View Full Version : Highly Illogical

Bedroom General
09-23-2013, 03:02 AM
'Ello Bolsketeers,
I find myself at large with a shot of decent whisky inside me and thought to share this. I like what GW are doing with the game.
I have come to the opinion that the "bad" units in each codex and the "oh no it's not instawin!" fanboi wank well, it's kind of the point.
The new edition is, in a word, hilarious. Warhammer 40,000 is a funny game. I have just recently had a chance to play with a much younger group than normal. I usually play against "ahem" mature gamers. I have missed the devil may care attitude that goes with "Well these are the only units I've got so have some Possessed/Flayed ones/Mandrakes/etc up ya!It was an important lesson. I want to have fun, but I have most of everything in the armies I own. I saw the embracing of the hated random aspect of the game. I played Orks, and lost badly, allied with Space Marines against the foul Necrons. It was great, non competitive fun. Brought back the "Wow great model!" enthusiasm. I'm gonna play for fun and fluff more often, even in my normally cut throat environment, because I'm finding that it is the random and bad stuff coming off that makes for a memorable game. I'm going for that with "The Arrogance" My Tzeentch themed CSM army with 10 Tzeentch warp Talons.
I think that you have to admire the ridiculous luck and play like a gambler to get the most out of this edition. Ere we go ,ere we go, ere we go!

Their pricing policy however, is an abomination for another day.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-23-2013, 03:13 AM
Their pricing policy however, is an abomination for another day.

So close to a 100% positive post! So close.......
I agree. On all counts.
I've been playing like a younger (spaffier) man lately, an I have a lot more fun. I'm trying to quit the twin evils of comp and math-hammer. It's hard because my hobby takes me online, where the status quo is comp and math-hammer to the power of 9.
Share BOLS, share!

09-23-2013, 03:25 AM
...fanboi wank...

That made me giggle far too much.

Fun game is fun, if both players want fun. It goes back towards the whole implied social contract et.al.

09-23-2013, 03:42 AM
I couldn't agree more. 6th makes me feel like I'm ten years old again.

09-23-2013, 03:46 AM
I like that 6th Edition seems to reward you based on what kind of game you want to play. I'm a bit more of a semi-competitive/competitive gamer myself, but I enjoy playing "for fun" games as well. Heck, my store was pretty much a strictly "for fun"/themed list store before, now due to myself and a bunch of my friends the store is oddly a lot more competitive than noted gaming bunker stores in the area.

Personally though, as someone who is a big fan of RTS's and classic strategy video games, I prefer to have as much control over my chances as possible. In that sense, I started out with Thousand Sons, but now I am mostly branching off into lists that I like the feel and look off mainly, but still give me the tools to face down any foe and defeat them through superior tactics. I don't mind playing with widely considered "inferior" forces, but it can get tiresome when you have done it for ages and want to play a more intriguing army. This may just be my experience with Thousand Sons in general, though.

My viewpoint, strictly speaking, is that all choices should have mostly equal reasons for me to include them while still performing their own role and possession unique advantages and disadvantages. This is the tactical perfection that I find in the Starcraft series; generally speaking, pretty much every unit has a role, though some may be used in more complex strategies than others as they require finer generalship. I want to have as much reason to take Warp Talons, for example, as I would with Heldrakes for a balanced army list. These are expensive models and I simply don't like knowing that they aren't as useful as other segments of my force. I enjoy the challenge of making them work and that is why I was still having quite a bit of fun with some of the less-competitive lists I have used, but it doesn't change the irksome feeling I get that the units don't quite play the way I want them to. My Thousand Sons don't really play like Thousand Sons, they seem to play more like over-costed snails.

To each their own though, and I'm quite happy to play any kind of game with any kind of player. Heck, I even put up with rude people if it means getting a quality game in.

