Ability to reason - failing...

Sympathies. I suddenly realised I haven't eaten apart from a quick bite at lunch time. It was a clue when I realised I was seriously considering eating the sugar sachets in my hotel room. I'm now back at the keyboard with some instant noodles from a shop across the road, and should have some more posts for you shortly.

Really, the Q&A is the only other serious meat I've got. There's some interesting shots from the Licensed folk, including a Genuine World Exclusive... Sadly, I didn't get back to the Digital people to ask them more questions about the new Codex Supplement.

Anyhow, back to the typing! This is the unglamorous bit that Alpharius never tells you when he gives you the shiny recruitment speech...

09-29-2013, 12:21 PM
I've been posting and photo-editing for 5 hours now fuelled only by coffee....

Ability to reason - failing...

Woot! That's awesome, grazi!

Brother Garrod
09-29-2013, 12:26 PM
from what i heard , the iron hands squads sold out in little over half an hour , a tad disappointing , i wanted them for legion techmarines :p , but snagged a fire raptor ( which ironically has no rules in the new book )

09-29-2013, 01:02 PM
I'm going to trust Big Red to sort out all that clever "cut and paste" stuff.


Coming soon: Some gonzo journalism from the main floor, a world exclusive, and I prove a Dakka rumour to be totally wrong!

Forgeworld Seminar Q&A

Are there going to be Salamanders models?
They are on the list to do. They have some ideas for them. Maybe early next year?

Are you planning to do an XV25 / XV8 crossbreed Tau battlesuit?
They would like to do more in the way of battle suits. They have some unused concepts. Maybe another R'varna scale suit rather than something between the existing suit sizes. They'd like to do another within the next couple of years.

When will we see rules for the R'varna?
They are play-testing the rules at the moment. Hopefully they will get something online within the next couple of weeks.

What will be the timing for the second Horus Heresy trilogy of books?
Tony said to take these timings with a lot of caution. He admits himself that he is not great on timescales... He would hope to have Book 3 out in March 2013. Prospero could possible be in 2014, with Calth and Signus in 2015. But they have found that trying to get two of the Horus Heresy books out in a year can be a massive amount of work, but they're also getting the hang of it, with two and a (half or third, depending on whether you talk to Tony or Alan) under their belts...

What happened to Warhammer: Blackfire Pass?
It is currently not scheduled. It was put back for the Horus Heresy. They hope to get it done next year, but can't promise anything.

What about the K'daai Destroyer?
Within two or three months - maybe January or February at the outside...

Can we have some bat helms for the Night Lords?
They want to do accessories for all the Legions. They will try and do most of them over the next few months.

When will Mortarion be released?
Paul Rudge is the office Death Guard player, and he's constantly asking when it will be done. Because that's irritated everyone so much, they've now put Mortarion back to 2018.
More seriously, he hasn't been started yet, but they do want to do him soon. He will probably be 6 or 7.
(Have you noticed how they're now numbering Primarchs like Doctors? I wonder which one gets to be Peter Capaldi...)

Will there be some unique units for the Iron Warriors?
Yes. They are still play-testing these, so they are subject to change, depending on both how play-testing goes, and also how the sculpting / models go. They are hoping to get some Terminators done, probably Cataphracts with Cyclone Missile Launchers, like the pictures in the Collected Visions book. They also want to do a siege version of a Heavy Support Squad. Something where you can start to see the evolution towards Havocs.

What about Heresy era xenos?
Not too much. Its something for the distant future. The Imperium has just finished conquering the galaxy. As a result, Xenos aren't particularly significant in this period. This is about the civil war within the Imperium. Most Xenos in this period are dead or in hiding. They come back during the Scouring. In many ways, that's the revenge of the Xenos. If they get to the Scouring, they'll do it then. But they need to do the Heresy first, and do it justice. They have the Imperial army, the Mechanicum, all the Legions.

Where's Bran Redmaw?
Ask Mark Bedford.

Who is sculpting Horus?
Simon Egan.

Has Aeronautica [the epic scale fighter game, not the new 40K book] been discontinued?
Yes. It's out of production. They have limited warehouse space, and while it sold well at the time, it has probably had its day. If you want the rulebooks for it, now is the time to snap them up - numbers of sales are dropping to the point where it doesn't merit a further reprint.

When will we see Thallax special weapons?
That's Will Hayes fault. They didn't like the ones Will did so he's going to have to redo them. Hopefully, that will be early next year.

What specialist Imperial Fists units will there be?
With a similar set of provisos to the Iron Warriors, as the play-testing is unfinished... He hopes to have a unit of Breacher specialists. They may also want to refer to Sigismund's Templars, but expand on the swordsman concept somehow so it isn't just that.

Will there be a Horus Heresy Weekender in 2014?
Yes. It was very popular.

Are you planning more gaming weekends at Warhammer World?
These are set up by the Warhammer World events team, not the Forge World guys, so they don't know.

Are there plans to release the more "at rest" Fulgrim alternative sculpt?
They will probably not release that one. They will do some alternative sculpts. Some of the Traitor Primarchs in particular go through extensive changes, but they do have "extensive wardrobes". A beach bikini edition is probably going too far, though.

Very technical question:
Yes, the Land Raider IIB is one of the Phobos pattern, or Mars Phobos pattern series.

Will there be more upgrade kits like in the old days?
Its inefficient given the size of the range now. There is limited warehouse space, and it takes up two product codes in the warehousing system. They probably won't do many more.

What about other characters from the Heresy?
They want to do all the major characters from the Heresy. Some may be done in sets, some may be individuals. Yes, they do want to do the Sigillite, Garro and Friends.

Are you planning to do a bigger Titan?
They will do a bigger titan but it takes a while. Hopefully, the Warlord will be done in the next two years or so.

Jake the Dog
09-29-2013, 01:55 PM
A photo from the iPad demo of the Supplement they have at GD:


Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 02:06 PM
While my Wallett gently weeps....

09-29-2013, 02:21 PM
https://www.facebook.com/justin.read.54/media_set?set=a.10151639860542097.1073741827.61375 2096&type=3
Link to my facebook album pictures from seminar some armies on parade and forgeworld cabinets

09-29-2013, 03:21 PM
Let me just say that I talked with Jes Goodwin and he might be the nicest gentleman in the world. Generous with his time, humorous, and genuinely interested in the perspective of others, he has aged like the finest wine.

Also talked with Matt Ward. We had a grand discussion about the Imperial Fist supplement which he wrote the background for, as well as what supplements did for the game in general. Very polite and genuinely nice guy. Ease up on the hate fellas.

09-29-2013, 04:04 PM
No one thought to ask kelly about CSM's?

Mr Mystery
09-29-2013, 04:11 PM
Just saw the rules for the Sicarus..... I felt a tremor in the Warp, as if thousands of Eldar players cried out at once, and then.....whining......

48", S7, AP4, Heavy 6, Rending....and no jink saves allowed....

For 135 points......

White Tiger88
09-29-2013, 04:11 PM
Anyone see the rules for the new Phoenix Termniators?

09-29-2013, 04:34 PM
Last of my rumours here:


And I'm going to go and sleep now. I am having trouble feeling my shoulders from all the typing, and suspect that when I can feel them again, I'm going to regret it.

09-29-2013, 04:47 PM
No one thought to ask kelly about CSM's?

What is anyone going to ask that he can answer? I watched a couple of people ask him assorted grumblings or approach questions about the Chaos Space Marine Codex, and he gave the exact answers anyone who follows Games Workshop would have been able to tell you he'd say - because at the end of the day, he's a GW employee, and they are limited in what they can say in response to criticism. If you'd like him to stay employed, you should probably respect that, too.

Codex Chaos Space Marines was an early 6th Edition Codex, and yeah, it's suffered a little for that. But it does remain characterful and flexible. People have complained about the lack of Cult Terminators, but I will point you back to the policy of no units without a model - and they are restricted by the number of kits they can put into a release.

With regards to ongoing issues, massively changing how a Codex works is not going to happen in an FAQ, because that is going to alienate newer players and result in people constantly complaining that they should have got it right in the book first. It would also be pretty counter productive to release a free FAQ to do a massive overhaul which would take a ton of testing and work - that doesn't generate much for the company.

Codex Supplements aren't the answer either. Constantly keeping Codex Supplements up to date in addition to the Codices is an unmaintainable task - it is not going to happen and they have been up front when asked that that is going to happen. A Codex Supplement is a nice extra you can play with if you like, which isn't a requirement to play your army. More complex shenanigans are likely in future ones, as they'll have focused on some of the 'easier' ones first, but you shouldn't expect a 'fix' to the core Codex in one.

Codices date, and cycle, and ever so often, you'll get a release that's a little outside the power curve one way or another, which is always sad. The addition of Codex Supplements, Allies, and in box rules means you will see an update far, far sooner than you would have done under the old release model.

I'm pretty sure that covers most answerable questions people could have thought to ask Phil about the Chaos Space Marines, given the current Internet Opinion of Chaos Space Marines.


I think I've just realised why my wife says I shouldn't be allowed to post on the internet after 10:00pm. It's like I turn into a ranty internet-pumpkin a whole two hours before midnight.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-29-2013, 04:49 PM
On Heresy Xenos -
I like the idea of doing The Scouring in the future, but if it's only alien races already in the game I have no interest in it.

On Aeronautica -
Well, I didn't care much for it but at least they were completely honest about it being OOP. I respect that.

In general - loving the mechanicum and iron hands stuff! I so wish I could afford that kinda stuff!

09-29-2013, 06:00 PM
Just saw the rules for the Sicarus..... I felt a tremor in the Warp, as if thousands of Eldar players cried out at once, and then.....whining......

48", S7, AP4, Heavy 6, Rending....and no jink saves allowed....

For 135 points......

Ouch, that sounds brutal. Though bare in mind, we don't know it's armour value yet and i'm going to assume it's base cost doesn't include it's sponsons like a Predator. So assuming it's like 13, 12, 11 or something and with no sponsons i would say 135pts is reasonable.

Looking forward to seeing what this Sentinels of Terra supplement is going to be like. Also what Captain Gardo is going to be like. Hopefully something unique and not just a captain with pre-requisite gear. Even if it's just something small.

Loving all the new sculpts form forge world aswell, they just brilliant.

Nathan Flentjar
09-29-2013, 06:17 PM
Interesting that the Luna Wolves are on the loyalist Legion poster, I thought it was just a handful on Istvaan III that reverted to calling themselves that, and apart from Loken they were all killed. Or maybe more escaped and they will be a recurrent sub plot that will feature in future novels?

It's examples where Legions have changed their heraldry or color scheme partway through the Heresy where they've popped up twice, so Luna Wolves and Sons of Horus in both Loyalist and Traitor factions, two different entries in the Traitor faction for the Word Bearers etc.

09-29-2013, 06:25 PM
48", S7, AP4, Heavy 6, Rending....and no jink saves allowed....

For 135 points......

Very similar to the Hydra tank, except 2 extra shots (possibly not twin linked though - mind you, us IG players need TL as often as possible :)) and rending, all for 15 points less. Not too far off the mark (and bodes well for our new codex).

09-29-2013, 07:29 PM
Very similar to the Hydra tank, except 2 extra shots (possibly not twin linked though - mind you, us IG players need TL as often as possible :)) and rending, all for 15 points less. Not too far off the mark (and bodes well for our new codex).

You must mean 2 Hydras, right?

the TLinking isn't that big of a deal since you're BS4 not 3. Also, the lack of skyfire is a blessing typically unless we're talking about being anti-skimmer in which case it's moot, but deprives the sicaran the ability to target flyers.

