View Full Version : The great spoiler agreement...

Mr Mystery
09-27-2013, 09:14 AM
So, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. starts tonight on Channel 4, and I for one am stoked!

However, I won't get a chance to watch it until after roleplay tonight, which may mean tomorrow morning.

And this means I'll have to avoid the interwebs until then, for fear of spoilers!

Which is all fine and well for me, as it's just a matter of hours. But then, there will be those who for whatever reason don't have the same time scale as I do. And I'd like to show the same respect I expect to others.

So, spoilers, spoiler tags, and how long to use them.....

Is there an etiquette/netiquette for this? Is a week sufficient time for people to catch up? Perhaps two weeks? Is this something we even need to agree on???

GO! Discuss!

09-27-2013, 09:23 AM
If you write things in white you can stop it being seen by the default skin in this vb forum

09-27-2013, 09:28 AM
I always think a week is sufficient. I usually can't help a 'that was awesome' or 'what the fudge was that' straight after something. but details must be left to give people a chance.
If you haven't seen it by then, then you don't care.
Wolfshade is correct about the white as well.

09-27-2013, 03:27 PM
Wolfshade is correct about the white as well.

You ruined it..

but it was totes amaze balls I don't think that is a spoiler per say

09-27-2013, 04:14 PM
You ruined it..

but it was totes amaze balls I don't think that is a spoiler per say

Sorry, I forgot the 'spoiler alert' .

I thought it was good but not great...yet. I don't like most things after 1 episode. I can't wait for more though.

09-27-2013, 05:26 PM

09-28-2013, 03:12 AM
I always think a week is sufficient.

But is it? The books of GoT have been out for years, yet a discussion of those would clearly be a massive spoiler for those only watching the show. Should we feel free to discuss the books, knowing that the peasants should have read them by now, or should we take pity on them and be considerate?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-28-2013, 03:13 AM
The series has been out for 16 years in fairness, screw them I say

09-28-2013, 03:17 AM
Fair enough. So at the end of the last book Jon Snow gets stabbed in the stomach. Repeatedly.

Go on peasants, highlight them I dare you. :p

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 03:41 AM
Came up with a rudimentary system for discussion...

TV - one week compulsory spoiler tags. Allows for both busy schedules, but also catch up being fairly straight forward.

Movies - one month. Not everyone can see it first day. Time and money constraints also apply to many.

Books and Games - 6 months. Gives slower readers and part-time gamers a fair crack at completion without plot twists being ruined.

Thoughts please!

09-28-2013, 03:42 AM
Seems like a good system.

09-28-2013, 05:05 AM
The films part doesn't work. There are a plenty of people who don't have time or funds for the cinema and not all films are available at all cinemas. I'd say films need to be one month after DVD release, not cinema.

09-28-2013, 05:12 AM
Came up with a rudimentary system for discussion...

TV - one week compulsory spoiler tags. Allows for both busy schedules, but also catch up being fairly straight forward.

Movies - one month. Not everyone can see it first day. Time and money constraints also apply to many.

Books and Games - 6 months. Gives slower readers and part-time gamers a fair crack at completion without plot twists being ruined.

Thoughts please!

Sign me up :)

09-28-2013, 05:23 AM
If you write things in white you can stop it being seen by the default skin in this vb forum

Now, I was just thinking that would be a great tag to have so people could mouse over something to see it if they wanted (though obviously dependent on those writing the spoilers to actually use it). I didn't realise your cleverer use until I replied with quote.

Sir, I salute you!

Mr Mystery
09-28-2013, 05:56 AM
The films part doesn't work. There are a plenty of people who don't have time or funds for the cinema and not all films are available at all cinemas. I'd say films need to be one month after DVD release, not cinema.

There is that, however spoilers are a two way street. Kind of.

Whilst you do have to show proper respect to those who can't see something straight off the bat, it's unfair to expect others to contain the squee for that long!

