View Full Version : Some Nurgleyness

09-26-2013, 01:17 PM
The temptations of winning some vintage Plague Marines made me come back from obscurity.

So it's time to show what I've been working on the last couple of weeks...

Papa needs a Heldrake (well, Helfly...), a flying Prince of Nurgle, some spawn and a Skalatrax-Lord on bike (well, on dog).

They're all WIP, but the lord has some paint on it.

Here's a link to Flickr. Hope that's ok. Noob in this forum.


All comments welcome!


09-26-2013, 01:27 PM
you know generally you should read the post stickied at the top, particularly as your doing this to "win" something of the guy that puts up the cahs to run all this.

09-26-2013, 01:29 PM
I'll try put up a teaser for those who don't trust Flickr


Edit: I'm desperately trying to get this to work... :(

09-26-2013, 02:10 PM
I'll try put up a teaser for those who don't trust Flickr


Edit: I'm desperately trying to get this to work... :(

Alright mate, calm down.

My reccomendation, grab yourself a photobucket account (its free and quick)

then upload the pictures you would like to share,

Once thats done you look at the pictures in your library and when you open one, you'll see a series of little boxes with text in them on the right of the screen, click on the one labled IMG, this will automatically copy the coding for sharing an image on BolS adn most other forums.

Then you just paste where you want teh image to be in your post.

the IMAGE URL goes here


Awesome stuff too mate. I do wish I had done something similar with my stuff....I like it.

Now that you've got that working we'd love for you to stay, we really do need more project down here.

09-26-2013, 02:15 PM
Thanks man!

I do have a Photobucket account but Flickr has a direct link from iPhoto, so I decided to try that.

Photobucket it is from now on. :)

Nice termie BTW. Yours?

09-26-2013, 02:17 PM
I do know photobucket also has an app thats pretty easy to use, I use it all the time (its why half my photos are taken in a car (only time I get 5 minutes these days.

09-26-2013, 05:23 PM
i use flickr. right click on your picture and select the size you want (I usually use the 800 pixel option, seems to fit forums quite nicely) then right click on that photo and click view image. use the URL from that page in the [Img] bits daboarder mentioned and you're good to go :)

Loving the converted helldrake and the nurgly wings on the daemon prince. not the first time I have seen that style, but possibly one of the better conversions I have actually seen. Cant wait to see them painted up