View Full Version : Using Ferrus Manus as my Chapter Master

09-23-2013, 03:31 PM
I was planning on kitbashing an elaborate Iron Father to use as an Iron Hands Chapter Master with Thunderhammer and "The Shield Eternal". My initial plan was to use a Vanguard or Sternguard Veteran or a Master of the Chapter figure as a starting off point and then add a servo arm and some gears and such.

That was the plan until I saw a picture of the Ferrus Manus figure from ForgeWorld. That was when I realized that anything I could glue together and cover with greenstuff wouldn't look a tenth as awesome as the official miniature for the Primarch of the Iron hands.

Now, I don't collect any Horus Heresy stuff but I am seriously considering calling up ForgeWorld and ordering one of these. It would be a shame to keep Ferrus on a shelf forever so it occurred to me, "Couldn't I just use him as my chapter master?"

Would any of you have any problem if I plunked the Ferrus Manus figure down in a regular game of 40k and said "this is my Chapter Master". I know that he is scaled larger than a normal marine but he is probably only taller by a head or two. His base might be a little wider but would that make much of a difference? What do you guys say. Could I play him with Chapter Master stats in a regular 40k game?

09-23-2013, 03:54 PM
All of the Primarchs are considerably larger than a marine. Two heads worth, easily. They are mounted on a separate 40mm base for gaming purposes. Use him as a "counts as" in Terminator armor.

Mr Mystery
09-23-2013, 04:12 PM
They're bigger than that!

I've got Angry Ron (and isn't he furious!). They're easily 50% bigger!

09-23-2013, 04:55 PM
Wow! that big? (I know, I know, that's what she said). Anyway, that might be a little too big for my purposes. I wonder if I can cut down on the height if I magnetized his feet so that I can put him on a more mundane base for 40k games. That will save me half an inch at least right?

Cpt Codpiece
09-23-2013, 05:15 PM
just look at all the dead guys on the bases as a rough guide, angry ron is the best example as he is chopping a guy down.

they come to his nipples and he's hunched down running

09-23-2013, 05:42 PM
well he is an awesome model, well worth using. a smaller base would help, but if you like the model, go for it.

09-23-2013, 07:14 PM
Feel free to use your awesome model, dude, so long as everyone knows what he is. :)

09-23-2013, 08:14 PM
Feel free to use your awesome model, dude, so long as everyone knows what he is. :)

What he said...

He is a super sexy model (like all the Characters from FW), and it'd be great to see players use him in normal games. My rule of thumb is: Don't use the Horus Heresy rules/lists/characters unless you're facing another Heresy-Era army/list/character. But feel free to use the models.

09-23-2013, 10:15 PM
I wouldn't Harvey a problem. If he is bigger than its to your disadvantage.

09-24-2013, 01:53 PM
Yeah! Modeling for disadvantage! Is that a thing now?

09-24-2013, 02:12 PM
Yeah! Modeling for disadvantage! Is that a thing now?

I love your idea, it's fantastic. Let's face it how many people really are putting together a 30k army. Nobody I know personally. But people are buying FW stuff and doing counts as just like your thinking of doing. As example I can see 95% of those Kakphoni (or whatever they are called ) ending up as noise marines in a chaos army. If I played you and saw you CM was a converted Ferrus, I would be really happy to see the model and let you use it. Just remember to share any pics with us :D