I think what we're seeing though from the Legion list is that the Imperium conquered the galaxy through the application of the appropriate units, by having an armory overflowing with options and the backbone of marines to pick up whatever gun was right for the war.

09-29-2013, 07:51 PM
Has anyone who got a book there posted the statlines and rules for the new primarchs? Im dying to see what Ferrus Manus does!

09-29-2013, 09:06 PM
Europe's asleep, but maybe we'll see some spoiled rules tomorrow :)

09-29-2013, 09:15 PM
What is anyone going to ask that he can answer? I watched a couple of people ask him assorted grumblings or approach questions about the Chaos Space Marine Codex, and he gave the exact answers anyone who follows Games Workshop would have been able to tell you he'd say - because at the end of the day, he's a GW employee, and they are limited in what they can say in response to criticism. If you'd like him to stay employed, you should probably respect that, too.

Codex Chaos Space Marines was an early 6th Edition Codex, and yeah, it's suffered a little for that. But it does remain characterful and flexible. People have complained about the lack of Cult Terminators, but I will point you back to the policy of no units without a model - and they are restricted by the number of kits they can put into a release.

With regards to ongoing issues, massively changing how a Codex works is not going to happen in an FAQ, because that is going to alienate newer players and result in people constantly complaining that they should have got it right in the book first. It would also be pretty counter productive to release a free FAQ to do a massive overhaul which would take a ton of testing and work - that doesn't generate much for the company.

Codex Supplements aren't the answer either. Constantly keeping Codex Supplements up to date in addition to the Codices is an unmaintainable task - it is not going to happen and they have been up front when asked that that is going to happen. A Codex Supplement is a nice extra you can play with if you like, which isn't a requirement to play your army. More complex shenanigans are likely in future ones, as they'll have focused on some of the 'easier' ones first, but you shouldn't expect a 'fix' to the core Codex in one.

Codices date, and cycle, and ever so often, you'll get a release that's a little outside the power curve one way or another, which is always sad. The addition of Codex Supplements, Allies, and in box rules means you will see an update far, far sooner than you would have done under the old release model.

I'm pretty sure that covers most answerable questions people could have thought to ask Phil about the Chaos Space Marines, given the current Internet Opinion of Chaos Space Marines.


I think I've just realised why my wife says I shouldn't be allowed to post on the internet after 10:00pm. It's like I turn into a ranty internet-pumpkin a whole two hours before midnight.

I was thinking at least ask him his thoughts on why he choose particular rules.

As well as asking him why the studio changed particular rules in latter iterations that we're clearly based of the chaos space marines.

For example, why does a lord lose all wargear when ascending to daemon hood? And why was this changed for the fantasy warriors of chaos a month or two later.

Or why a sorcerer must take a power from their god discipline but in the daemon codex and army book a few months later they removed this limitation from heralds and greater daemons?

And if it was because the studio saw that these rules we're detrimental to the chaos armies why is it so hard to errata the CSM books?

White Tiger88
09-29-2013, 09:31 PM
Has anyone who got a book there posted the statlines and rules for the new primarchs? Im dying to see what Ferrus Manus does!

Ya no kidding i am trying to find the rules for the Phoenix Terminators.

09-29-2013, 10:50 PM
On Heresy Xenos -
I like the idea of doing The Scouring in the future, but if it's only alien races already in the game I have no interest in it.

Agreed, after having everyone (xenos) getting hammered during the Great Crusade it would be nice to have, say, a trilogy of books dealing with said xenos putting the boot in to a weakened Imperium. Though their characterisation of the state of the galaxy is grossly simplistic, even at it's peak the IoM never achieved contiguous imperium (hur) over the entire galaxy, just most of it and even then it was patchy, the galaxy being vast.

What happened to Warhammer: Blackfire Pass?
It is currently not scheduled. It was put back for the Horus Heresy. They hope to get it done next year, but can't promise anything.
****. So much for 'HH won't impact the development of the other ranges'.

09-29-2013, 10:54 PM
Agreed, after having everyone (xenos) getting hammered during the Great Crusade it would be nice to have, say, a trilogy of books dealing with said xenos putting the boot in to a weakened Imperium. Though their characterisation of the state of the galaxy is grossly simplistic, even at it's peak the IoM never achieved contiguous imperium (hur) over the entire galaxy, just most of it and even then it was patchy, the galaxy being vast.

****. So much for 'HH won't impact the development of the other ranges'.

and 3 dimensional....and yeah I'm definitely upset they've gutted the rest of FW development to glut themselves on HH black library is doing the same thing.

09-29-2013, 11:37 PM
Especially after they said they took on extra stuff to help get things on track after the success of HH. I understand that HH is hugely popular ang a big money generator for them, they would be foolish and wrong to ignore that. But it's galling to have that success basically end Warhammer Forge as far as campaign books go, after they said it wouldn't.

Anyone seen any mention of IA12 from Games Day?

09-29-2013, 11:46 PM
and 3 dimensional....and yeah I'm definitely upset they've gutted the rest of FW development to glut themselves on HH black library is doing the same thing.

Don't forget that Forgeworld is now also releasing a previously unprecedented volume of miniatures. Easly 8-10x as much as they were before. HH is where the money is for them, so you can't hate on them as a business for wanting to make that money and striking when the iron is hot. Also note the clamor and screams from people for the stuff to be released faster than it already is.

Is it unfortunate that other stuff has been pushed back a little? Sure. Is that a necessary evil in the roads of progress getting us such rampant releases? Depends on where your interests lie, but for most (according to Forgeworld's market research) the answer is yes.

Same thing goes for Black Library. People want to read HH, it sells books. Selling books keeps authors paid who write more now than they did before. Overall we see yes, a majority of HH content, but we also see a lot more content than we otherwise would.

Food for thought.

09-29-2013, 11:55 PM
Don't forget that Forgeworld is now also releasing a previously unprecedented volume of miniatures. Easly 8-10x as much as they were before. HH is where the money is for them, so you can't hate on them as a business for wanting to make that money and striking when the iron is hot. Also note the clamor and screams from people for the stuff to be released faster than it already is.

Is it unfortunate that other stuff has been pushed back a little? Sure. Is that a necessary evil in the roads of progress getting us such rampant releases? Depends on where your interests lie, but for most (according to Forgeworld's market research) the answer is yes.

Same thing goes for Black Library. People want to read HH, it sells books. Selling books keeps authors paid who write more now than they did before. Overall we see yes, a majority of HH content, but we also see a lot more content than we otherwise would.

Food for thought.
No one is hating, the problem is they promised other lines wouldn't suffer. They then said they were bringing on extra staff to help ameliorate this but now apparently those staff have been stuffed on HH duty too. No one can begrudge them for wanting to make money or meet the demand from HH, but it is upsetting to see WFB basically get ignored AFTER we were told it wouldn't happen, then after we were told they would take steps to boost staff to get things back on track. If they had said at the beginning 'Warhammer forge is taking a back seat for a while as we focus on HH and we will hopefully return to it in the future, but we'll keep churning out monsters in the meantime' then that would have been upsetting but at least we wouldn't feel like we had been strung along and deceived somewhat.

Your logic in regards to Black Library is somewhat flawed, however. For a start I can't find any information on sales to prove one way or the other than HH sales outstrip all others. I do vaguely remember seeing figures which showed the breakdown of WFB/40k sales almost exactly mirrors the respective numbers in each category, so 40k books do not necessarily outsell WFB books. I can't find those figures now so they may have been made up, so citing them is problematic. Though they may have come out of the CHS court case. It is also worth noting that we have seen an increase in the number of books written about xenos, not a decrease while the rate of HH books has also increased slightly. In contrast FW is giving less attention to non IoM subjects than ever before in terms of total resources allocated while attention to IoM subjects has increased. Again not reprehensible, just annoying.

09-30-2013, 01:18 AM

If it's in the NIA again next year... I'm not going.

How can they call it "Games Day" when all of the gaming tables have been removed?

Just an FYI guys, the reason the Imperial Fists supplement doesn't just say "Imperial Fists" is likely because it will cover all of their successor Chapters (i.e. Crimson Fists) as well.

Except none of their successor Chapters are "Defenders of Terra," so it's actually even more misleading because it gives the false hope that Custodes will be in there.

Just to add to the "Sentinels of Terra" Supplement.

There was a "preview-version" available to flick through on one of the iPads

They lied to me! :mad:

"Sentinels of Terra" is the (new?) honorific / nom de guerre of the Imperial Fist 3rd Company, who will be the focus of the supplement.

That's... very specific.

Huh. Didn't see that coming.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-30-2013, 02:53 AM
I have book 2. Though after last time I am not divulging any details. xD

09-30-2013, 02:55 AM
One thing I'm kind of disappointed about...and that's this: dafuq. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-fNPsDiq0o/Ukgu-4JwctI/AAAAAAAAZko/IXs35YM5m2Y/s1600/photo+1.JPG)

A freaking "Space Marine" Basalisk. F-off! Space Marines have enough toys in their box, so leave the IG stuff alone! Grrr! Makes me feel angry and annoyed when GW tries to pull off this sort of crap.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 03:03 AM

If it's in the NIA again next year... I'm not going.

How can they call it "Games Day" when all of the gaming tables have been removed?

I have to admit I felt really let down by the experience. I've not been as a customer in a few years, and as any staffer will tell you you see NOTHING when you work it, but here is the list of casualties since I was last there as a customer;
(In no particular order)
90% of the Non-forgeworld display boards (no getting stuff out of the cabinets and putting them on a table does not really count)
Hobby stations (although black library had 8)
Buy/Bring and Build with staffed stations
Scrap Deamon
On the day painting competition

Also what the hell was with the poorly organised till service?
16 tills for everything including mail orders AND forgeworld!
They had as many people to help bag as they did doing anything useful.
(On the bright side it gave me and the mate I went with enough time to quality check all of his £500 forgeworld purchase before we reached the tills and get it 100% before he paid. Still......)

It was my last UK Gamesday (due to the big Aus move in 4 weeks, lookout Sydney), and I came away feeling really unhappy.
I know that I've not been in a while, but the last time I went as a customer there wasn't enough time to do everything I wanted to. This time we were done by 15:00 and on our way back home.
Ran into a load of old colleagues, many ex, some current. I won't name names, but more than one didn't mind sharing their feelings about it with a grumpy old staffer either and they felt pretty similar.
Although the most venerable of them still towed the party line like a champ, proving he's never going anywhere :)
All in all I can see that GW are scaling back, and that's fine, but I'm never paying £30 to go to a big trade show again.

Did get to chat to Dan Abnett, Graham Macneill, Nick Kyme and Trish Carden though, that was cool.
My mate spent a full five minutes gushing about the new River Troll Hag to her without realising who she was either!
That was pretty funny.

09-30-2013, 03:03 AM
One thing I'm kind of disappointed about...and that's this: dafuq. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-fNPsDiq0o/Ukgu-4JwctI/AAAAAAAAZko/IXs35YM5m2Y/s1600/photo+1.JPG)

A freaking "Space Marine" Basalisk. F-off! Space Marines have enough toys in their box, so leave the IG stuff alone! Grrr! Makes me feel angry and annoyed when GW tries to pull off this sort of crap.

