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View Full Version : Warhammer 40,000 Innocence (formerly known as Inquisitor)

09-22-2013, 07:30 AM
so it's clear now, that DE will be released during two months. October we will have warrior, witch elves, blood throne, Kharibdyss (dont know what is it), and a plastic shadowblade.
as we can see GW has put bg, chariot and dark riders to next month along with innocence(the 40K table game,i'm 95% certain that it will be in November). for good reason we can split our money
So looks like this is* happening afterall.

*rumoured to be

09-22-2013, 07:52 AM
Cool, I've been looking forward to the new mystery box and was beginning to think that it wasn't happening.

09-22-2013, 08:50 AM
40k and Innocence are two things that go together about as well as ...uh... an Iron Warrior and an Imperial Fist? The Commissariat and Xenos Love? Lots of Alcohol and Psychic Powers?

big pinch of salt for the title from me... the fact of the game in and of itself pops up so often that it seems probable...

09-22-2013, 08:52 AM
You're forgetting the motto of the Inquisition:

Innocence proves nothing.;)

If it's happening it would be a reference to that. The Dark Elf prices posted by zhangyi have been corroborated by someone else via an indie retailer so that may add some weight to the boxed set too.

Edit: Still a bit of an odd choice I grant you, I do wonder if it isn't a mistranslation or something.

09-22-2013, 09:21 AM
Well, this confirms that the rumours are bunk.

After all, there is no such thing as innocence.

09-22-2013, 10:08 AM
The trouble with rumors is that until we see something hard - a leaked photo, a leaked release schedule, soemthing - we still don't know. There actually are people who are big enough jerks to troll the community, so the more times something ping on the rumor-dar, it's not necessarily more likely that it will be a real thing. Rumors lead to buzz, but buzz leads to "rumors."

That said, it's another data point. I'm just trying hard not to get my hopes up.

And it is hard. I mean, how awesome would that be? Especially if the scale is such that we could use the models as sergeants and other characters in our 40k games?

09-22-2013, 10:34 AM
The trouble with rumors is that until we see something hard

never ask to see something hard on the internet :p

hoping it is true, I would love some more hot inquisitor action, whatever they name it.

09-22-2013, 10:37 AM
From a purely business perspective, how much money does GW expect to make from small squad skirmish game, especially if it's in the 28mm range? I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool. I, for one, would love it. I just hope that the rumours are true, and aren't just rumours.

Except for the title. The title sucks.

09-22-2013, 10:44 AM
From a purely business perspective, how much money does GW expect to make from small squad skirmish game, especially if it's in the 28mm range? I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool. I, for one, would love it. I just hope that the rumours are true, and aren't just rumours.

Infinity is enormously popular. Mercs has survived quite healthfully for years. To this day, Confrontation still has a cult following, and if the IP's current owners decided to go for it, they could probably resurrect it easily. How many of those folks also play 40k? How many of them would be overjoyed to grab a mystery box that allowed them to play a similar game in the 40k universe and give them the opportunity to use those unique and characterful models in ordinary 40k games?

I'm not saying it would definitely work. I'm just saying there's no reason to believe that it definitely wouldn't, either.

09-22-2013, 11:03 AM
From a purely business perspective, how much money does GW expect to make from small squad skirmish game, especially if it's in the 28mm range? I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool. I, for one, would love it. I just hope that the rumours are true, and aren't just rumours.

Except for the title. The title sucks.

If it's a limited run using 40k size miniatures that are unique to the game I reckon it will sell quite well. If it comes with some terrain (like Necromunda and Gorkamorka did) I think it will sell more still. There will be people who buy it for the game itself (I certainly would) and there will be some 40k players who buy it just for the gaming pieces.

If it does sell well, then GW have the option, should they wish, to continue to support it in the future. I mean think of the possibilities:

New Inquisitor Warbands
Rules for using IG squads (or even Space Marines)
Rules Cultist warbands (Chaos or Genestealer)
Rules for Xenos warbands (Eldar of either variety, Tau, Orks perhaps even Nids)

Obviously this assumes that the "black box" release is a skirmish game rather than a board game (like Warhammer Quest or Space Hulk). But I do think there is enormous potential to create entry points into the 40k game should GW wish to take advantage of it - a decision that will be made largely on sales.

09-22-2013, 11:07 AM
never ask to see something hard on the internet :p <SNIP> hot inquisitor action <SNIP>

Maybe you should follow your own advice? ;)

Aaaaaaand now I would go and do some Rule-34-based research, except I've suddenly remembered some WH40K porn images that I've seen ...

09-22-2013, 11:07 AM
My guess would be the title to the new game would be " Inquisitor: Innocence Proves Nothing". With the mongers calling it Innocence for short.

09-22-2013, 11:52 AM
It makes a great deal of sense for GW to tip its toe into the skirmish waters in such a fashion. If it Dreadfleets, little gets lost and at least people have the ruleset to try their own skirmish games. If it succeeds, they can make it a sort of expansion like Cityfight, Battle Missions, or Apocalypse.

Heroka Vendile
09-22-2013, 01:18 PM
You're forgetting the motto of the Inquisition:

Innocence proves nothing.;)

To be more on the nose, the motto of Inquisitor is "Everything You Have Been Told Is A Lie"

Or to give it it's full and glorious due:

You have been told of the Inquisition; that shadowy organisation which defends Mankind and the Emperor from the perils of heresy, possession, alien dominance and rebellion.
You have been told the Inquisition are the ultimate defence against the phantoms of fear and terror which lurk in the darkness between the stars.
You have been told the Inquisition are the bright saviours in an eclipse of evil; purest and most devoted warriors of the Emperor.
You have been told the Inquisition is united in its cause to rid the galaxy of any threat, from without or within.
Everything you have been told is a lie!

