View Full Version : Crimson Fists hobby thread

09-26-2013, 09:29 PM
Well, the possibility of winning some death guard has pushed me over the edge to share some pics of my progress :D. These are models for my crimson fists army, which i started early this spring. I hadn't played 40k for years, but decided to get back into it this spring. I have been having a lot of fun painting marines, though I have to admit it has been more of a challenge than I expected--lots of precise line highlighting on these guys!

Here is what is on my workbench right now:

Here is my recently completed landspeeder, just finished a pair of heavy flamers (one pictured) that still need to be varnished.

Here is a sternguard vet who also needs some varnish but is otherwise done:

Here is my drop pod which is extremely close to being done. I can't believe how long it has taken to paint it--doing the inside and out has something to do with that!

09-26-2013, 11:56 PM
I feel your pain - I finished my second droppod and said "good enough" My infantry can just request more "non-opening transports" in the future.

That said, your highlighting is SHARP! Some of the cleanest, crispest work I've seen in a while.

We need more pictures :)

09-27-2013, 02:57 AM
I'm loving the look of these guys! Very clean work indeed!!! It'll be a striking army for sure, and I can't wait to see a full marine unit completed!!

09-27-2013, 05:02 AM
Very very nice. I tried doing something similar on some and they ended up looking like they were from Tron...

09-27-2013, 07:58 AM
For me, the blues are a little over highlighted, but I think that is more personal taste.

Th execution is really good though. Clean and crisp :)

09-28-2013, 07:39 AM
Wow, thanks for the nice feedback! I will have to take some more pictures soon! This is just what is on my workbench, I do have several other units done :cool:

SotonShades--I know what you mean about them looking over highlighted. I decided to push the highlights really far in this army so they would pop out while playing (from farther away, in dimmer lighting, etc.). I have overall been happy with doing it this way, but sometimes I have the same reaction to how the look up close!

p.s. the drop pod just needs to be varnished and have its storm bolter painted! Finally!!

09-28-2013, 09:36 AM
At tabletop view, the models will look brilliant. Digital Cameras are completely unforgiving. What's your recipe for the blue? I've been fighting off a Crimson Fists project for months now, but it's not going away unless I start building it. I've been looking for a decent formula that isn't as labor-intensive as some I've seen.

10-15-2013, 07:52 AM
Hi Digitarii, sorry for the slow response. I do a basecoat of Necron Abyss, which is an old foundation color (I have like 5 pots hoarded for this army!!). Then I do a layer of P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight (sometimes I blend the two layers together with a 50/50 mix but sometimes it isn't necessary). Then do a 50/50 mix of that and Screaming Skull. Those are the basic mixes. Sometimes I will do other layers in between and a brighter final highlight on certain edges. Hope that helps.

I have finished the drop pod, but don't have pics at the moment. I have been meaning to try to take some higher quality pictures of the stuff I have done but it hasn't happened yet. Instead I have some more workbench pics. Vindicator and rhino/razorback! I am doing these up somewhat quickly because I want to do the forgeworld old-school rhino and the not yet released old school vindicator because I think they look way better.


magnetized the dozer blade and added some brass etch:


surprisingly cute looking!:


Here they are at the moment. Tape around the bottom is to prevent paint wearing off while I hold them--something I thought of while working on the drop pod.



10-15-2013, 09:21 AM
Very nice Crimson Fists there, and I like the tape idea, might have to start doing that myself. I feel your pain with the Drop Pod, I've done one so far which ended up being painted in 10 parts before assembling it all and it took forever to do. Brilliant kit, but man did I want to punch whoever created it by the time I was done with it.

Nice Las/Plas Razorback. That's an idea I'm going to pinch as that's the only turret option I'm still lacking for my Razorbacks. Where do the parts for it come from?

10-15-2013, 09:32 AM
Really nice work on the Plasma glows and the glass viewports!

I also appreciate how you are keeping the crimson areas minimal. Often times when a chapter has a trim color, painters will overdo it and you end up with that "football team" look. Sometimes less is more!

10-15-2013, 11:14 AM
Good stuff, man, good stuff. I really like the tone of colours and the shading/highlights. Right up my alley. :)

10-15-2013, 09:48 PM
Really nice work on the Plasma glows and the glass viewports!

I also appreciate how you are keeping the crimson areas minimal. Often times when a chapter has a trim color, painters will overdo it and you end up with that "football team" look. Sometimes less is more!

Thanks Big Red--I spend a lot of time deciding which colors should go where. Glad those careful choices are appreciated! I just did some work improving the plasma glow too!

Brakkart, the Las/Plas is from here: http://bitspudlo.com/products/las-plasma-platform

It needed a good deal of work. Lots of bubbles and sharp edges that looked weird to me. I also ended up loping off the existing lascannon and replaced it with one from the razorback kit. The existing one was a little bit sloppy looking and the one from the kit has some more detail and is a little longer. I also sculpted lenses onto the targeter thing because they will look great painted up! I think it was roughly as much work getting it up to snuff as it would have been doing a conversion using the razorback turret and plasma guns. I do like how it looks old-school since the las/plas configuration is only on the Mk1 version of the razorback. I am actually going to be using this on a future deimos kit, so it should fit in nicely with that model. :)

10-17-2013, 01:58 AM
I'm sending a threeway-split personality here... :D

10-17-2013, 08:50 AM
Arg! Oops. It's because the post had be be approved by an admin (because of the link?), but I didn't catch on...for a while. Maybe I will just edit those and make them blank.

Anyways, here are some pics of the razorback progress. The turret is done, though I might add another purity seal on the side were there is already a purity seal (smaller one higher up). Good idea?


11-03-2013, 03:01 PM
Here are pictures of the finished Razorback! Not the greatest picture quality, I keep meaning to set up a better photo setup and never do (because I am painting ;)!



11-03-2013, 03:33 PM
Really nice clean work!

Very impressed!

So what's next? More tanks? Flyers? Infantry?

11-03-2013, 04:00 PM
very cool, well done.

11-03-2013, 04:54 PM
So what's next? More tanks? Flyers? Infantry?

I have a vindicator that is almost finished! I worked on it along side the razorback, so it just needs finishing touches. I also assembled a space marine with a lascannon today for a tac squad, so I think after the vindicator is done I am going to do him, a sgt. with a combi plas, and a sternguard to round out squads/add options :)