A friend of mine was *****ing about this. But if you also consider at the time the imperail army had access to Rhinos (and all their variants) and Land Raiders, it does seem sensible that Sm would have access to chimera chassis.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 03:04 AM
One thing I'm kind of disappointed about...and that's this: dafuq. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-fNPsDiq0o/Ukgu-4JwctI/AAAAAAAAZko/IXs35YM5m2Y/s1600/photo+1.JPG)

A freaking "Space Marine" Basalisk. F-off! Space Marines have enough toys in their box, so leave the IG stuff alone! Grrr! Makes me feel angry and annoyed when GW tries to pull off this sort of crap.

Long ago, in the heresy, marines had basalisks. And guard had landspeeders. It was a cultural exchange program.

09-30-2013, 03:16 AM
I forgot to tell you all about a limited release I came across yesterday.

There is a limited edition chaos collection in a magnetic black folding cover, containing the csm, black legion and daemons codex, plus a cover containing a4 art prints. Each of the 4 covers have a quarter icon in one corner, which when placed together gives a single icon representing the pantheon.

Very pretty!

09-30-2013, 03:34 AM
Long ago, in the heresy, marines had basalisks. And guard had landspeeders. It was a cultural exchange program.

I want my speeders, sentinels with assault cannons, and Land Raiders back then please. (And indeed, I miss 2nd edition sooo much sometimes...minus the LR of course)

09-30-2013, 03:48 AM
I want my speeders, sentinels with assault cannons, and Land Raiders back then please. (And indeed, I miss 2nd edition sooo much sometimes...minus the LR of course)

The Space Marine Basilisk is only available to the Crusade Legion army list, not modern 40k. Presumably in the Heresy era Guard list you will have access to lots of things the modern version doesn't.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 03:55 AM
The Space Marine Basilisk is only available to the Crusade Legion army list, not modern 40k. Presumably in the Heresy era Guard list you will have access to lots of things the modern version doesn't.

Although I'm SO turning one into an Admek tank for 40K!

09-30-2013, 03:56 AM
A final note - we have been told to look VERY CLOSELY in all the dioramas, display boards, and display cases. There *may* (hint, hint) be future models hidden in plain sight.

Has anyone noticed that the fortification in this picture...


looks surprisingly well fit for a Realm of Battle table square and also looks like it fits together in a similar fashion as the Necron RoB they did not to long ago with one board fitting together on 4 sides.


09-30-2013, 04:06 AM
I forgot to tell you all about a limited release I came across yesterday.

There is a limited edition chaos collection in a magnetic black folding cover, containing the csm, black legion and daemons codex, plus a cover containing a4 art prints. Each of the 4 covers have a quarter icon in one corner, which when placed together gives a single icon representing the pantheon.

Very pretty!
whelp GW can frak off, I wont be buying the limited edition twice, particularly not with the extraordinarily craptastic chaos space marine rules.

Lukas The Trickster
09-30-2013, 06:47 AM

09-30-2013, 06:53 AM
Lol :D cheeky.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 06:58 AM

Seconded Lucas.
My CSM do just fine, sick of the complainers making us CSm players look bad.

09-30-2013, 07:05 AM
Seconded Lucas.
My CSM do just fine, sick of the complainers making us CSm players look bad.

But the internet says their bad, therefor everyone should agree

09-30-2013, 07:10 AM


But the internet says they're bad, therefore everyone should agree

Isn't that how the internet works?

09-30-2013, 07:20 AM

I'd link my reply....but this is a child friendly place........

edit: The chaos discussion has been done to death, they are bad, terribad and shockingly bad if you want to argue against this then your welcome to go post in one of the many threads dedicated to the discussion.

sigh, and now I need to convince myself NOT to buy those red butchers....

09-30-2013, 07:24 AM
Has anyone posted this yet?
I only saw the resin version, never noticed this (http://rillietann.tumblr.com/post/62658810487/lorgar-miniature-from-games-day-uk) painted one.


09-30-2013, 07:26 AM
Maybe, its kinda nice, but a little static for my taste. I like the high collar look they are going for with word bearers, very nice.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 07:30 AM
I'd link my reply....but this is a child friendly place........

edit: The chaos discussion has been done to death, they are bad, terribad and shockingly bad if you want to argue against this then your welcome to go post in one of the many threads dedicated to the discussion.

sigh, and now I need to convince myself NOT to buy those red butchers....

Read the sigs, as the newest member of the Horsemen I felt obliged.

09-30-2013, 07:31 AM
Congratulations are in order then badrukk, always a pleasure to have you blokes show up

Kaptain Badrukk
09-30-2013, 07:35 AM
Congratulations are in order then badrukk, always a pleasure to have you blokes show up
Thanks man, we derail because we care. Or because we're *****, I was never clear on that during orientation.

In fairness I joined in too, I was so generally let down by this years GD I had to vent.
But I do like that Lorgar, and Erebus too.
Sadly my delightful friend Brendan pointed out that Kor Pheron looks like he's taking a pooh in his armor and now that's ruined him for me.
Also no-one's pointed out that the accelerator auto cannon is twin linked.

09-30-2013, 07:39 AM
Erebus is the BOSS by definition. that sculpt is just gorgeous.

09-30-2013, 09:30 AM
Has anyone posted this yet?
I only saw the resin version, never noticed this (http://rillietann.tumblr.com/post/62658810487/lorgar-miniature-from-games-day-uk) painted one.


I read on one of the blog posts on this thread that this is not FW but a fig entered into the golden deamon.

BTW any pics from the golden deamon or armies on parade?

09-30-2013, 09:36 AM
No because it's the same as the resin one in the FW cases.

And it was mentioned in the seminar that someone had brought a painted one. I just never spotted it...

09-30-2013, 09:37 AM
Nah the grey is floating around too. Thats the lorgar you will be able to sell your soul to

09-30-2013, 10:25 AM
I like this Lorgar, he's clearly in it for the *****es.

09-30-2013, 10:47 AM
One thing I'm kind of disappointed about...and that's this: dafuq. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-fNPsDiq0o/Ukgu-4JwctI/AAAAAAAAZko/IXs35YM5m2Y/s1600/photo+1.JPG)

A freaking "Space Marine" Basalisk. F-off! Space Marines have enough toys in their box, so leave the IG stuff alone! Grrr! Makes me feel angry and annoyed when GW tries to pull off this sort of crap.

It's for 30k, not 40k. Calm down there already. 30k Marines have BS4 Bassies.

09-30-2013, 10:56 AM
sigh, and now I need to convince myself NOT to buy those red butchers....

After seeing the rules for them floating around there is no question as to if I will be buying them! Berserker TDAs with 2 power axes?!?!

09-30-2013, 11:03 AM
Nah the grey is floating around too. Thats the lorgar you will be able to sell your soul to

Something about the face and the open hand says "Are you gonna be a good boy and accept the Word of Chaos into your hearts, or am I going to have to thump you with this here mace until you become an honorary World Eater?"

09-30-2013, 11:11 AM
One thing I'm kind of disappointed about...and that's this: dafuq. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-fNPsDiq0o/Ukgu-4JwctI/AAAAAAAAZko/IXs35YM5m2Y/s1600/photo+1.JPG)

A freaking "Space Marine" Basalisk. F-off! Space Marines have enough toys in their box, so leave the IG stuff alone! Grrr! Makes me feel angry and annoyed when GW tries to pull off this sort of crap.

Its for the Legion list, dude.

09-30-2013, 11:25 AM
DAMN - Lorgar looks badass here!


09-30-2013, 11:25 AM
Ouch, that sounds brutal. Though bare in mind, we don't know it's armour value yet and i'm going to assume it's base cost doesn't include it's sponsons like a Predator. So assuming it's like 13, 12, 11 or something and with no sponsons i would say 135pts is reasonable.

Looking forward to seeing what this Sentinels of Terra supplement is going to be like. Also what Captain Gardo is going to be like. Hopefully something unique and not just a captain with pre-requisite gear. Even if it's just something small.

Loving all the new sculpts form forge world aswell, they just brilliant.

Don't know if anyone has already answered, but it's 13 12 12

09-30-2013, 12:20 PM
Has anyone noticed that the fortification in this picture...

Yeah, it's another one of Blake's scenery pieces.


09-30-2013, 12:21 PM
There is a limited edition chaos collection in a magnetic black folding cover, containing the csm, black legion and daemons codex, plus a cover containing a4 art prints. Each of the 4 covers have a quarter icon in one corner, which when placed together gives a single icon representing the pantheon.

I managed to get a couple of photos of it, which are on my blog. It looks nice quality, but definitely a collector's piece.

09-30-2013, 12:41 PM
I have this weird feeling that Games Workshop is transforming into something like the Franklin Mint.

I could see them in 10 years cranking out nothing but high priced "luxury editions" and "collector's prints" of everything as a primary business and the mainlines there to capture the newcomers.

09-30-2013, 03:35 PM
No because it's the same as the resin one in the FW cases.

I haven't seen the resin only photo yet. Although my brain might have had some intake overload with all the photos^^

09-30-2013, 03:36 PM
DAMN - Lorgar looks badass here!


...and there it is!

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 04:10 PM
err what if any rules does bols have about posting rules and stats , id post some , but not if it isnt allowed ..

09-30-2013, 04:26 PM
No points, but give us the rules man, for the love of the emperor.

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 04:30 PM
ill post some primarchs first since thats probably what people are wanting to see :p

Ferrus Manus
ws 7 bs 6 s 7 t 7 w 6 i 5 a 4 ld 10 sv 2+/3+


medusan carapace . 2+ armour save 3+ invulnerable save
incorporates nuncio vox and servo arm , may choose to fire any two of the following in shooting phase-
plasma blaster , graviton gun , grenade harness ( unlimited usage ) , heavy flamer

range - melee , str x2 , ap 1 , melee , concussive , strikedown

(if using him in the campaign , he no longer has forgebreaker , since fulgrim stole it , if so his points cost is reduced to [REDACTED] )

special rules:
primarch - ( independant character , master of the legion , eternal warrior , fear , adamantium will , fleet , fearless , it will not die )

sire of the iron hands - ferrus manus has relentless and smash special rules ( the latter may be used in conjunction with any of his close combat weapons or attacks) and shooting attacks against him suffer a -1 penalty to their strength

all models with the special rule legiones astartes ( iron hands ) in an army containing ferrus manus gain the feel no pain ( 6+ ) special rule . (unless they already possess a superior version of this rule )

master of mechanisms -
possesses battlesmith special rule and passes repair rolls on a 3+ in addition , any vehicle with at least one armour facing of 13 in a primary detachment containing ferrus manus gain the ' it will not die ' special rule

very bulky

Konrad Curze
ws 8 bs 6 s 6 t 6w 6 i 7 a 5 ld 10 sv 2+ /4+


the nightmare mantle
provides 2+ armour save and 4+ invulnerable save , grants hit and run , and hammer of wrath special rules ( inflicting d3 HoW hits instead of the usual one )

Mercy and Forgiveness
( lightning claws )
range- melee str - as user ap - 2 melee , shred , specialist weapon , murderous strike , paired ( + 1 attack )

The widowmakers
( throwing knives )

widowmaker volley range- 12" str - 4 ap - 5 assault 3 , lethal precision ( precision strike on 4+ , to wound rolls of 6 ignore armour AND invulnerable saves )

special rules

primarch - ( independant character , master of the legion , eternal warrior , fear , adamantium will , fleet , fearless , it will not die )

sire of the night lords - acute senses , night vision. may always elect to have the first turn in any game that uses night fighting rule. a night lords force containing konrad curze gains the fear special rule for any unit with the legiones astartes ( night lords ) special rule. any afflicted units that already have the fear special rule now impose a -1 penalty on the leadership ofany enemy unit testing for fear against them.

