View Full Version : WIP Death Guard Army

09-26-2013, 04:26 PM
Greetings all!

Ash, here - long time lurker, first time poster... I hate to say that it was the temptation of those shiny retro Death Guard which finally swayed me into posting. But as they say - better late than lurking!

So yeah, I've been off-and-on working on a Death Guard army for a while now... Unfortunatly, I'm one of those people who has to convert EVERYTHING (even more unfortunate is that this is also true for my Ork green tide army), so it's pretty accurate to call it a 'long term project'.

Anyways, I figured that it's about time I got some pictures taken of a few pieces. See what you guys think =)

GUO - my latest completed(ish) addition. Gave the current GW model a green-stuff face-lift (literally).


Gribbly-Grinder - He's still very much WIP paint-wise, but I think the greenstuff sculpt came out okay in the end... I'm thinking of maybe adding a stream of phlegm being fired from his mouth... eventually...


Deathshroud - As much as I hated to do it (as the standard kit is so nice) I had to Nurgle-up my 'shroudies =)


More to follow...

09-26-2013, 04:42 PM
Plague Marines! - each more re-sculpted than the last... I'm thinking of maybe re-painting bits of them though... Mainly the shoulder pads. Make them tie-in more with my standard Death Guard dudes.


Death Guard 'Standard' Marines - probably me least converted models... Have only cut a few chunks out of 'em and had a bit of a shoulder-pad switcharoo.


WIP Daemon Prince - This dude is still very WIP - still loads of sculpting to do... He's getting there though... Slowly...


That'll do for now, I think. If you guys are interested in seeing any more stuff let me know! A few of us are heading over to Warhammer World in November for a few games - we're using it as a milestone to drive the painting forward - so as the date draws closer, I should have some more things finished and ready to post... I'm just not looking forward to the pain the new Ork Codex will bring... Sigh...

09-26-2013, 05:30 PM
Nice work mate. A lot of interesting combinations of bits :) Now you're no longer a lurker, I hope you'll continue posting. Seems like you have a lot worth sharing!

09-27-2013, 12:00 AM
Great conversions and I also hope you stay on and keep treating us with your work!

I'm in the middle of painting up a set of Deathshroud, so It's nice to see that someone else has suffered through the "straightening of the scythes"


09-27-2013, 12:22 AM
love the wings on the DP, what are they from?

09-27-2013, 04:12 AM
Cheers for the kind words, guys =)

Yeah, as it turns out the Warmachine Cryx models are a gold mine for larger Chaos spare parts - http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/gallery/cryx

The DP wings were from the 'Lich Lord Terminus' Warcaster kit. I'm glad I spotted them actually - I had been agonizing on a way to represent a flying Nurgle DP for ages - the usual more 'elegant' wings just don't cut it for me.

I'll probably give the DP another sculpt session over the weekend - see if I can get him looking a little more respectable ;)

I'm in the middle of painting up a set of Deathshroud, so It's nice to see that someone else has suffered through the "straightening of the scythes"

Heh, I feel your pain! There was so much heating and cooling involved, I felt like a blacksmith forging them for real.

09-27-2013, 09:16 AM
That GUO is fantastic. I also really like the squad of Typhus' charging forward.

09-27-2013, 09:36 AM
That GUO is fantastic. I also really like the squad of Typhus' charging forward.

Heh, cheers. The GUO was great fun - pretty large, so the sculpting wasn't too fiddly, and being Nurgleite meant so I could pass screw-ups off as 'intentional' ;)

09-27-2013, 09:44 AM
My bad. Dupe' post... Can tell I'm new to this... :rolleyes:

09-27-2013, 09:56 AM
love the wings on the DP, what are they from?

Turns out the Warmachine Cryx models offer great spare parts for the larger Chaos beasties. The DP wings are from the 'Lich Lord Terminus' kit. I was pretty happy to spot some ragged-looking wings (which aren't the HUGE zombie dragon's), as IMO the usual more 'elegant' style wings don't sit well on a Nurgle daemon.

I'm in the middle of painting up a set of Deathshroud, so It's nice to see that someone else has suffered through the "straightening of the scythes"

Heh, I feel your pain, man! All that heating and cooling... I felt like an actual blacksmith!

09-27-2013, 11:07 AM
Very nicely done!

09-27-2013, 08:12 PM
i ended up getting some plague drone wings for mine, turned out better then i thought honestly

09-27-2013, 09:58 PM
Looks incredible to me thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more of your work.