View Full Version : Legion of the Damned load out question

09-22-2013, 10:43 PM
Hi all,

I've not got the funds yet to upgrade to the new C:SM, so I don't know if my build is legal or not.

I have one Legion squad box, plus two extra legionairres. I've built a plastic guy from chaos bits and he has a plasma gun.

Would an 8 man unit with a flamer and plasma gun be legal. If not, do Ineed to add more guys, and do i need to drop a special weapon in favor of a heavy or a bolter


John M>

Patrick Boyle
09-22-2013, 11:12 PM
1 special and 1 heavy, but you can do both with less than 10. So, you'd have to drop either the plasma or the flamer, and could then take heavy weapon with 8 and be fine.

09-22-2013, 11:34 PM
sweet, thanks. the plasma guy looks cool enough, so I may keep him as an alternate and dig into my unbuilt devs for a multimelta then.

john m.