View Full Version : 1,820 Point IG Friendly Game

09-19-2013, 07:31 PM
I’m going to be having a friendly game with a friend of mine this weekend and I wrote up three lists that are just for experimentation and fun. The points for the game is set at 1,820 (kinda weird, I know, but meh). I have two regular IG lists and one Armored Battle Group List. I’ve labeled them lists A through C, and my friend gets to pick which he has to fight.

Company Command Squad w/ Creed, Master of Ordnance, Lascannon [190]

5 x Veteran Squads w/ autocannon & Forward Sentries [550]

Fast Attack
1 x Armored Sentinel Squadron w/ 3 x Sentinels with Missile Launchers & Camo [225]
1 x Rough Rider Squad w/ 4 extra riders & Mogul Kamir [135]

Heavy Support
1 x Field Artillery Battery w/ 3x Heavy Quad Launchers [150]
1 x Leman Russ Squadron w/ 2 x LRBTs [300]
1 x Leman Russ Squadron w/ 1 x Punisher with Heavy Bolter sponsons & Camo [220]

Aegis Defense Line [50]

Company Command Squad w/ Master of Ordnance, Officer of the Fleet, Krak Grenades [115]

2 x Veteran Squads [140]

Heavy Support
1st Leman Russ Squadron w/ 3 x LRBTs [450]
2nd Leman Russ Squadron w/ 3 x LRBTs [450]
3rd Leman Russ Squadron w/ 2 x Punisher BTs with heavy bolter sponsons, 1 x Exterminator with lascannon & Knight Commander Pask [615]

Aegis Defense Line [50]

Company Command Tank w/ Vanquisher, lascannon hull, co-axial heavy stubber, artificer hull, beast hunter shells [225]


1st Battle Tank Squadron w/ 3 x LRBTs [450]
2nd Battle Tank Squadron w/ 3 x LRBTs [450]
3rd Siege Tank Squadron w/ 2 x Punishers with heavy bolter sponsons [400]
4th Battle Tank Squadron w/ 2 x LRBTs [300]

For the last list I am thinking of splitting the first two squads, to make a 5th squad of two LRBTs.

09-19-2013, 11:21 PM
I like List A: Balanced. I'm always in favor of having a balanced list. No matter what mission you roll up, you've got something that's suited for it.

What's missing from the list is mobile scoring units. Dropping one or two Vet. Squads and putting some of the remaining ones into Chimeras should accomplish that nicely.

09-20-2013, 01:52 AM
I don't have any Chimeras...never really needed them.

09-20-2013, 06:11 AM
How do you go about getting your infantry to the enemy deployment zone? In a mission like The Emperor's Will, or if you end up placing the minority of the objective markers in any of the other missions, don't you need that to win?

09-20-2013, 09:15 PM
How do you go about getting your infantry to the enemy deployment zone? In a mission like The Emperor's Will, or if you end up placing the minority of the objective markers in any of the other missions, don't you need that to win?

I either run a few units up, or I sit on a few and eliminate the enemy on the others...nothing too special about it.

09-21-2013, 05:53 AM
Every time I try that with foot trooops, it fails miserably. I typically use two Infantry Platoons with 3 squads each, backed up by a Basilisk, a Manticore, a Leman Russ, and a Vendetta. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

09-21-2013, 07:53 AM
Every time I try that with foot trooops, it fails miserably. I typically use two Infantry Platoons with 3 squads each, backed up by a Basilisk, a Manticore, a Leman Russ, and a Vendetta. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

More scary tanks. I never take anything for heavy support other than Leman Russ tanks (until I now have those Quad Thudd guns) and they generally are capable of dishing out more than enough harm for the enemy play to not be able to care too much about one or two squads of guardsmen running around. It has a lot to do with target acquisition and distraction.

[Side Note]

So the battle took place! My buddy decided to let the Dice Gods decide his enemy and rolled a D3 to determine which of my three lists he would face. The Dice Gods decided he would face my balanced list, List A. Here's a re-cap.

The Armies

You already know what my army was, it's there in the OP. However, I will describe my buddy's Ultramarine army. He had three tactical marine squads, two of them in Rhinos and one in a Drop Pod; one Land Raider carrying a unit of 3 Devastator Centurions; one Scout squad with sniper rifles and Sergeant Telion and a Land Speeder Storm; one Chapter Master with artificer armor and some other cool bits; one Terminator Assault Squad; one Stormtalon with heavy bolters; and one Stormraven.

The Setup

We ended up playing short table edges and the third mission. He got first turn.

Turn One

He moved forward with his snipers (which he deployed outside of their transport) into the center of the table into a ruin, ran his Land Speeder Storm up to the front of my right flank, pushed up his Land Raider, and hid his rhinos. In the first turn shooting phase his Land Speeder Storm shot at my CCS that I had positioned on the right flank, and killed one guardsman. His snipers snap-fired and killed one of the men in a veteran squad, who did not get pinned down.

My turn, I set up along the back of the board with my LRBTs behind the ADL alongside the Quad Thudd gun battery and a few veteran squads. I moved up with the Punisher, the sentinels, and three vet squads across the entire front. I decided to try and get rid of his Chapter Master and targeted him with my thudd guns. My friend had positioned his chapter master on the second level of a ruined building -- all three of my thudd guns (amazingly) got direct hits. I managed to put 12 hits to him -- but he only failed one armor save. The rest of the shooting went better. My Punisher blazed away with main gun and heavy bolters galore and completely wiped out the scout squad and Telion (I wounded him 22 times). My two LRBTs fired at the Land Raider and took one HP off it. My CCS used its sniping lascannon to fire at and stun the land speeder storm.

In the assault phase I had my veteran squad run up and krak the land speeder to death and that was the end of turn one.

Kill Box
Opponent: 0
Me: 2

Turn Two

He rolled for reserves. His Terminators and Stormraven stayed in reserve, but his Drop Pod and Stormtalon came into the game. His Drop Pod misshaped and I got to place it -- on the very edge of *his* table edge. He ran up his rhinos and disembarked a tactical squad into the same ruins that now was only occupied by dead scouts; disembarked his Dev Centurions; and brought his Stormtalon barreling down the middle of the field.

Shooting phase, he managed to kill off four or five men each from three different veteran squads that I had run forward -- not one of which failed their morale test, instead taking it like hairy-chested heroes -- and immobilized one of my armored sentinels. He had no assault moves.

My turn, bottom of 2nd, I used the Quad Thudd gun and massacred 70% of the tactical squad that had somehow missed their drop pod stop-off point. The Punisher repeated its previous performance and cut down 50% of another tactical squad. Another HP was taken off the Land Raider. Creed ordered two veteran squads to fire their heavy weapons twin-linked and blew the Stormtalon out of the sky.

Kill Box
Opponent: 0
Me: 3

Turn Three

We ended the game early because the shop closed -- but he agreed that he would most likely have lost since I was in the process of destroying his army in detail and hadn't lost a single unit. (Although I believe it would have come down to a close shave had we gone on to a full game. All things said, it was a fun game. I look forward to being able to use it all in a full game with plenty of time to explore the various tactics and units.

09-21-2013, 08:46 AM
Sounds like an interesting game.

As a side note, the drop pod should have automatically came in turn one, and can only mishap if it scatters off the board.

09-21-2013, 07:22 PM
Sounds like an interesting game.

As a side note, the drop pod should have automatically came in turn one, and can only mishap if it scatters off the board.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the 1st turn drop pod assault rule. We were in a race against the clock to get as much of the game over with as we could so...yeah. And his DP did go off the table actually. >:]