09-22-2013, 02:53 PM
While infinity is good/popular you need metric tonnes of terrain which makes it unviable for a lot of people.

09-22-2013, 03:10 PM
While infinity is good/popular you need metric tonnes of terrain which makes it unviable for a lot of people.

Most people I've seen playing Infinity do it at FLGSs. I, myself, have only played 40k at someone's house a couple of times.

I liked the idea of Innocence being bundled with some terrain. I don't know about you, but I'd pay $100 for rulebooks, cards, tokens, enough bits to make an Inquisitorial warband, and some terrain. Maybe I'd even pay more, up to the $150 to $200 range. I mean, what I'm hypothesizing here is a) a complete game and b) contains minis and c) terrain that are compatible with 40k. That's a way to cram quite a lot of value into a single box.

If the minis aren't usable in 40k or the box doesn't contain terrain, yes, then the price I'd pay for it goes down.

09-23-2013, 03:24 AM
If its a half decent rule and a good fun game, then whether GW support it beyond release is a moot point because we as a community can do so with our own rule sets and additions just as we did with Necromunda, Gorkamorka, Quest et all.

But I would hope the have learnt from the Space Hulk fiasco with regards to support. An article once every 2 months and may a cool character or two to go with it - its something the design team could do in their own time for fun ffs - it can't be that hard to do!

09-23-2013, 03:47 AM
Was Space Hulk a fiasco? They were totally upfront about it being a one time only release, something fun and extra, with the complete game in the box. There were conspiracy theories at the time that they'd find a way to produce another 'limited run' as some sort of evil master plan, butthey never did. They were completely honest.

White Tiger88
09-23-2013, 05:26 AM
If this thing comes with some nice mutants\Daemons i so want it.....

Kaptain Badrukk
09-23-2013, 05:38 AM
Hell I'd settle for some new inquisition minis, it's been a while.

09-23-2013, 05:50 AM
"Innocence" feels to me like the "Eldar Xentarch". Maybe it's a misunderstanding (Innocence Proves Nothing would be a cool strapline), or maybe it's been pulled out of someone's fundament. Like Xentarch. Which I told you was nonsense.

09-23-2013, 10:14 AM
If they make a 40k compatible skirmish game, it can be a great stepping stone to 40k. The problem with so many of their old stand alone games was they were completely divorced from the core game. Necromunda was cool, but you couldn't really use gangers in 40k (maybe as IG or cultists). But a small squad game like kill team that can be supported by models used for both can have a long life and be a good "intro" to the hobby without dropping $300+ for rules plus codex plus strike force.

09-23-2013, 11:53 AM
As long as it includes a female Inquisitor in 40k scale who looks like the one in the Dawn of War II: Retribution video game I'll gladly pay over $100 no matter what else is in that box.

http://86bb71d19d3bcb79effc-d9e6924a0395cb1b5b9f03b7640d26eb.r91.cf1.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dawn-of-war-2-retribution-walkthrough-box-artwork-pc.jpg

Patrick Boyle
09-23-2013, 12:14 PM
As long as it includes a female Inquisitor in 40k scale who looks like the one in the Dawn of War II: Retribution video game I'll gladly pay over $100 no matter what else is in that box.

http://86bb71d19d3bcb79effc-d9e6924a0395cb1b5b9f03b7640d26eb.r91.cf1.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dawn-of-war-2-retribution-walkthrough-box-artwork-pc.jpg

That's be nice, though if that ends up not being the case I may finally break down and attempt my conversion of her out of these (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1140003&prodId=prod1630024a) two (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1140003&prodId=prod1140026a) minis. That face though...

09-23-2013, 11:19 PM
As long as it includes a female Inquisitor in 40k scale who looks like the one in the Dawn of War II: Retribution video game I'll gladly pay over $100 no matter what else is in that box.

http://86bb71d19d3bcb79effc-d9e6924a0395cb1b5b9f03b7640d26eb.r91.cf1.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dawn-of-war-2-retribution-walkthrough-box-artwork-pc.jpg
Agreed. Honestly if this doesn't have a female Inquisitor in it for me it will be one of the biggest GW disappointments in recent times.

09-24-2013, 12:10 AM
If the game is about inquisitorial warbands, ie has only 1 or 2 inquisitors total in the box then I could see there being no female ones (sorry eldargal) but if it has you playing as an assortment of inquisitors then yeah at least one of them should be female.

Just a note: if its warbands I'd expect at least a good chunk of the characters to at least be female even if the inquisitors aren't.

09-24-2013, 12:14 AM
Well if there are one or two Inquisitors there should till be a female one in my opinion.:p

09-24-2013, 12:16 AM
Couldn't care less either way about the sex of the models, if they are anything like the quality of the 2009 space hulk terminators then I'm buying it.

09-24-2013, 12:17 AM
Well if there are one or two Inquisitors there should till be a female one in my opinion.:p

Hell even if there is only 1 inquisitor it would be cool if it was a female one, I jsut don't see it being likely is all.

I am with deadlift though, I'll buy the game or not based entirely upon its own appeal, though given I'm still kicking myself for missing out on dreadfleet thats likely.