View Full Version : Crimson Fists 2k

09-17-2013, 06:12 AM
Aegis /w quad gun

Librarian level 2 biomancy Terminator armour, shield eternal, force axe

Ironclad dreadnought /w assault launchers & drop pod & locator beacon
Sternguard 10 /w rhino and 4 combi gravs
Assault Terminators all storm shield & thunder hammer

Tactical squad 9 bolters, 1 heavy bolter
Scout squad 10 sniper rifles

Heavy Support
Devestators 5 of them, 2 missile /w flakk 2 heavy bolter
Centurions /w omniscope, missle launchers, grav cannon

Idea is the force splits into 3 elements.
Static element is: Aegis, devestators, thunderfire with scouts as bubble wrap against assaults.
Advancing element is: centurions, tacticals + pedro as bubble wrap to centurions.
Assault element is: Ironclad, assault terminators, sternguard in rhino

Plan is to deploy staggered so the static element is far back enough to be a PITA detour but close enough to provide withering fire across the board.

The advancing element is to react to enemy deployment and to footslog to the juiciest objective. Assault element is drop down and hammer an exposed static elements the enemy has (failing that deploy behind terrain to tarpit any assaults in the midfield). I'm not too worried about tacs being exposed, armour 3 is good enough and no-ones going to waste plasma on tac marines when there's scarier stuff on the board (also bubble wrapped units get the 5+ cover save from intervening units anyhow).

The ironclad should be safe enough for a turn, using the droppod as cover with defensive grenades giving +1 to coversave, or even using terrain to obscure entirely. AV13 should mean it's immune to massed krak grenades. Sternguard in rhino to drive to the assault position and to fire at those trying to join the eventual tarpit/meatgrinder.

Aiming for balance versus armour, air, horde and meq.

Question is: how badly will i fail at attempting to do all?

09-18-2013, 07:53 AM
I would drop the Shield Eternal on the Librarian and take a bog standard Storm Shield, it will free up points for the rest of your army. I would also consider taking more than 2 troops units, you'll find it really hard to compete in Objective-based games, and you certainly won't have the firepower to table an opponent in them.

09-18-2013, 08:13 AM
I guess could drop the librarian entirely tbh, he's hardly a force multiplier and costs the same as a kitted out tac squad.

Also it's 2 troops but 3 scoring.

09-18-2013, 12:27 PM
if your taking crimson fists then take more sternguard =)
and take them in drop pods that lone rhino wont get far and will only give away first blood to your opponent

09-18-2013, 01:46 PM
I used to run two ten man sternguard squads and I really struggled to find a use for the second one. They are three hundred points thereabouts with upgrades and they die still like a marine. That means you either have to limit their exposure (put the, far back where their bolt guns aren't that effective), footslog them with bubblewrap or suicide them in a droppod with combi's and attempt to kill as much in one turn as possible.

Correct me if I'm wrong but SM aren't strong enough ranged to be pure gun line and should always some sort of counter assault element no? If that's the case then I don't see how I'd fit in that extra sternguard.

09-19-2013, 03:09 AM
Don't mix weapons on Devastators. Take the same heavy weapon on all of them. Also a couple of Flakk Missiles isn't likely to accomplish anything. I would just give them all Frag&Krak Missile Launchers and leave it at that. It's worth getting some extra guys in the squad if you can, otherwise every casualty you take is a lost heavy weapon.

Heavy Bolters are only ever worth it when you max them out on Devastators. Tactical Marines should just take a Missile Launcher instead. It's just as good at anti-infantry, and has the option to fire Krak if you need it.

Either drop the Shield Eternal for a standard Storm Shield or just swap out the Librarian entirely for something else like another Tactical Squad. I like to have at least four scoring units in 2k. The general rule of thumb is a scoring unit for every 500pts, but lately I try to fit four even in 1500pts.

09-19-2013, 09:14 AM
the flakk's have tank hunter so they will probably do something in addition the the tank hunter'd quad-gun they are with (i have found that a quad gun is never quite able to one-shot something).