the king of terrors - fear tests taken against him are subject to a - 3 penalty . in addition , should he part of an assault where any enemy unit is destroyed outright all enemy units subject to fear within 12 " and with line of sight to the combat must take an immediate morale check or fall back




ws 7 bs 5 s 7 t 7 6i 5 a 4 ld 10 sv 2+/3+


The Draken Scale - 2+ armour save , 3+ invulnerable save , halves the strength of any flamer , fusion , volkite melta or plasma weaponry used against him

Dawnbringer - range - melee str - 10 ap 1 melee , two handed , concussive , armourbane , instant death , earthshatter

( earthshatter - instead of attacking normally , place a blast template ( 3" ) anywhere in base to base contact with him that does not cover any friendly models , all models under the template suffer a single automatic strength 8 ap 3 hit with the strikedown special rule )

the furnaces heart
range - 18" str 6 ap 2 assault 1 , rending , line of effect

( line of effect draw a line from the primarch 1 mm wide and 18" long to determine the weapons area of effect , all units crossed by the line suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models in the unit the line crosses , this line may not pass through friendly models

heavy flamer ( str 6 )

special rules:

primarch - ( independant character , master of the legion , eternal warrior , fear , adamantium will , fleet , fearless , it will not die )

sire of the salamanders - in an army which contains Vulkan , any models with the legiones astartes ( salamanders ) special rule gain 1+ leadership and the adamantium will special rule

Blood of fire - may re-roll any failed it will not die or deny the witch tests

very bulky

ws 6 bs 6 s 6 t 6 w 5 i 6 a 4 ld 10 sv 2+ /4+


the armour of the word - 2+ armour save , 4+ invulnerable save ( increasing to 3+ against witchfire and blows from force weapons )

illuminarium - range melee , str +2 ap 2 melee , concussive , master crafted , smash

archaotech pistol

frag grenades

special rules:

primarch - ( independant character , master of the legion , eternal warrior , fear , adamantium will , fleet , fearless , it will not die )

Living Icon - all models in the same detatchment with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule who can draw line of sight to Lorgar , gain +1 to their charge distance rolls , and are immune to fear , and gain a +1 bonus to their total score of determining the result of an assault

Sire of the word bearers - lorgar has the crusader special rule and confers this to any unit he joins , while he is on the table ( not in a transport ) all models with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule may use his leadership for all morale and pinning tests

Dark fortune - may re-roll any failed deny the witch rolls , once per game , lorgars player may elect to force a single enemy unit or model to re-roll all rolls of 5 and 6 to hit and to wound in a single player turn. the use of this power must be declared before the attacking player rolls any dice for the nominated model that turn

erratic psychic power -level 2 psyker who may choose to roll powers from either telepathy or telekinesis disciplines , however when using said powers , must roll 3 d6 and take the two highest dice results


( Lorgar transfigured . may elect to use lorgar after the begin of his fall to chaos , if so , this rule replaces erratic psychic power.
level 3 pskyer who may select ( not roll , SELECT) three powers in any combination from the telepathy and telekinesis disciplines at the start of the game . in addition lorgar rolls 3 d6 and chooses the two lowest dice lorgar transfigured is treated as an upgrade that costs [ REDACTED]

Hope that answers some questions :)

09-30-2013, 05:08 PM
Nice thanks Brother Garrod. Both Vulkan and Ferrus seem awesome from the rules your giving but Curze sounds meh. I don't have a copy of hh:betrayal so do legions have ATSKNF? If so most of Curzes rules are useless if playing marines on marines.
Too bad they left out Vulkans perpetual'ness....uhhhg Kyme....

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 05:20 PM
all marines have the legiones astartes special rule , which is may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

speaking of rules ...

Iron Hands.

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

inviolate armour - all shooting attacks against models with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1

stand and fight - must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase . may not voluntarily go to ground

rigid tactics - an iron hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type , note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to iron hand armies

Night Lords:

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

talent for murder - if a unit with the legiones astartes ( night lords ) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound ( bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3)

nostraman blood - all models with this special rule fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead

night vision

from the shadows - all units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game . even in open ground this may be combined with stealth etc as normal , but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it

seeds of dissent - if an armies warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting


legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

strength of will - automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are failed

Promethean gift - all hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength , in addition , any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1

nocturne born - all units with the legiones astartes ( salamanders ) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1"

word bearers

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

true believers - all units with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest dice

cut them down - all units with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule must always make sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll results of a 1

charismatic leadership - any primary detachment force chosen from the word bearers legion must take a second compulsory HQ choice on the force organisation chart ( where a second choice is allowed) this choice must always be either a centurion or chaplain consul

09-30-2013, 05:46 PM
You sir are my hero for posting these! Will you also be posting the characters from each legion?

09-30-2013, 05:48 PM

strength of will - automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are made

Must re-roll a single d6 for morale and pinning? While granted you'd always pick the highest result to reroll, you could easily potentially go from a pass to a fail this way, not just help ensure success when you'd otherwise fail. Do you mean "may" ?

Thanks for writing this up though.

Any chance we could get the rules on the Fire Hawk?

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:01 PM
i can do yeah , dont wanna do squads since i cant really do those without getting points values involved
ill post some iron hands stuff first and work my way through them :)

iron father . any preator with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule may be made an iron father , be given a servo arm in addition to their normal wargear , the feel no pain ( 6+ ) and battlesmith special rules for [ redacted]
if this is done , they may no longer be equipped with a jump pack , bike or jetbike

specific wargear

blessed autosimulacra may be given for [ redacted]
any vehicle that suffered hull point damage , may restore a hullpoint on a roll of a 6 at the end of the controlling players turn

cyber familiar may be given for [ redacted]

spearhead centurian castermen orth

ws 5 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+

power armour
refractor field
frag and krak grenades
bolt pistol
power maul
cyber familiar

special rules

independent character
legiones astartes ( iron hands)
spearhead commander
tank hunter

( spearhead commander
must be assigned to a single vehicle or super heavy in his detachment that has both the tank type and has an frontal armour value of at least 13
does not take up any transport capacity and may not leave the vehicle unless it has become immobilised or destroyed
if present on a vehicle that is destroyed he is treated exactly as a transported model , afterwards he may only board behicles that have a transport capacity.

while he is inside a vehicle , it used his bs and tank hunters special rule

warlord trait:
tank crushers. if chosen as the armies warlord , automatically has the tank crushers trait instead of rolling randomly.
all vehicles in the army with the tank type in your primary detachment gain =1 to rules they inflict on the damage table when making ramming attacks ( LOL )

Iron father autek mor

ws 6 bs 5 s 5 t 5 w 3 i 4 a 3 ld 10 sv 2+

cataphractii pattern terminator armour
servo arm
cortex controller
paragon blade
volkite charger

special rules
independent character
legiones astartes ( iron hands )
master of the legion
jealous command

( jealous command - must be your warlord if chosen unless ferrus manus is also present )

warlord trait

murderous arsenal
automatically has this trait if chosen as the armies warlord
both he and a single chosen infantry unit gain the preferred enemy ( infantry ) special rule

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:03 PM
Must re-roll a single d6 for morale and pinning? While granted you'd always pick the highest result to reroll, you could easily potentially go from a pass to a fail this way, not just help ensure success when you'd otherwise fail. Do you mean "may" ?

Thanks for writing this up though.

Any chance we could get the rules on the Fire Hawk?

its written as must, but i missed a part , they MUST re-roll when a morale and pinning test is failed , sorry for not clearing that up :p i went ahead and edited the post with that

and no rules for the fire raptor , i asked alan about this while he was signing my book , apparently the book was complete before the model was finished , so it'll be in the next book :x they did say rules will be on the website within the next two weeks though

09-30-2013, 06:09 PM
its written as must, but i missed a part , they MUST re-roll when a morale and pinning test is failed , sorry for not clearing that up :p i went ahead and edited the post with that

and no rules for the fire raptor , i asked alan about this while he was signing my book , apparently the book was complete before the model was finished , so it'll be in the next book :x they did say rules will be on the website within the next two weeks though

That makes a lot more sense, thanks for clearing that up. :)

Now all I want to know are the special rules and basic wargear for Iron Hands immortals. Don't care about the unit options. They're breachers, so they have hardened armor and breacher shields... but what makes them so "immortal" beyond IH legion rules / cool models?

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:23 PM
maloghurst the twisted
ws 5 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 4 a 2 ld 10 sv 3+

power armour
power sword
bolter with banestrike shells
bolt pistol
frag and krak grenades
refractor field
legion standard

special rules
legiones astartes ( sons of horus )
independent character
master of the legion
bearer of the eye
broken in body
adamantium will

bearer of the eye - if present in a detachment , sons of horus veteran and reaver squads may be taken as tropp choices

broken in body
maloghurst and any unit he joins may not run or make sweeping advances

warlord trait
battle standard of the rebellion , classed as a scoring unit

kharn the bloody

ws 7 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 4 ld 9 sv 2+

artificer armour
the cutter
plasma pistol
frag and krak grenades
iron halo

special rules

legiones astartes ( world eaters )
independent character
master of the legion
warlords pride
marked by dark fates
legacy of blood ( special option )

warlords pride - always be the warlord unless angron is present

the cutter
range - str as user ap 3 melee rending

marked by dark fates
any campaign where casualties an injuries between battles are a factor , results for kharn may be re-rolled

legacy of blood
may exchange the cutter for Gorechild at [ redacted]

range - str +1 ap 2 melee , armourbane, murderous strike , specialist weapon

lord commander eidolon
ws 6 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 4 ld 10 sv 2+

may have a jump pack for [ redacted]


artificer armour
master crafted thunder hammer
archaeotech pistol
frag and krak grenades
sonic shrieker
iron halo

special rules

legiones astartes ( emperors children)
independent character
master of the legion
thunderous charge
death scream
warlords pride

thunderous charge
any turn when he charges into assault , may ignore cumbersome on his thunder hammer

death scream
range template str 2 ap - assault1 , rending , pinning , one use

warlord trait- coordinated assault
all friendly units within 12" add +1 to their charge rolls

calas typhon

ws 6 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 3 i 5 a 4 ls 10 sv 2+

cataphractii pattern terminator armour
master crafted deathscythe power scythe
hand flamer with chem-munitions
grenade harness
nuncio vox
rad grenades

special rules

legiones astartes ( death guard)
independent character
master of the legion ( may take deathshroud bodyguard)
warlords pride

chem bombardment
once per game provided typhon has not moved in the proceeding movemnt phase ( may declare a charge as normal ) counts as firing a weapon with the following profile

range unlimited str - ap 4 ordnance 3 , barrage , large blast , poison ( 4+) no cover saves
( always scatters full 2d6 )

witch blood
level 1 psyker who may utilise a power from the telepathy discipline ( may not use this power if mortarion is present before his fall to chaos )

hope those tide over fans of the previous four legions a bit :D

Preston Jenny Bobo
09-30-2013, 06:26 PM
Sorry if this is in the first book and I just missed it, but what is a Cortex Controller?

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:29 PM
Sorry if this is in the first book and I just missed it, but what is a Cortex Controller?

any forge lord may take this for [ redacted]
if at least one model is so equipped in the force than either a single castellax class battle automata unit or a single thallax cohort without augment upgrades may be taken as a heavy support choice option for that force


09-30-2013, 06:35 PM
any forge lord may take this for [ redacted]
if at least one model is so equipped in the force than either a single castellax class battle automata unit or a single thallax cohort without augment upgrades may be taken as a heavy support choice option for that force


Meaning you don't need a mechanicum HQ ;)

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:36 PM
yeah , its handy if you want to take some mechanicus units without having an allied detachment

Patrick Boyle
09-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Nice thanks Brother Garrod. Both Vulkan and Ferrus seem awesome from the rules your giving but Curze sounds meh. I don't have a copy of hh:betrayal so do legions have ATSKNF? If so most of Curzes rules are useless if playing marines on marines.
Too bad they left out Vulkans perpetual'ness....uhhhg Kyme....

