View Full Version : Just_My Favorites

09-23-2013, 11:51 PM
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

...but seriously, I have been stretching my modeling, and particularly my painting, skills a lot recently and I've been very pleased with the results. This has led me to several projects, mostly refinishing my existing armies up to the new standard and at least one new army from the ground up over here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35056-Just_Me-s-Red-Scorpions). In addition I'm always working on a couple of side ideas and/or one-off models when something sparks inspiration or a particular model jumps out to me.

However, as I'm sure all of you can relate some models just come out better than others and earn a particular place in one's heart. I decided to start this thread to unabashedly show off some of my particular favorites. None of them are Golden Daemon level by any means but I've put a lot of effort into them and I'm proud enough of them to want to flaunt them. Feel free to post your thoughts, whether they be unalloyed praise or just cutting me back down to size for passing off my work as anything special! ;)

I would also love to see others favorite models, so I would encourage you to create your own "favorites" threads or just throw them up here.

To get things started, something some of you may have seen already; my Red Scorpions Commander and Command Squad:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/RedScorpionsCommanderampCommandSquad_zpse97308c0.j pg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/RedScorpionsCommanderampCommandSquad_zpse97308c0.j pg.html)

Cadian Command Squad:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/CadianCommandSquad_zps5e3b1411.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/CadianCommandSquad_zps5e3b1411.jpg.html)

Commissar Lord:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/CommissarLord_zps7549ca21.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/CommissarLord_zps7549ca21.jpg.html)

09-23-2013, 11:54 PM
Part II

Raven Guard Shadow Captain:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/ShadowCaptain_zps5c5d87fc.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/ShadowCaptain_zps5c5d87fc.jpg.html)

Adeptus Mechanicus Magos:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Magos_zps5460918b.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Magos_zps5460918b.jpg.html)

My rendition of Crysos Morturg from the Horus Heresy Book I:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/CrysosMorturg_zps090206b4.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/CrysosMorturg_zps090206b4.jpg.html)

A man who needs no introductions but gets one anyway; Angron!

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Angron_zps3ffb9723.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Angron_zps3ffb9723.jpg.html)

09-23-2013, 11:58 PM
Part III

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Lord:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Inquisitor_zpsae9f98c3.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Inquisitor_zpsae9f98c3.jpg.html)

...and once again with his faithful Henchmen:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/InquisitorampHenchmen_zps6b96c465.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/InquisitorampHenchmen_zps6b96c465.jpg.html)

And fittingly a little Xenos love, my Necron Overlord:

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/NecronOverlord_zpsdb75b70e.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/NecronOverlord_zpsdb75b70e.jpg.html)

09-24-2013, 01:36 AM
Looking good, I am enjoying the muted colour scheme all adds to the frim dark.

10-03-2013, 08:01 PM
I finally worked up the courage to try my hand at that ban of 40k painters everywhere the dreaded YELLOW!

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/ImperialFistCaptain_zpsa1cc243d.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/ImperialFistCaptain_zpsa1cc243d.jpg.html)

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/ImperialFistCaptainside_zps3621db1c.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/ImperialFistCaptainside_zps3621db1c.jpg.html)

I went with a dirty battle-stained yellow to tone it back from the cartoony quality I dislike in many of the Imperial Fists (and other yellow armies) I have seen.

10-04-2013, 11:29 AM
Cyber-mastiffs rule!

10-04-2013, 05:47 PM
Cyber-mastiffs rule!

I agree! I consider it a counts-as Arco-Flagelant.

12-28-2013, 01:16 AM
Rather than create a whole new thread I've decided to add some of my random projects and WIPs to this one I started a while ago.

I conceived this conversion after reading the Horus Heresy stories with featured the Gal Vorbak like "First Heretic," "Mark of Calth," and "Betrayer" and only recently was I able to trade a friend for some of his unwanted Chaos models from Dark Vengeance in order to do it. The twisted and darkly faithful nature of the Word Bearers in general and (almost angelic) Gal Vorbak in particular apealed to me. This is supposed to represent a member of the old guard Gal Vorbak surviving into the 41st millennium:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIP_zps827b95ab.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIP_zps827b95ab.jpg.html)
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIPback_zps0c66c0b9.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIPback_zps0c66c0b9.jpg.html)
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIPside_zpse379d93c.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/Word%20Bearers/GalVorbakWIPside_zpse379d93c.jpg.html)

These guys are yet another incarnation of a Deathwatch Kill Team who I've taken out and dusted off now that we have ACTUAL kill team rules. Between the Sternguard rules and the additional specialist rules from Kill Team you can actually make a pretty solid representation of a Deathwatch team and all their fancy gear ("relentless" for a suspensor mounted heavy bolter, "sniper" for stalker pattern bolter, etc.).
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/Deathwatch%20Kill%20Team/DeathwatchKillTeamWIP_zps6900f65a.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/Deathwatch%20Kill%20Team/DeathwatchKillTeamWIP_zps6900f65a.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
12-28-2013, 01:45 AM
your models as always just_me look fantastic as always, I really like the Red Scorpions Command Squad.

Your Deathwatch squad looks full of character, I like them very much as well....

And dare I say it (being Loyalist SM player) Your Chaos Marine with the wings look really creepy, it's like a daemon has burrowed itself into the marines back (because of the spine between the wings)...

01-08-2014, 06:55 PM
This is a quick update with a few recently completed models I'm rather pleased with.