09-28-2013, 09:09 AM
Now, I was just thinking that would be a great tag to have so people could mouse over something to see it if they wanted (though obviously dependent on those writing the spoilers to actually use it). I didn't realise your cleverer use until I replied with quote.

Sir, I salute you!
It is becuase I am seven shades of awesome.

09-30-2013, 07:36 AM
Relatedly : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-24333771

09-30-2013, 08:12 AM
Fair enough. So at the end of the last book
Go on peasants, highlight them I dare you. :p

Though of course be careful when quoting. And totally justified.

Came up with a rudimentary system for discussion...

TV - one week compulsory spoiler tags. Allows for both busy schedules, but also catch up being fairly straight forward.

Movies - one month. Not everyone can see it first day. Time and money constraints also apply to many.

Books and Games - 6 months. Gives slower readers and part-time gamers a fair crack at completion without plot twists being ruined.

Thoughts please!

The films part doesn't work. There are a plenty of people who don't have time or funds for the cinema and not all films are available at all cinemas. I'd say films need to be one month after DVD release, not cinema.

I'm with Wildey on the DVD release, health reasons prevent cinema trips. At least take it to a well labelled thread so I can avoid it :D

There is that, however spoilers are a two way street. Kind of.

Whilst you do have to show proper respect to those who can't see something straight off the bat, it's unfair to expect others to contain the squee for that long!

Only asking for spoiler tags not refraining from discussion :D
You must have been terrible at xmas...

09-30-2013, 12:10 PM
Not to mention cost reasons. Two adult cinema tickets clocks in at the same price as DVD which you can watch over and over, lend to your friends and sell on. With my big screen had telly and blu ray player, I can get the same picture quality and exciting experience without having to leave the comfort of my own home and mix with the riff raff. I don't go to the cinema anymore unless it is a film I'm desperate to see.

09-30-2013, 12:19 PM
Not to mention cost reasons. Two adult cinema tickets clocks in at the same price as DVD which you can watch over and over, lend to your friends and sell on. With my big screen had telly and blu ray player, I can get the same picture quality and exciting experience without having to leave the comfort of my own home and mix with the riff raff. I don't go to the cinema anymore unless it is a film I'm desperate to see.

Don't you miss squeezing yourself into those tiny seats, it's all part of the "experience" of cinema :D.

I generally go about twice a month, once with the kids to see whatever is the disney / dream works movie at the time and once with my mates. Its not only to go see the movie for me though, it's a chance to get away from her indoors. Go have a meal and a drink with my friends, catch up and then go see a movie. It's just something I enjoy.

09-30-2013, 12:20 PM
No is don't. I don't miss picking bits of discarded popcorn out of my clothing either.

10-01-2013, 01:38 AM
Not to mention cost reasons. Two adult cinema tickets clocks in at the same price as DVD which you can watch over and over, lend to your friends and sell on. With my big screen had telly and blu ray player, I can get the same picture quality and exciting experience without having to leave the comfort of my own home and mix with the riff raff. I don't go to the cinema anymore unless it is a film I'm desperate to see.

I never thought of the advantages of not going to the cinema before, but no people, no sticky floors, can pause it for a toilet break, easier to snuggle. Shame I have to wait for the release though...

10-01-2013, 02:50 AM
I have seen two films at a cinema where there person I was with and I were the only people at the screening. One of those times the film was in the biggest screen (at Centertainment)

Best cinema experiance ever.

10-01-2013, 03:02 AM
I have seen two films at a cinema where there person I was with and I were the only people at the screening. One of those times the film was in the biggest screen (at Centertainment)

Best cinema experiance ever.

Yeah I've done that too (same screen) Though it was good when it happened on the premier screens as well. Though on at least one occasion we took advantage of the situation and missed most the film :D

10-01-2013, 03:22 AM
This is where I hope you were with the SO not one of your mates...

10-01-2013, 03:29 AM
I was with the Ex. The SO is too classy for that sort of behaviour :D plus she's never been on the full monty screen...