It's my understanding that the Marines in the Heresy Legion lists do not have ATSKNF, so they don't auto regroup, have to roll snake eyes to regroup if they're below 25%, can be swept, and can be affected by Fear.

09-30-2013, 06:43 PM
It's my understanding that the Marines in the Heresy Legion lists do not have ATSKNF, so they don't auto regroup, have to roll snake eyes to regroup if they're below 25%, can be swept, and can be affected by Fear.

Close. You're right that they don't have ATSKNF, so they can be affected by fear, they can be swept in close combat.

But their "Legionnes Astartes" rule lets them regroup no matter their casualties at normal leadership.

Personally I think they should still be immune to fear effects, but the reasoning behind the rest according to Alan Bligh was that ceramite on ceramite combat got really bogged down with ATSKNF, and close combat became a place where you would tarpit each other instead of the "vicious melee" he envisioned.

Edit: Sorry if I'm posting a lot, but I am sitting here mashing F5 and reading these new rules

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 06:51 PM
night lords wargear
any character or independent character with the night lords special rule elligable to take a power weapon as part of their normal options , may instead take a nostraman chainglaive

nostraman chainglaive range - str +1 ap 3 melee , two handed , rending

teleportation transponder
any night lords terminator squad or command squad with terminator armour may be upgraded to have the deep strike special rule for [redacted] per squad
any night lords independent character in terminator may be upgraded to have deep strike for [ redacted]

trophies of judgement
and independent charcter may take trophies of judgement for [ redacted] , gaining the fear special rule

flaymaster mawsrym Llansahai - fallen primus medicae of the night lords , the smiling one , bloody bones
ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 5 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

power armour
refractor field
frag and krak grenades
archaeotech pistol
red jaqa

special rules

independent character
legiones astartes ( night lords )
the devils luck
unfit for command

red jaqa
range - str -1 ap 3 melee , murderous strike , specialist weapon

the devils luck
may re-roll failed look out sir and feel no pain rolls

unfit for command
may not be take as a compulsory HQ selection , even the night lords have their limits of toleration for madness

sevatar - jago sevatarion , the prince of crows , first captain of the night lords and master of the atramentar

ws 7 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 6 a 4 ld 9 sv 3+

wargear power armour
iron halo
frag and krak grenades
master crafted nostraman chainglaive
bolt pistol
master of the atrementar
trophies of judgement

special rules

independent character
legiones astartes ( night lords )
dirty fighter
master of the legion
repressed psyker

master of the atramentar- night lords terminator and terminator command squads from the same detachment as sevatar will not scatter so long as they are placed with 6" of sevatar as they deploy

dirty fighter
gains instant death special rule for his attacks when fighting in a challenge

repressed psyker
level 1 psyker with the precognition psychic power
uses leadership 7 when attempting to use this power rather than his normal leadership of 9

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 07:10 PM

restrictions - disdain of the the dark age

may not take moritat or destroyer units , nor may any phosphex weaponry be used

artificer weapons
all characters with the salamanders special rule ( including sergeants etc ) may apply the master crafted special rule to a single weapon the possess for [ redacted] which weapon this is must be noted before the battle begins

dragonscale storm shield
provides a 5+ invulnerable save or increases a invulnerable save a model already has by +1 ( to a maximum or +3 )
may not claim an attack for additional hand weapon if they have this option

mantle of the elder drake
costs [ redacted ] a preator may take this and gain the eternal warrior special rule

purging flame
any heavy bolters / twin linked heavy bolters may be exhanched for heavy flamers / twin linked heavy flamers at no cost
any salamanders model eligable to take a plasma pistol , may instead take an inferno pistol at the same cost

cassian dracos

wd 6 bs 5 s 6 ( 10 ) front 14 side 12 rear 10 hp 4 i 4 a 4

vehicle ( walker )


two dreadfire close combat weapons , with inbuilt heavy flamer
extra armour
smoke launcher
nuncio vox

special rules

wrought by vulcan
it will not die
burning wrath
the last warlord

dreadfire heavy flamers - may be fired as two heavy flamers or a single twin-linked melta gun

wrought by vulcan
immune to the effects of melta , armourbane , sunder and lance
any other rules which either reduce or permanently degrade his armour value or allow attacks which target him to roll more than one dice when ,making armour penetration have no effect against him

burning wrath

may forfeit usual close combat attacks in order to inflict one automatic s6 ( bonus included ) ap 4 hit on any model ( friend or for ) in base contact with him at initiative step 1

the last warlord
if he is the onlu HQ choice present in your army , he becomes the warlord , even though he does not have a leadership value

warlord trait

if cassian dracos is your armies warlord then your opponent cannot score victory points for slay the warlord. in addition all models with the salamander special rul within 3" of dracos gain the feel no pain ( 5+ ) special rule

lord chaplain nomus rhy'tan

ws 6 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 3 ld 10 sv 2+

artificer armour
iron halo
frag and krak grenades
darkstar falling
bolt pistol
mantle of the elder drake

special rules

independent character
legiones astartes ( salamanders)
master of the legion
keeper of the keys

keeper of the keys ,if nomus rhy'tan is part a a legion force , a single dreadnought talon may be take as a single non compulsory HQ choice ( may not be the warlord )

darkstar falling

range - str + 2 ap 2 melee , armourbane , concussive , two handed

Preston Jenny Bobo
09-30-2013, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the info about the controller.

What are the new AdMec units?

Brother Garrod
09-30-2013, 07:24 PM
ill probably post these sometime tomorrow ( if i dont get beaten to it) , my hands are killing me from all that typing xD

09-30-2013, 11:09 PM
Just saw this on Warseer:

Hmm, the context, you say? Ok.

I've approached the table with my HH - Betrayal book where I keep all signatures so they don't jump to all of my books and the Codex Craftworld Eldar with which I started my collection and which is very light and can be used as a bookmark. I congratulated him on writing the codex saying that the army really works like poetry and all units are characterful and fun to use, especially the Swooping Hawks I liked since 'Single combat' comic strip in Inferno from 1997 and added that only one thing doesn't work... then I placed my first Wh40k miniature on the table in front of him - a 2nd edition Howling Banshee in Ulthwe colour scheme.
He seemed really sorry for the fact they are so far behind other aspects, most likely heard that several times on Sunday already and explained they will deal with the unit which doesn't need much to work properly, he said something about no more than two lines of text sufficient to fix them to which I agreed. I spoke about the battle focus which doesn't work with them making them good at running and possibly hiding only to fail in a charge and told him what rules I forced upon my gaming group he found balanced.
So I am quite certain our girls will be saved. It seems they have a tight schedule for writing other books though so there is no date set in stone for the errata.

Overall some trickery, my usual showing off enhanced by the fact I am from abroad and a small, silly piece of theatrics, but honestly I really like his codexes (not a CSM player of course) and do not like such a beautiful book to have such an annoying flaw wasting my first or second most favourite aspect shrine.

So perhaps some hope for Banshees.

Oh and the only titbit about IA12 I've seen is that someone from FW confirmed again it would be Minotaurs vs Dark Eldar.

Patrick Boyle
09-30-2013, 11:09 PM
cassian dracos

wd 6 bs 5 s 6 ( 10 ) front 14 side 12 rear 10 hp 4 i 4 a 4

vehicle ( walker )


two dreadfire close combat weapons , with inbuilt heavy flamer
extra armour
smoke launcher
nuncio vox

special rules

wrought by vulcan
it will not die
burning wrath
the last warlord

dreadfire heavy flamers - may be fired as two heavy flamers or a single twin-linked melta gun

wrought by vulcan
immune to the effects of melta , armourbane , sunder and lance
any other rules which either reduce or permanently degrade his armour value or allow attacks which target him to roll more than one dice when ,making armour penetration have no effect against him

burning wrath

may forfeit usual close combat attacks in order to inflict one automatic s6 ( bonus included ) ap 4 hit on any model ( friend or for ) in base contact with him at initiative step 1

So, this is the guy originally entombed in the Dreadnought armor now occupied by Bray'arth Ashmantle then? Wonder how it ended up changing hands, so to speak.

10-01-2013, 01:11 AM
So, this is the guy originally entombed in the Dreadnought armor now occupied by Bray'arth Ashmantle then? Wonder how it ended up changing hands, so to speak.

Marine killed, chassis recovered.

The Sovereign
10-01-2013, 06:37 AM
Oh and the only titbit about IA12 I've seen is that someone from FW confirmed again it would be Minotaurs vs Dark Eldar.

So pumped for some FW Dark Eldar love. Sounds like IA12 isn't really on their radar yet, though.

10-01-2013, 07:35 AM
Aww, no Salamander Moritats? I was hoping for one with twin inferno pistols.

10-01-2013, 08:12 AM
So pumped for some FW Dark Eldar love. Sounds like IA12 isn't really on their radar yet, though.

While since IA12 is already done it makes sense that it's not on the radar. Now IA13 on the other hand. :)

10-01-2013, 08:28 AM
Right, IA13.><

10-01-2013, 08:31 AM
Right, IA13.><

Of course Eldar will be in IA(n+1)

10-01-2013, 08:34 AM
If IA13 does include Dark Eldar my brother will be happy (and will hopefully stop complaining about the fact that he only has one army list for his army; but there are multiple lists for Space Marines).

10-01-2013, 08:36 AM
Well it's been confirmed (again) but that seems to be the only information about it unfortunately.

10-01-2013, 09:46 AM
Must say I was a little disappointed at the over all experience compared to last year. It felt far more like a trade show. I can't see why it's still called Games day. It's more like Games Workshop open day. I'm not sure I will go next year, unless I want to try and win something in Golden Demon.

On the plus side
The forge world display stand was huge, given the smaller venue I wondered how they managed to get more space.
You got more time to talk to the designers and they were noticeably more relaxed.
The forge world queue didn't look as big, but I didn't try it this year. After spending 3 hours off my life queueing for FW I'm done with it. I can wait for them to release the new units and book.
Forge Worlds display tables were fantastic. I video'd one of them but held my phone the wrong way up. Does anyone know of some software I can use to cut the top and bottom off the video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDw2KH7qTDY
GW had some nice displays up although I didn't get to look at them all.

On the down side
No Gaming tables - These are good to look at not just to play on.
Getting back to the main hall from the golden demon made be feel like a contestant in biggest loser. Lots so many steps.
No kick bash area - I really enjoyed it last year.

I'm told by a senior source in GW. They are far happier with this year. They think they managed to achieve a celebration of the hobby for the 20+ age group. Not somewhere for kids to come and play games.

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 10:37 AM
I did have a word with Alan Bligh about the fire raptor rules and what we could expect.
seems it will come in two flavours, 30k and 40k .

the 40k one will be just as seen whilst the heresy version will be able to swap out its twinned avenger cannons for what he described as an array of autocannons.
from what he said it seems the gatlings and missiles target the same unit while the two ball turrets may each target a different unit entirely

10-01-2013, 11:29 AM
Does anyone know if the 40K rules for the Sicaran tank, that are rumoured to be in the IA2 2nd edition, will be different from the 30K version? Like the Malcador tank for example.

