View Full Version : Chaos 1850 plague style deathwing.

09-25-2013, 01:21 AM
What do you guys think of the following,

Champion of Chaos, Destroyer Hive, Fearless, Feel no Pain, Independent Character, Mark of Nurgle, Plague Zombies, Psyker (Mastery lvl 2), Veterans of the Long War, Warlord: Lord of Terror

Chaos Terminators
Deep Strike
Heavy Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, Terminator (Axe), Terminator(Axe), Terminator(Axe), Terminator(Axe), Terminator(Axe), Terminator Champion(Axe), Veteran of the Long War

Chaos Terminators
Deep Strike
Heavy Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, Terminator(Maul), Terminator(Maul), Terminator Champion(Axe), Veteran of the Long War

Chaos Terminators
Deep Strike
Heavy Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, Terminator(Maul), Terminator(Maul), Terminator Champion(Axe), Veteran of the Long War

Chaos Cultists
Champion of Chaos
8x Autogun, Champion's upgrade, Heavy stubber, 10x Squad models (champion included)

Chaos Cultists
Champion of Chaos
8x Autopistol, Champion's upgrade, Flamer, 10x Squad models (champion included)

Plague Zombies
Fearless, Feel No Pain, Slow and Purposeful
19x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

Plague Zombies
Fearless, Feel No Pain, Slow and Purposeful
19x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

Fast Attack
Daemon, Daemonforge, It Will Not Die, Meteroric Descent

Daemon, Daemonforge, It Will Not Die, Meteroric Descent

Heavy Support
Bulky, Daemon, Deep Strike, Obliterator Weapons, Slow and Purposeful
Mark of Nurgle, 2x Obliterator, Veteran of The Long War

Bulky, Daemon, Deep Strike, Obliterator Weapons, Slow and Purposeful
Mark of Nurgle, 2x Obliterator, Veteran of The Long War

Bulky, Daemon, Deep Strike, Obliterator Weapons, Slow and Purposeful
Mark of Nurgle, 2x Obliterator, Veteran of The Long War

Idea is to basically dominate mid field, surgically assassinate units and clear objectives using the drakes and the pair of termicide units, smash anything stupid enough to try go head to head with my HQ and retinue and clog anything able to readily deal with my support units (heres looking at you grav cannons)

09-26-2013, 02:51 AM
80 views and no love/hate?

09-26-2013, 03:46 PM
not so much hate but more sadness :( no plague marines? i'm not sure when you could even squeeze them in. i just know when i've built my lists with death guard i always have to have a min of atleast 2 units of plague marines. they just take so much punishment and dish out a decent return for themselves that i wouldn't leave home with out atleast 2 units. i would attempt to get some combi weapons on those termies as well i know i build typhus's squad to be all combi plas. i'd have to look but i believe 90% of my special weapons and combi weapons are actually plas with my force. i think there is 2 melta and maybe 2 flamers on my 2 min size squads but the rest are plasma.

i do like the idea of a nurgle syled wing but i think you need to be able to have more of an impact when they land.
i might even combine both units into a 2nd unit of 6 nurgle termies. i know it uts down on the units but you'd have 2 large units. not sur where he points would come from but a nurgle lord or a nurgle sorcerer would make those termi units fearless.

as for the dual drakes it might just be from my own personal experience but mine never seem to show up when i want them to... They're eiher to lae or to early to have much of an impact on my games. i think it's just more difficult to rely on them due to the main fact that we don't really have a good way to manipulate reserve rolls.

09-26-2013, 03:54 PM
I'd try and change a few things, not so much for tactics but for theme. Plague Marines for one, also how about an alliance of plague bearers and a Herald for holding rear objectives. Look cool too. :)

09-26-2013, 04:37 PM
yeah I don't like taking plague marines (not because they aren't awesome, they ARE) because I just hate the clash between cults and marks. My other lists do have MON CSM's though. I was going to for the same idea as my nids lists tend to, lost of bare minimum horde units backed up by good utillity units without a lot of additives tacked on.

What I could do though is drop on of the oblit pairs, grab an aegis with a comms relay, buff the cultist squads to 14 each (including guns on 1) and give all my terminators combi-plasma, which would leave me with 29 points to spend somewhere.

09-26-2013, 06:30 PM
I know what you mean with cult vs marked but i just see the cultists even the zombies as not being as durable as a unit or 2 of plague marines. i'd almost say to try taking the zombie hordes as your surge wall and to use a unit of plagues to baby sit an objective.

as to the combi plasma i personally like it on them because i want my terminators to kill a unit the turn they arrive. and combi plasma does just that. yes you run he risk of killing your own but the dark gods are fickle what can i say. that and i have found that one they harge whats left after the plasma nuked them in the previous turn here isnt really much left.

how have you found your cultits or mon troops to do? i haven't taken them i do with mok but thats because i'm one of those people who have given up on assaulting with my world eaters so i blast you into a million pieces hen charge the remnants with my berserkers. instead of charging you with berserkers just for fun lol.

i can tell you tha the DG force i have been working on now includes a decent amount of marines as well as 2 big units of bikers.

the list is something like this

csm lord mon mace bike sigil
csm sorcer mon lvl 3 power weapon bike familiar

(this gives me 2 killer characters)

2 units of 6 mon bikers each with 2 plas and combi plas champ

2 dg sqads of 7 dual plasma and combi plasma on champ power weapon in a rhino with dirge

1 5 man dual flamer dg
1 5 man dual melta gd



predator ac/lc

blight drones
and i still have points to spare on the list i belive. not sure what else i will add to them probably the unit of chosen kitted with plasma gun lol.

09-27-2013, 07:15 AM
Personally I love seeing cultist and zombies across from me on the table. I know I can send one of my venom splinter born after them(easily wiping 12 out a turn) but I love the terminators, MoN makes the m survive way longer and if added with Combi plas or combi melta can be devastating in games.