10-01-2013, 04:04 AM
Only allowing one week for TV is screwing over a lot of people in other countries. Example given in the first post: Agents of SHIELD. Fine, it may be over a week in the USA where it premiered, but it hasn't even been shown in Australia yet. We didn't get Sherlock until THREE MONTHS after it was shown in the UK. *shrugs* I'm used to people spoiling all sorts of things like the major twist in KotOR or the ending of entire plot of Pacific Rim, but it is still irritating.

10-01-2013, 04:05 AM
Well labelled threads then? and spoiler tags in other threads?

10-01-2013, 04:15 AM
Only allowing one week for TV is screwing over a lot of people in other countries. Example given in the first post: Agents of SHIELD. Fine, it may be over a week in the USA where it premiered, but it hasn't even been shown in Australia yet. We didn't get Sherlock until THREE MONTHS after it was shown in the UK. *shrugs* I'm used to people spoiling all sorts of things like the major twist in KotOR or the ending of entire plot of Pacific Rim, but it is still irritating.

And TV companies wonder why people pirate things...
It isn't like it takes 6 months to ship the actual reels to you now is it, direct internet transfers boom a few seconds.

10-01-2013, 04:34 AM
Only allowing one week for TV is screwing over a lot of people in other countries. Example given in the first post: Agents of SHIELD. Fine, it may be over a week in the USA where it premiered, but it hasn't even been shown in Australia yet. We didn't get Sherlock until THREE MONTHS after it was shown in the UK. *shrugs* I'm used to people spoiling all sorts of things like the major twist in KotOR or the ending of entire plot of Pacific Rim, but it is still irritating.
Then you have Homeland which was on down there yesterday but we don't get it for a week.:(

10-01-2013, 06:25 AM
Only allowing one week for TV is screwing over a lot of people in other countries. Example given in the first post: Agents of SHIELD. Fine, it may be over a week in the USA where it premiered, but it hasn't even been shown in Australia yet. We didn't get Sherlock until THREE MONTHS after it was shown in the UK. *shrugs* I'm used to people spoiling all sorts of things like the major twist in KotOR or the ending of entire plot of Pacific Rim, but it is still irritating.

There was a plot in Pacific Rim?

10-01-2013, 06:32 AM
IDK not seen it, but I've been told it's an american live action remake of evangelion.

10-01-2013, 06:41 AM
Not much of a plot. Giant monsters invade earth, mankind make giant robot suits to fight them. Plot done. Was rather fun though ;)

10-01-2013, 09:38 AM
I thought it was interminably boring personally, but each to their own.

10-29-2013, 04:07 AM
So here's a new problem to throw into the mix. I noticed yesterday that Mystery had replied to a question I put in the Gotrex and Felix: City of the Damned thread and had followed spoiler protocol and whited out the text. However, his reply flashed up in the 'new posts' sidebar, not whited out! What do we do about this inadvertent spoilerage by BoLS?

10-29-2013, 04:13 AM
dont read the sidebar?

10-29-2013, 04:27 AM
Find the person who included the quote and beat them to death with a rusty stick.

10-29-2013, 05:04 AM
dont read the sidebar?

But it saves me having to trawl through pages upon pages of your interminable nonsense.

Mr Mystery
10-29-2013, 05:07 AM
So here's a new problem to throw into the mix. I noticed yesterday that Mystery had replied to a question I put in the Gotrex and Felix: City of the Damned thread and had followed spoiler protocol and whited out the text. However, his reply flashed up in the 'new posts' sidebar, not whited out! What do we do about this inadvertent spoilerage by BoLS?

Cry....cry and cry some more :(

And then this being the Interwebs, blame Mat Ward?

10-29-2013, 05:08 AM
But it saves me having to trawl through pages upon pages of your interminable nonsense.

*insert vic and bob handbags gif*

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-29-2013, 05:10 AM
But it saves me having to trawl through pages upon pages of your interminable nonsense.


10-29-2013, 06:05 AM
set it to 40 posts per page no need :) rar rar rar rar