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 12:02 PM
Does anyone know if the 40K rules for the Sicaran tank, that are rumoured to be in the IA2 2nd edition, will be different from the 30K version? Like the Malcador tank for example.

i honestly dont have a clue. but id hazard a guess that aside from vehicle upgrades itd be largely the same

10-01-2013, 01:29 PM


If we're looking for new smilies, I think we need this too:

Regarding the SM Basilisk, I really like the mini, it looks very Heresy-era Mariney, rather than just the same as the regular IG one.

Oh, and many thanks to Brother Garrod for all the typey-typey :D And welcome to BoLS, you'll find us a mostly friendly lot ;)

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 02:13 PM
got a few more to come in a while , ashen circle and night raptors

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 03:17 PM
phoenix terminator squad ( elites )

terminator - ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+
champion - ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+

may include 5 extra terminators , may take sonic screamers , champion may have a grenade harness


tartaros terminator armour
phoenix power spear

special rules

legiones astartes ( emperors children )
implacable advance
sudden strike
living icon

( sudden strike - gainss +1 initiative on the turn they charge , this is cumulative with other bonuses )

( living icon - this unit , and all friendly units within 6" are considered to be victorious in any assauly which would otherwise be a draw )

phoenix power spear has two profiles , one for when the unit gets the charge , the other at all other times

phoenix power spear - range - str +1/ as user ap 2/3 melee , two handed

may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport


reaver attack squad ( fast attack )

reaver ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 3+

reaver chieftain ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+

power armour
bolt pistol
chainsword or combat blade
frag and krak grenades

may include upto 10 additional reavers

each model may take : volkite charger , bolter with banestrike shells , combi weapon with banestrike shells

one in every 5 may have : flamer , meltagun , plasma gun , plasma pistol
any model may exchange cc weapon for : chainaxe , power weapon , powerfist

chieftain may take : melta bombs , artificer armour , hand flamer

entire squad may have jump packs

special rules -
legiones astartes ( sons of horus )
assassins eye

( assassins eye - entire unit may make precision shots )

[ banestrike bolter shells -

boltgun - range 18" str 4 ap 5 rapid fire , banestrike
combi bolter - range 18" str 4 ap 5 rapid fire , banestrike , twin linked

banestrike - any rolls to would of 6 are ap 3

legion seeker squads with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) or legiones astartes ( alpha legion) may exchange their scorpios special issue ammunition with banestrike shells at no extra cost

independent characters with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) or legiones astartes ( alpha legion) special rule may upgrade wither a bolter or combi bolter to use exclusively banestrike shells at [ redacted ]

may take a rhino or dreadclaw as dedicated transport provided the do not have jump packs


red butchers ( elite )

butcher terminator ws 5 bs 2 s 4 t 5 w 2 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+
devoured ws 5 bs 2 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 2+

may take 5 more red butchers

wargear -
cataphractii pattern terminator armour
power axe
combi bolter

options -
any model may exchange their combi bolter for a second power axe
any model may exchange both for a pair of lightning claws

the devoured may exchange power axe for -
power fist , chain fist , thunder hammer

devoured may exchange combi bolter for a combi weapon

special rules
legiones astartes ( world eaters )
ravening madmen
hatred ( everything )
feel no pain ( 6 + )
unstoppable charge

( ravening madmen - enemy models always hit the red butchers on a 3 + regardless of their weapon skill , red butchers can never be scoring units )

( unstoppable charge - may re-roll failed charge distances )

may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport


the kakophoni of the emperors children ( heavy support )

chora ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+
orchestrator ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

power armour
the cacophony
bolt pistol
combat blade or chainsword ( orchestrator only )
frag and krak grenades
sonic shrieker


may take 5 additional chora
orchestrator may take : melta bombs , plasma pistol in exchange for bolt pistol , power weapon or power fist in exchange for cc weapon
artificer armour

special rules
legiones astartes ( emperors children )

the cacophony
range 36" str 6 ap 5 heavy 1 , gets hot , pinning , bio psychic shock

bio psychic shock -
keep track of how many wounds are caused on a particular unit by weapons with this special rules seperately.
at the end of the shooting phase , all units with leadership vales , and who do not have the fearless special rule that have suffered 1 or more unsaved wounds from weapons with the bio psychic shock special rule must take a leadership test with a negative modifier equal to the number of wounds they suffered .

if the test is failed , then the unit immediately suffers d6 wounds at ap2 instant death , with no cover save possible. the player controlling the unit selects which models suffer these wounds.


grave warden terminator squad ( heavy support )
warden terminator ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+
chem-master ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+

cataphractii pattern terminator armour
assault grenade launcher with krak and toxin grenades
power fist
death cloud

may add 5 more grave warden terminators
and model in the unit may exchange power fist for a chain fist
one in every 5 may take a heavy flamer with chem munitions
chem master may exchange grenade launcher for a combi weapon

special rules
legiones astartes ( death guard )

assault grenade launcher
krak - range 18" str 6 ap 4 assault 2
toxin - range 18" str * ap 4 assault 2 , blast ( 3 " ) toxin , no cover saves

toxin - rather than to wound normally , after determining the ammount of hits caused on the unit , that unit must then take a number of toughness tests equal to the number of hits caused , with each failed test causing a wound on the unit , casualties removed as normal ( the weapon has no effect on models without a toughness value )

death cloud - any unit with a toughness characteristic charging a unit with this special rule will be forced into making a disordered charge across dangerous terrain while doing so . in addition , the deathcloud can be used as a weapon with the following profile

death cloud - range template str * ap 4 assault 1 , toxin

may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport

thats all the units for the first 4 legions , next 4 coming in a while :)

10-01-2013, 03:29 PM
Sorry to bug you, but could you also do the admech stuff? Nobody else has put up anything more than general names of units and the fact that they get all kinds of new wargear. Kind of dying of curiosity. >_<

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 04:08 PM
magus dominus ( hq - the techpriest leader everyone has wanted )

magos dominus ws 3 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 3 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+
archmagos ws 4 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 3 i 3 a 2 ld 10 sv 3+

power weapon
cortex controller
refractor field

may take:
augury scanner
mechanicum protectiva
cyber familiar
melta bombs

may exchange laspistol for - bolt pistol , volkite serpenta , archaeotech pistol , photon gauntlet , plasma pistol
mat take : servo arm , mechinator array , conversion beamer

may take one of following additional weapon options -
rotor cannon , melta gun , graviton gun , rad cleanser , photon thruster

may be mounted on a abeyant

may upgrade a single weapon to be master crafted

( special option a single magos dominus may be upgraded to an arghmagos , has access to all dominus options , gains relentless )

special rules

( cybertheurgy are basically machine curses / psychic powers , ill go into those and other mechanicus wotsits later )

abeyant - basically a mount , gains +1 wound , move through cover , very bulky , hardened armour and it will not die special rules

enginseer auxilla ( elites )

enginseer adept ws 3 bs 3 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 3 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+
servo - automata ws 3 bs 3 s 4 t 5 w 1 i 1 a 1 ld 6 sv 3+

1 adept 4 automata

wargear ( adept )
power armour
power axe
servo arm

wargear ( automata )
cc weapon

may include one additional adept , 4 additional automata
adept may take any of the following - nuncio vox , augery scanner , volkite charger, cortex controller , graviton gun , melta bombs , cyber familiar

any automata may take one of the following - las-lock , servo arm , flamer , rotor cannon , heavy bolter , multi melta

special rules ( adept )
servo automata support

special rules ( servo automata )

( cybernetica if no longer accompanied by an adept of magos , take a pinning test at the start of each movement phase unless in combat in which case they fight as normal )

( servo automata support - for each servo arm equipped automata in the unit , the enginseer gains +1 to all battlemsith rolls ( 1 is always a fail ) )


myrmidon secutors ( elites )

myrmidon secutors ws 4 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 2 i 2 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+
myrmidon lord ws 4 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 2 i 2 a 3 ld 10 sv 3+

2 secutors , 1 lord

two waepon options ( see options )
power axe
frag and krak grenades
refractor field

may include seven additional secutors
each myrmidon ( including lord) must choose two options from the following list , if chosen twice they count as twin linked )
maxim bolter , volkite charger , graviton gun , irad cleanser , phased plasma fusil

special rules
fullisade attack
lumbering advance

( fullisade attack - may fire two weapons in the shooting phase , so long as they are both fired at the same target )

( lumbering advance - may never make run or sweeping advance moves )

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 04:22 PM
mechanicus wotsits and shiney bits

cybernetica cortex

models with the cybernetica cortex have the programmed behavious , fearless , cybernetic resiliance and adamantium will special rules .

coherency models with the cybernetica cortex special rule have a 4" coherency range

programmed behaviour
unless within 12" of a friendly model with a cortex controller , the following restrictions are place on the units use in the game , thes restrictions do not applt if the battle automata maniple is already locked in an assault :

may not make sweeping advance or run moves
target priority
if enemy models are within 12 " and within line of sight during the shooting phase , the battle automata maniple mist fire all its weapons against the closest enemy unit it is able to harm . if this is not the case , they are free to select targets as usual
if enemy models are within 12" during their assault phase , the battle automata must attempt to charge the closest enemy unit oif able , not that the battle automata may still only charge the same unit it fired at in the shooting phase . if consolidating after combat , they must do so towards the nearest enemy model if one is present within 12 "

cybernetic resiliance

succesful wounds cored by poion or fleshbane special rules must be re-rolled against this model
attacks with the haywire special rule will cause a wound on a d6 roll of 6 against this model , and in addition to any other wounds or effects caused , roll for this wound seperately , saves may be taken as normal.

cortex controller
the presence of a cortex controller within 12" as part of a unit of friendly models with the programmed behavious special rule at the start of any phase means that the special rule is ngated for that phase and their controlling player is free to use them as any other unit.

mechanicum protectica

4+ invulnerable save

maxim bolter
range 12" str 4 ap 5 assault 3

photon thruster weapons

photon gauntlet - range 12" str 5 ap 2 assault 2 , blind gets hot

photon thruster - range 48" str 6 ap 2 heavy 2 , lance , blind , gets hot

darkfire cannon - range 60" str 7 ap 2 heavy 2 , lance , blind gets hot

night vision special rule . takes blind tests on initiative 1

mauler pattern bolt cannon

range 24" str 6 ap 3 heavy 3 pinning

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 04:54 PM
any specific requests ? :)

10-01-2013, 04:56 PM
Rites of War of the four legions in the first book, please ?

10-01-2013, 05:05 PM
Rites of War, the legion specific units for the new Legions (ashen circle for instance), unless I missed them? *checks*

10-01-2013, 05:08 PM
Can Kharn be equipped with a jump pack ?