As far as pricing goes, I have to say that I'm a bit smug as an Aussie, as ironic as it is. The more recent kits, barring a few aberrations (Dire Avengers spring to mind), have been comparatively great value to what they used to be. We had direct-only Crisis Suits that were $40 each, now we can get three in a single box in-store for $80. The Riptide is $90 despite how large and high quality it is, as opposed to the $110 Land Raiders/Storm Ravens we have. The old Tactical Squad box used to be $62, the new one is $65 and the models are slightly larger and much higher quality, plus lots of extra bits. Wraithguard were the big one though; previously $120 for five metal or finecast dudes, now we get five plastic dudes that are twice the size for $55.

Bedroom General
09-23-2013, 03:59 AM
Oh Cap, so right! I was reading out some of the fluff from the Ork codex to the group in character. They all got the spirit. For me it was not being afraid to be a big kid. I really just want to have fun now. I've spent ages making list after honed list, and only managed a brief Dr Evil moment as my frustrated enemy concedes. That aint fun people. Teleporting directly into lava....Now that's fun.

09-23-2013, 04:08 AM
Just thought I would add, everyone has fun in their own way. I find I have the most fun in games of 40K when I am playing against really tough opponents and we are both using army lists on a similar level competitively, it really becomes a game of skill at that point where luck can make a difference.

Bedroom General
09-23-2013, 04:58 AM
Fully agree with your point of view. I'm just going more fluff bunny than you'd prefer. I see it like this. If I treat each unit as a "legend" in their own right, then I have more fun while I'm being shot at/attacked etc. Or when I finally win as a Plague Marine Champion armed with just a plague knife, then get fnp as the gift!

09-23-2013, 05:45 AM
Honestly, the joy of a game like this is that there's so many angles to have fun with. Painting, modelling, competitive play, knockabout fun...

09-23-2013, 05:53 AM

Kaptain Badrukk
09-23-2013, 06:03 AM
It THE hobby, not YOUR hobby.
As my old boss at GW used to say.
Which he took to mean, help and encourage people with what they want to do, even if that means painting "Whinnie the pooh marines" or building the beardiest neck beard army since the national pogonophilia in Beardneck city.
I miss those days.

Bedroom General
09-23-2013, 08:49 AM
tis truly the way. My "Lucky Blue Helmets" Tau fire warriors are much more reslient due to their stupid nickname. My Rokkit Launchas hit more often than my MISSile pods. It is a game of loaded chance where the whimsical hope (Blind on warp Talons for example) can come off and be more worth noting in the old Risk Diary than "I annihilated another fool!!Bwahahahahah!!
Play Fluff.

Da Gargoyle
09-24-2013, 03:55 AM
I used to be an Ork and got into the whole naming thing with the mobs. One of my stars was a Skarboy called Primroze cause e wuz the baddest boy around. I used him in the first game I ever played and he was the sole survivor of Whirlwind strike. In every game since when he played he either won or nicked off to the pub to get the drinks in for the survivors of the day's frivolities.

I had a Mek called Tinkaz-Cus who had 3 oilers, Wingnutz, Lugnutz and Numbnutz. My waagh boss was Hammasmak Throbz and you guessed it, his retinue was called Throbz Nobz. The boys followed a looted demolisher called Grimdaize, a Tank Buster Nob called AmmeranTongz and a Nob with a power klaw called Splattagutz.

Sadly the new codex just changed too much for me and a switched to Eldar whom I lose with almost as much but with less of an excuse. But I do enjoy the games where your opponent is not a barracks room lawyer.

09-24-2013, 11:45 AM

you ever run an all Berzerker army against Tau? Pain. Blood for the Blood God. Its like the last bit of the final battle in "The Last Samurai", until the remaining 10 or so models in six different units dismantle the gun line.

Its all sorts of Glorious.

09-24-2013, 10:41 PM
Ere we go, ere we go, ere we go!
Ere we go, ere we go, ere we go!

Orks luv duh punk rok! 6th edition takes me back to 2nd/3rd edition from a fun factor. I think all the players who are on the 6th edition being the shootiest edition and CC is 'dead' bandwagon are about to get some serious CC up in their grill. I can't wait!