View Full Version : Which is better to play to win and have fun: Guard, Tau Or Dark Angels? Others?

The Weekly Wargamer
09-18-2013, 12:35 PM
Title says it all really.
I am currently running my own IG regiment (The Moltovan Guard), and I am now looking to branch out. My immediate ideas were Tau and Dark Angels. Are these armies any good? Or should I do something else?

Please Note: Having already played Orks and DE, Please don't suggest them.
Many thanks,
The Weekly Wargamer

09-18-2013, 12:43 PM
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

A lot depends on how you play.
The Tau are the ultimate gun line
DA are more versitile.

You could consider which would be more useful to complement your existing IG and go from there.

The Weekly Wargamer
09-18-2013, 12:48 PM
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

A lot depends on how you play.
The Tau are the ultimate gun line
DA are more versitile.

You could consider which would be more useful to complement your existing IG and go from there.

I have a habit with my guard of instead of taking cover and hiding them because they are squishy, I decide to march towards the enemy, full on across the board to slaughter my enemies with bayonet and Lasgun.

That any help?

09-18-2013, 01:07 PM
Well you could use DA as elite shock troops while the alblative shield moves up.

You could use a pure Terminator Force, deepstriking into the middle of the enemy lines, or a ravenwing force using their speed and mobility to get themselves close very quickly, possibly to sell a dummy flank attack. The other option is a mixed unit force similiar to a normal marine force, but with more plasma.

Tau are very much sit and shoot, so they could provide supression fire while the guard advance. I suppose a lot depends on what gaming style you like.

For me, if I were playing guard I would like the elite marines as shock troops.

09-18-2013, 01:24 PM
Necrons - they're tricksy....

The Weekly Wargamer
09-18-2013, 01:30 PM
Well you could use DA as elite shock troops while the alblative shield moves up.

You could use a pure Terminator Force, deepstriking into the middle of the enemy lines, or a ravenwing force using their speed and mobility to get themselves close very quickly, possibly to sell a dummy flank attack. The other option is a mixed unit force similiar to a normal marine force, but with more plasma.

Tau are very much sit and shoot, so they could provide supression fire while the guard advance. I suppose a lot depends on what gaming style you like.

For me, if I were playing guard I would like the elite marines as shock troops.

It sounds like a good idea what you have said but I didn't mean as allies...

09-18-2013, 01:42 PM
Well you can still use them as a stand-a-lone like that.

I just thought that if you were just starting out it might be cheaper to use them as a smaller allied contingent to begin with then as you figure out the bits you like you could expand them

09-18-2013, 04:50 PM
You played Orks & DE, now Guard. I'd stick with the S3 guys and go Tau.

09-18-2013, 05:53 PM
unless you want to do deathwing i would think about regular codex marines.

- it has a shiny new codex
- it dose bikes as well as DA (all be it differently)
- it is more versatile especially with the new chapter tactics

one downside no divination outside tigerius so if you want prescienced heavy weapons teams go for dark angles

09-18-2013, 08:32 PM
I play Guard, and I used to play Space Marines. I started out as Blood Angels, moved to Black Templars, then to Dark Angels - I then binned the models (figuratively) and started again a few years back planning to do pre-heresy, then Forgeworld released the new pre-heresy gear, so I put them to one side. I picked up a couple of Contemptor Dreadnoughts while I was on Holiday in July, so I've dug out the models and am fielding them as bog standard Imperial Fists with the new codex. If I was you, get a character and some models (that could be used in both a DA or normal SM army) and see how you want to play them as allies with your guard, and then go from there.

Personally, I am not a big fan of Tau, as they are the ultimate shooting army, which doesn't offer much in the way of tactical flexibility, so go Space Marines (Dark Angels or Codex, I like both, take whichever one you prefer)

Dave Mcturk
09-19-2013, 04:29 AM
you dropped orkz for guard ?
you must like painting !

09-19-2013, 09:47 AM
despite my whining about the codex, i do fairly well with Chaos MArines.

there is little as fufilling as someone telling me im going to lose because my codex sucks, then eating them alive.

09-19-2013, 10:58 AM
With my IG, I like wolves as my allies (although, I'm not a fan of allies.) I stick some grey wolves with meltas in a drop pod and let them prowl about in my opponents deployment zone. They are a big enough problem that my opponent can't ignore them and while I know I'll eventually lose them, they help the rest of the IG survive.