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 05:20 PM
you mean the new rites they get in massacre ?

sons of horus - the black reaving

effects -
encirclement any non vehicle unit which is part of the detachment which enters from reserve ( other than deep strike ) has the fleet special rule on the turn it arrives
cut them down units with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) special rule taken as part of a detachment using this rite of war gain the rage special rule when they successfully charge an enemy unit that is already engaged in an ongoing assault
reaver onslaught reaver squads may be chosen as troops
the eye of the warmaster justearin terminators gain deep strike

limitations -
must take a master of signal as compulsory HQ choice in addition to the preator or other character whose presense allows for the use of a rite of war
must take more fast attack choices than heavy support
must take an additional compulsory troops choice
may not take fortifications

world eaters - berserker assault

berserk charge all models with the legiones astartes ( world eaters ) special rule subject to this rite of war gain the hatred special rule while outside of their own deployment zone , and must always attempt to make sweeping advances if able
unstoppable wave all models with the legiones astartes ( world eaters ) special rule subject to this rite of war must re-roll failed pinning tests and must re-roll run rolls of 1

must take an additional compulsory troops choice
may not take more vehicles with the tank or flyer type than they have infantry units
may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices and may not take a librarian
may not use fortifications or any other allied space marine legion detachment

emperors children - the maru skara

the open blade if chosen as the armies primary detachment , all of the controlling players units using this rite of war deployed on the table may add +1 to theur normal movement and to their run and charge distances on their first player turn

the hidden blade if chosen as part of the armies primary detachment , the controlling player must choose a minimum of one and a maximum of three units from its elites and / or fast attack choices . these , along with any attached independent characters are held in reserve and treated differently from any other reserve units in the game ( and so do not count towards drop pod assault , maximum army reserves etc )
the controlling player must then after deployment , but before the game begins , secretly write a note listing either turn 2 , 3 or 4 as the turn on which they wish for their hidden blade units to arrive on.
this note is then left face down in plain sight until the chosen turn arrives.
when the chosen player turn arrives , the note is shown to their opponent and the hidden blde revealed.
hidden blade units arrive from reserve as normal , and gain outflank

may not field units with the immobile , heavy or slow and purposeful special rules
must take a legion champion as a second compulsory HQ choice
may not take fortifications or allies space marine legion detachments
if slay the warlord objective is being used , and the army using this rite of war fails to slay the enemy warlord , the opposing side gains +1 victory point.

death guard - the reaping

superior firepower death guard legion veteran tactical squads and legion heavy support squads may be taken as non compulsory troops
implacable gains move through cover special rule
dark arsenal any character or independent character may be given rad grenades

may not run or make flat out moves
may not deply using deep strike ( units than must deploy via this method cannot be chosen as part of this detachment )
may only take a single fast attack choice

10-01-2013, 05:26 PM
Thank you !

Last one : Kharybdis Assault Claw's rules ?

10-01-2013, 05:32 PM
Did Salamanders, Iron Hands, Word Bearers and Night Lords not get their own Rites of War?

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 05:39 PM
Rites of War, the legion specific units for the new Legions (ashen circle for instance), unless I missed them? *checks*

iron hands - the head of the gorgon


chosen groundinfantry units gain stubborn inside their own deployment zone
war relics any infantry model in the force with a flamer may exchange this for a graviton gun , all vehicles gain the blessed autosimulacra special rule
iron scions legio cybernetica battle automata maniples may be inclused as an elite choice . any infantry squad 10 strong or less eligable to take a rhino may instead take a land raider proteus or phobos as a dedicated transport
armoured encirclement vehicles with the tank type placed in reserve gain the outflank special rule

may only take a single fast attack choice
with the exception of the forge lord , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices
may not take allied legion detachments

night lords - terror assault

cover of darkness the force may impose night fighting for the duration of the first turn or any mission on a 4+
if this condition if not already occurring normally. night fighting imposed in this manner carries on into the second turn on a 5+ and into the third on a 6+
terror tactics night lords terror squads must be taken as the compulsory troops choices and may be take as additional troops choices if desired
claw assault tactical squads , veteran tactical squads and terror squds may either take dreadclaw drop pods or legion drop pods as dedicated transports and begin the game in reserve

must take an additional compulsory troops choice
may only take a single heavy support
may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choice
may not take fortifications or or allied legion detachments

salamanders - the covenant of fire

obsidian forged all salamanders vehicles have a 5+ invulnerable save against melta , volkite , plasma and flamer weapons of all types as well as melta bombs
veneration of wrath all meltaguns , inferno pistols and multimeltas have the master crafted special rule , pyroclast squads make be chosen as non compulsory troops
implacable gain move through cover

may not deploy via deep strike
cannot take move heavy support and fast attack in total than they have troops choices
with the exception of the legion champion type , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choice

word bearers - the dark brethren

arch-traitors gain preferred enemy ( loyalist space marines )
signs and portentsat the start of the game choose a single unit , after deployment . roll a d6 on a 1-3 all opposing units gain preferred enemy against this unit , on a 4-6 this unit counts have having the special rule preferred enemy against all opposing units
from beyond may take allies from codex deamons
hell follows with them all wounds caused by perils of the warp tests taken by the opposing side gain the instant death special rule

must take at least one diabolist as a HQ choice
may not take more than one heavy support choice
may not take take fortifications or allied legion detachments and treat all other allies except deamons as desperate allies

no , kharn may not take a jump pack

10-01-2013, 05:39 PM
Three more questions:
What are the castellax like?
How about the Thralls?
What special weapons can the Myrmidon Destructors take?

Thank you so much!

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 05:40 PM
Thank you !

Last one : Kharybdis Assault Claw's rules ?

not in the book sadly , that , along with fire raptor are in book 3 , but we'll probably see test rules on the fw site

Three more questions:
What are the castellax like?
How about the Thralls?
What special weapons can the Myrmidon Destructors take?

short version

ws 3 bs 4 s 6 t 7 w 4 i 3 a 2 ld 7 sv 3+
comes as a single model , but can take 4 more for a squad
mauler bolt cannon , two boltguns , shock charges and atomantic shielding


ws 2 bs 2 s 4 t 3 w 1 i 2 a 1 ld 7 sv 5+
squad of 10
flak armour , las lock cc weapon

feel no pain 6+ support squad

fearless , may not overwatch or make sweeping advances , may not be taken as compulsory troops

las lock range 18" str 4 ap 6 assault 1

destructors can take volkite culverin , photon thruster , irradiation engine or conversion beamer

10-01-2013, 05:47 PM
Can we get the rules for Pyroclast, Ashen Circle and Terror Squads?

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 05:59 PM
wall of text incoming , my hands are gonna hurt lol

gorgon terminator squads ( elites )

gorgon ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 w 1 i 3 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+
hammerbreaker ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 q 1 i 3 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+

4 + hammerbreaker

gorgon pattern terminator armour
combi bolter
power axe ( gorgons )
thunder hammer ( hammerbreaker )


may take 5 more gorgons
any gorgon may exchange axe for power fist , lightning claw or chainfist

swap both for pair of lightning claws

one in every 5 may have - reaper autocannon , heavy flamer , graviton gun

hammerbreaker may take - combi weapon , grenade harness , cyber familiar

( gorgon pattern terminator armour - at the end of any phase which at least one model in the unit passed at least one armour or invulnerable save , roll a d6 , on a 4+ all models within 6" take a blind test , friendly models may re-roll the result)


medusan immortals ( elites )

immortal ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+
sergeant ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

9 + sergeant

power armour
bolt pistol
boarding shield
frag and krak grenades

may take 10 additional immotals
and immortal and or the sergeant may exchange boltgun for a volkite charger , chainsword or combat blade

for every 5 models in the squad may take one of the following

flamer , meltagun , graviton gun , lascutter

sergent may replace boltgun and / or pistol with one of the following ( no option more than once )
plasma pistol , power weapon , lightning claw , power fist , thunder hammer

sergeant may also take
melta bombs , single breaching charge , artificer armour

special rules
legiones astartes ( iron hands )
gun them down
feel no pain ( 6+ )
hardened armour

( gun them down - rather than making a sweeping advance as normal after a victorious assault , by passing a leadership test the squad may instead make snap shots at a single squad falling back away from them , this is done before any falling back models are moved , and casualties are selected just as in assault . if the unit fails its leadership test , no snap shots or sweeping advance may be made )


Terror squad ( elites )

executioner ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+
headsman ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

4 + headman

power armour
bolt pistol
chainsword or combat blade
frag and krak grenades

upto 5 executioners
any model in the squad may take one of the following
boltgun , heavy chainblade , volkite charger , rotor cannon ( one per squad )

headsman may exchange cc weapon for - power weapon , nostraman chainglaive , power fist , single lightning claw

may exchange pistol for - hand flamer , plasma pistol

headsman may also take - melta bomb , artificer armour

special rules
legiones astartes ( night lords )
preferred enemy ( infantry)

may choose a dreadclaw as a dedicated transport


night raptors ( fast attack )

night raptor ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+
huntmaster ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

4 + huntmaster

power armour
bolt pistol
cc weapon
jump pack
frag and krak grenades


may add 10 additional night raptors

any model may exchange cc weapon for - power weapon , nostraman chainglaive , single lightning claw

one in every 5 may take - flamer , meltagun , plasma pistol , plasma gun , hand flamer

alternatively , any model may exchange pistol and cc weapon for a pair of lightning claws

huntmaster may exchange pistol for one of the following - volkite serpenta , hand flamer , plasma pistol

may also take , melta bombs , artificer armour

special rules
legiones astartes ( night lords )

( onslaught - in a turn which a model with this rule charges into combat , it gains D3 extra attacks instead of the usual 1 . in the case of a unit with multiple models with this rule , roll once for the entire unit )

( nastiest assault unit so far imo )


pyroclast squad ( heavy support )

pyroclast ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 9 sv 2+
warden ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ls 9 sv 2+

4 + warden

artificer armour
pyroclast flame projector
combat blade
frag and krak grenades


may take 5 additional pyroclast

entire squad may take melta bombs

warden may exchange coc weapon for - power fist , power weapon.

special rules
legiones astartes ( salamanders )
mantle of ash

( pyroclast flame projector

flame projector - dispersed - range template str 5 ap 5 assault 1
focused - range 6" str 6 ap 1 assault 1 melta

mantle of ash
invulnerable save of 5+ against all flamers , plasma , volkite and melta weapons

may take a phobos or proteus as dedicated transport


firedrake terminator squad ( elites )

firedrake ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+
master ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 2+

4+ master


cataphractii pattern terminator armour
combi bolter
power weapon ( firedrakes )
master crafted power weapon ( master )


5 additional firedrakes
any model may exchange power weapon for - power fist , chainfist , thunder hammer

master may exchange master crafter power weapon for - master crafted thunder hammer

any model may exchange its combi bolter for - combi flamer or combi melta , dragonscale pattern storm shield

a single firedrake may take a heavy flamer

( dragonscale storm shield - 5 + invulnerable save - or increases an invulnerable save a model already has by +1 to a maximum of 3 . may not claim attacks for additional hand weapons. salamanders independent characters can have this also )

special rules
legiones astartes ( salamanders )
implacable advance
favoured of vulkan

( implacable advance - firedrakes are scoring units )

( favoured of vulkan , may be chosen as a command squad for any salamanders preator in terminator armour or vulkan himself )

may take phobos , proteus or spartan as a dedicated transport)


word bearers - diabolist - new consul type
gains the deamon special rule and preferred enemy , loyalist special rule added to all its close combat attacks
may not be equipped with - bike , jetbike , terminator armour a power fist of a thunder hammer
if a diabolist is present the force has access to the dark channelling option.

dark channelling [ redacted ] per squad

roll a d6 for every squad this is given to at the beginning of the game

1-3 unit gains zealot special rule
4-5 gains +1 strangth for duration of the battle
6 unit gains the deamon special rule for the duration of the battle , but no longer counts as scoring ( if it did before ) and counts as being destroyed at the end of the game for the purposes of calculating victory points

Gal Vorbak ( elites )

dark brethren ws 5 bs 4 s 5 t 5 w 2 i 5 a 2 ld 8 sv 3+
dark martyr ws 5 bs 4 s 5 t 5 w 3 i 5 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+

4+ martyr

power armour
bolt pistol
cc weapon
frag and krak grenades


5 additional brethren

one in every five may take one of -
flamer, meltagun , plasma gun or power weapon

martyr may exchange cc weapon for - power weapon , power fist , single lightning claw

may exchange both for - pair of lightning claws

may also take - melta bombs , artificer armour

special rules
rending ( cc attacks only )
deep strike

( damned - never counts as a scoring unit )


ashen circle ( fast attack )

incendiary ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+
iconoclast ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+

4+ iconoclast


hardened armour
hand flamer
jump pack
frag and krak grenades


additional 5 incendiaries

any model may exchange axe-rake for - power axe
iconoclast may exchange hand flamer for - inferno pistol , plasma pistol

iconoclast may also take any of the following
melta bombs , upto three phospex bombs , artificer armour


range - str +1 ap 6 melee , grapple

( grapple enemies attempting to fall back after losing an assault to a unit equipped with axe-rakes suffer a -1 penalty to their fall back distance )

special rules
legiones astartes ( word bearers)
burning descent
scorched earth
bitter duty

( burning descent - if the unit enters play via deep strike , as soon as it is placed on the table , all models with d6 " suffer an immediate str 3 ap 5 hit )

( scorched earth - unit may always use its hammer of wrath attack , regardless of whether of not it has used its jump packs in the movement phase , and these attacks are carried out at strength 5. the hammer of wrathe attacks made by this unit are classed as flamer type attacks )

( bitter duty - this unit may not be joined by friendly independent characters )

phew , that took a while , enjoy :D

10-01-2013, 07:34 PM
Very much appreciated, Brother Garrod! Really fun reading all the new rules, can't wait to get a copy of the book. I've dug through the thread and haven't seen either Erebus or Kor Phaeron yet. Did I miss them? If I didn't, I humbly request their rules! Thanks again!