First off, a birthday present that I finally got around to painting, the Primarch Fulgrim. Really a fantastic model, lots of rich detail and a very dynamic pose. I can't wait to set him up with the Ferrus Manus model I got for Christmas when it's complete...
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Fulgrim_zps07c5e4ee.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Fulgrim_zps07c5e4ee.jpg.html)

Here are a couple of Lictors. I've decided to use the Deathleaper model for my regular Lictor brood as I think it is such a cool model but I have no intention of using unique characters for my Tyranids. I tried to make it appear as if their legs were blending into the background on which they stand to represent their chameleonic abilities:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/LictorBrood_zps69573383.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/LictorBrood_zps69573383.jpg.html)

Finally an odd addition to this selection, a piece of Imperial Statuary. I decided to play around with the new technical paints (specifically the verdigris one) and I liked the results so much I want to show it off:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Statue_zpsbfee1c7b.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Statue_zpsbfee1c7b.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
01-09-2014, 02:44 AM
Here are a couple of Lictors. I've decided to use the Deathleaper model for my regular Lictor brood as I think it is such a cool model but I have no intention of using unique characters for my Tyranids. I tried to make it appear as if their legs were blending into the background on which they stand to represent their chameleonic abilities:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/LictorBrood_zps69573383.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/LictorBrood_zps69573383.jpg.html)

WOW great work on the Lictors, really liking the chamelon theme you painted them with, don't think I've seen that done before.

Finally an odd addition to this selection, a piece of Imperial Statuary. I decided to play around with the new technical paints (specifically the verdigris one) and I liked the results so much I want to show it off:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Statue_zpsbfee1c7b.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Statue_zpsbfee1c7b.jpg.html)

Damn those new Tech paints do give some amazing results when in the hands of a truly talanted painter...

01-16-2014, 03:01 PM
Just finished up a conversion of my Tyrannofex. I've never been very pleased with the weapons provided with the model, they've always looked odd to me but some of the leftover bits from building the new Harpy model have provided inspiration and I think I now have an Acid Spray that I can live with:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Tyrannofex_zpse9441944.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Tyrannofex_zpse9441944.jpg.html)

KrewL RaiN
01-16-2014, 08:18 PM
Nice conversion! It even gives the model a unique look without the massive gun sticking out! I also love your Word Bearer too!

01-16-2014, 08:45 PM
Just finished up a conversion of my Tyrannofex. I've never been very pleased with the weapons provided with the model, they've always looked odd to me but some of the leftover bits from building the new Harpy model have provided inspiration and I think I now have an Acid Spray that I can live with:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/Tyrannofex_zpse9441944.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/Tyrannofex_zpse9441944.jpg.html)

hmmm I WAS going to use the harpy stranglethorns for mine, but I really really like what you;ve done here, consider it stolen

01-18-2014, 05:53 PM
hmmm I WAS going to use the harpy stranglethorns for mine, but I really really like what you;ve done here, consider it stolen

Well, consider me flattered then! I thought about the twin Stranglethorns myself but as Rupture Cannon (kind like baby versions of Hierophant Bio-Cannon) but when you mentioned your Acid Spray idea it got me to take a second look at that weapon and think about suitable conversions. I'm also thinking of adding some little Rippers to my Tyrannofex and Tyrant bases to represent Shereddershard Beetle thorax swarms...

01-24-2014, 04:06 PM
Recently completed Ferrus Manus (an xmas present). I love the model and I'm very pleased with how it came out:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/Iron%20Xth/FerrusManus_zps378bcb82.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/Iron%20Xth/FerrusManus_zps378bcb82.jpg.html)

...and of course with both Ferrus and Flugrim it would be criminal not to set them up together in the final confrontation.
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/TheDeathofFerrusManus_zpsfa528a2f.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/TheDeathofFerrusManus_zpsfa528a2f.jpg.html)

05-15-2015, 10:00 PM
Some of new additions to my favorites, starting with some Heresy Era stuff (more to follow). The books have really made me fall in love with each Legion in it's own way, so I've undertaken to build small forces and/or individual models from most of them. Wherever possible I've tried to capture what I see as the "character" of each legion in their poses, wargear, and specializations. How well I have succeeded is a matter of opinion.

Legion Commanders for the 19th Legion Raven Guard (from left to right Vigilator, Praetor, and Moritat):
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2846_zpsxijzmeka.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2846_zpsxijzmeka.jpg.html)

Legion COmmanders of the 10th Legion Iron Hands (From left to right Praevian/Siege Breaker, Iron Father Praetor, Forge Lord)
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2848_zpseklsujfk.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2848_zpseklsujfk.jpg.html)

Legion Command 18th Legion Salamanders:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2860_zpszw10v5fj.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2860_zpszw10v5fj.jpg.html)

Legion Command 3rd Legion Emperor's Children (from left to right Praetor and Champion):
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2859_zpszck4lyzj.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2859_zpszck4lyzj.jpg.html)

Legion Command 16th Legion Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus:
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2861_zpscvanarbh.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2861_zpscvanarbh.jpg.html)

05-15-2015, 10:19 PM
And some of the GORGEOUS Mechanicum models from Forge World.

A Magos Prime (some slight conversion work), both on his Abayent and off:
Mounted. The chassis weapon mount it magnitized for a Rad-Cleanser (shown), a Conversion Beamer, and a simple embedded scanner (representing no second weapon).
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2854_zpsb2craz4g.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2854_zpsb2craz4g.jpg.html)

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2855_zpsbiay6q5l.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2855_zpsbiay6q5l.jpg.html)

Castallax Battle-Automata (props if you can read their binary labels).
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2856_zpsltj5w2nv.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2856_zpsltj5w2nv.jpg.html)

Myrmidon Secutors, arguably some of my favorite models EVER! Armed with a nasty and versatile combination of Phased-Plasma and Graviton weapons.
http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh16/Just_Me_Images/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2858_zpsiim2fnx6.jpg (http://s252.photobucket.com/user/Just_Me_Images/media/40k%20Showcase/IMG_2858_zpsiim2fnx6.jpg.html)