Brother Garrod
10-01-2013, 07:37 PM
havent gotten to those two yet , they on the to-do list for tomorrow :)

10-01-2013, 08:18 PM
Ah, too bad. I look forward to it. You're doing the God-Emperor's (Warmaster's?) work, son.

10-01-2013, 08:43 PM
It's such a tragedy that FW is better at writing rules for chaos space marines than GW proper.....

Lukas The Trickster
10-01-2013, 11:38 PM

10-01-2013, 11:48 PM
HA frakked it up

go on lukas, fix that up why don't you, looses so much of the cliche impact when I need to click on the little violin.

10-02-2013, 12:04 AM
The rules have been spread out over the past few pages, so I consolidated them here. These are not the Unit rules, just each Legion. Enjoy.

Iron Hands Special Rules Appendix

Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

Inviolate Armour - All shooting attacks against models with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1

Stand and Fight - must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase . may not voluntarily go to ground

Rigid Tactics - an iron hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type , note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to iron hand armies

Legion Specific Wargear

Blessed Autosimulacra - Cost [redacted]
At the end of the turn, any vehicle with this upgrade that lost a Hull Point this turn may roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, that Hull Point is restored.

Cyber Familiar – Cost [redacted]

Iron Father – Any Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule may be made an Iron Father, gaining a Servo Arm in addition to their normal wargear, the Feel No Pain (6+) and battlesmith Special Rules for [redacted] points. If done, they may no longer be equipped with a jump pack, bike or jetbike.

Rite of War – The Head of the Gorgon

Chosen Ground – Infantry units gain Stubborn inside their own Deployment Zone

War Relics – Any infantry model in the force with a Flamer may exchange it for a Graviton gun at no cost. All vehicles gain the Blessed Autosimulacra upgrade at no cost.

Iron Scions – Legio Cybernetica battle automata maniples may be included as an elites choice. Furthermore, any infantry squad 10 or less models strong eligible to take a Rhino armoured transport may instead take a Land Raider Proteus or Phobos as a dedicated transport.

Armoured Encirclement – Vehicles with the tank type placed in reserve gain the Outflank special rule.

• May only take a single fast attack choice
• With the exception of Forge Lord, may only take a single Consul as part of their HQ choices
• May not take Allied Legion detachments.


Salamanders Special Rules Appendix

Legiones Astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

Strength of Will - automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 on failed morale and pinning tests

Promethean Gift - all hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength , in addition , any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1

Nocturne Born - all units with the Legiones Astartes (salamanders) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1"

Purging Flame – Any Heavy Bolters/Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters may be exchanged for Heavy Flamers/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamers or a Plasma Pistol to an Inferno Pistol at no cost.

Disdain for the Dark Age – May not take a Moritats, Destroyers, or phosphex weaponry.

Legion Specific Wargear

Artificer Weapons – All Characters (including Sergeants, etc) with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule may apply the master-crafted special rule to a single weapon they possess for XXX points noted before the battle begins.

Dragonscale Storm Shield – Provides a 5+ invulnerable save or increases an invulnerable save by +1 (to a maximum of 3+). Models with a Storm Shield may not claim the attack bonus for being armed with an additional close combat weapon.

Mantle of the Elder Drake – A praetor with this upgrade has the Eternal Warrior special rule.

Rite of War - The Covenant of Fire

Obsidian Forged - all salamanders vehicles have a 5+ invulnerable save against melta , volkite , plasma and flamer weapons of all types as well as melta bombs

Veneration of Wrath - all meltaguns , inferno pistols and multimeltas have the master crafted special rule , pyroclast squads make be chosen as non compulsory troops

Implacable – All units gain move through cover

• may not deploy via deep strike
• cannot take move heavy support and fast attack in total than they have troops choices
• with the exception of the legion champion type , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choice


Night Lords Special Rules Appendix

Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

Talent for Murder - if a unit with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords ) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound ( bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3)

Nostraman Blood - all models with this special rule fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead

Night Vision

From the Shadows - all units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game . even in open ground this may be combined with stealth etc as normal , but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it

Seeds of Dissent - if an armies warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting

Legion Specific Wargear:

Nostroman Chainglaive – Any model eligible to take a Power Weapon may instead take a Chainglaive.
Range - | Str +1 | AP 3 | Melee, Two-Handed, Rending

Teleportation Transponder – Any Night Lords Terminator Squad or Command Squad or Independent Character in Terminator Armor may be upgraded to have the Deep Strike special rule for [redacted] points.

Trophies of Judgement – Grants the character the Fear special rule

Rites of Battle – Terror Assault

Cover of Darkness – The force may impose Night Fighting for the duration of the first turn on any mission on a 4+ if not already occurring normally. Night Fighting imposed in this manner carries on to the second and third turn on a 5+ and 6+ respectively.

Terror Tactics – Night Lords Terror Squads must be taken as the compulsory Troops choices and may be taken as additional Troops if desired.

Claw Assault – Tactical, Veteran Tactical and Terror Squads may take either a Dreadclaw or Legion Drop Pod as a dedicated drop pod and begin the game in reserve.

• Must take an additional compulsory Troop choice
• May only take a single Heavy Support
• May only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices
• May not take fortifications or allied detachments


Word Bearers Crusade List Appendix

Legiones Astartes

True Believers – All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule roll 3D6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest

Cut them Down – All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule must always make sweeping advances whenever possible and must re-roll results of a 1.

Charismatic Leadership – Any primary detachment force chosen from the Word Bearers Legion must take a second Compulsory HQ choice on the Force Organization Chart (Where a second choice is allowed) and this choice must always be either a Centurion or Chaplain consul.

Legion Specific Wargear

Diabolist – Consul Upgrade. Gains the Daemon and Preferred Enemy (Loyalist Marine) special rules. May not be equipped with a Bike, Jetbike, Terminator Armor or take a Powerfist or Thunder Hammer.
If a Diabolist is taken, the force has access to the Dark Channelling option:

Dark Channeling ([redacted] per squad)
Roll a D6 for every squad upgraded in this way at the beginning of the game.
• 1-3 – The unit gains the Zealot special rule
• 4-5 – The unit gains +1 Strength for the duration of the battle
• 6 – The unit gains the Daemon special rule for the duration of the battle, no longer counts as scoring and counts as being Destroyed at the end of the game for the purposes of VP.

Rite of War – The Dark Brethren

Arch-Traitors – Gain preferred enemy (Loyalist Space Marines)

Signs and Portents – At the start of the game choose a single unit. After deployment, roll a d6, on a 1-3, all opposing units gain preferred enemy against this unit. On a 4-5 this unit counts as having the special rule preferred enemy against all opposing units.

From Beyond - May take allies from Codex: Daemons

Hell Follows with Them – All wounds caused by perils of the warp tests taken by the opposing side gain the instant death special rule

• Must take at least one Diabolist as an HQ choice
• May not take more than one Heavy Support choice
• May not take Fortifications or Allied Legion detachments, and treat all other allies except Daemons as Desperate Allies

10-02-2013, 12:11 AM
cheers rogue

10-02-2013, 12:26 AM
From Sinzaren:


Edit: Ooh, Edgar Skomorowski sculpted Lorgar, want bigger photos now.

10-02-2013, 01:31 AM
If we're looking for new smilies, I think we need this too:

Too big.

Brother Garrod
10-02-2013, 04:22 AM
to those consolidated lists you can add..

salamanders -

purging flame
any heavy bolters / twin linked heavy bolters in a salamanders legion detachment may be exchanged with heavy flamers / twin linked heavy flamers at no extra cost
any salamanders character eligable to take a plasma pistol may instead take an inferno pistol.

word bearers -

burning lore
any word bearers preator , diobolist , centurian or chaplain has access to the burning lore wargear upgrade.
turns them into a level 1 psyker with access to the biomancy or telepathy disciplines

tainted weapon
any word bearers character that has the option to take a power weapon , may instead take a tainted weapon

tainted weapon - range - str user ap - melee , specialist weapon , instant death

( forgot these yesterday lol )

10-02-2013, 04:22 AM
Daboarder: maybe that's because Forge World is writing rules for Traitor Legionaries, rather than Chaos Space Marines. I think the problem CSM players have is that having read all the Heresy stuff, and played the 30k game, they think Chaos Space Marines are like this; they aren't. They're very different.

On that FAQs image, not only is it too big, it's as ugly as hell and what does it even mean?

Kaptain Badrukk
10-02-2013, 04:39 AM
Daboarder: maybe that's because Forge World is writing rules for Traitor Legionaries, rather than Chaos Space Marines. I think the problem CSM players have is that having read all the Heresy stuff, and played the 30k game, they think Chaos Space Marines are like this; they aren't. They're very different.

On that FAQs image, not only is it too big, it's as ugly as hell and what does it even mean?

Totally agree on the whole thing about CSM and Legionaries needing to be significantly divergent.
Like the image, but agree on the size.

10-02-2013, 04:45 AM
I'm not saying that this is especially blameworthy, because let's face it, the Legions are Really Cool. But Chaos Space Marines aren't the Legions; hell, Space Marine Chapters aren't the Legions either.

10-02-2013, 04:49 AM
I know. I meant more that FW was putting more thought and effort into ensuring that the legions had different flavours than GW was with chaos space marines.

Incidently. Has anyone noticed that the loyalists primarchs all have better armour than most of the traitor ones.....or is there something im missong in their statlines.edit: hmm that might be because ferrus and vulkan are craftsman.....though fulgrim is meant to be too

Kaptain Badrukk
10-02-2013, 04:49 AM
Precisely, this is 10,000 years of evolution in fighting style and equipment later.
CSM should if anything be more focused on the traits that drove them from the imperium.
Hence the cult units.

10-02-2013, 04:53 AM
Should also have cult support units but weve been over that before

Kaptain Badrukk
10-02-2013, 04:57 AM
Indeed, hence my continuing supplements project.