View Full Version : Interrogator_Chaplain's Finished Dark Angels, Mechanicus & Others

09-16-2013, 10:39 PM
As it appears I'm settling into this forum, and everyone starts their own threads to show off their miniatures (As it seems anyways.) I shall do the same in the name of equal opportunity critiquing. (Wouldn't be fair if I critiqued everyone else's without them being able to do the same, now would it?)

So to start!

Here's Belial! I just finished him up not moments ago, I'm bringing him along with me on my trip from the frigid wastes of Canada to the rainy Isle of Britannia, where I will face off against veteran BoLS commenter Mr. Mystery, and this is to whom I dedicate this miniature, for being gracious enough to lug up his army to Warhammer World with him this weekend!



I usually paint the eyes, but this guy's eyes are sooo tiny and I was working on a tight schedule. If anyone wants me to prove myself in the eyes department, my Ravenwing Sergeant's eyes are surprisingly good. (Mostly by chance.)

I often don't drybrush, but I like how it worked out with his cape, so I think I'll be using a drybrush technique from this point forward. Not totally happy with how the sword came out, I've tried the lightning technique on other blades to much greater success, but as the Sword of Silence is a Heavenfall Blade cut from Obsidian, I had to paint it black which was probably the downfall. Not sure how to make the sword stay straight, and probably too late to do anything about it.

So if it weren't quite for the sword and eye's I'd be really happy with this, but I am content with how it came out overall.

To the field of battle!

11-05-2013, 12:46 AM
Picked up a group of Cataphractii Terminators with power fists and storm bolters, for my Post-Heresy Dark Angels. I didn't have any chainfists in my squad yet, so I decided to do the chainfist first.


Right now I'm in the middle of two little projects, working on my Aegis Defence Line Quad-Gun and the Cataphractii Terminators. But very soon I'll be getting a Realm of Battle game board! I'm so excited!

12-10-2013, 07:47 PM
I've finished up my Realm of Battle Board and am in the middle of a painting kick due to the fact that I'm playing more games of 40k than ever now!

I've finished up a Librarian from Dark Vengeance and a second Cataphractii Terminator and I'm really happy with my Librarian:

The second Cataphractii Terminator is the one with the green storm bolter, I lost his shoulder armour somewhere and I'm thinking of either finding replacements or greenstuffing some:

Not sure what's next, but I'm thinking the next thing will be another Cataphractii Terminator or Tactical Marines. Exciting times!

(Pictures of my finished Realm of Battle Gamboard can be found here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?37515-Finished-arctic-Realm-of-Battle-gameboard!)!)

12-16-2013, 11:19 PM
There was a Christmas party at my house recently and in an effort to look presentable, I needed to clean up my painting station. After I boxed and cleared up a good deal of models and supplies, I was left with some large empty space and with my Realm of Battle board finished I decided to set up a little display. I've never gotten a large group photo of my army done up (And I still haven't, there's still more sitting in my gaming cases.) so I figured that it was a perfect chance to do so.

So what we have here is a gathering of Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit's Dark Hunters.

Master Alxe and his retinue The Lion's of the 4th. To the back left is the Venerable Brother-Chaplain Ezrit in his Dreadnought. (I, amusingly, don't have a recent Terminator Chaplain, or regular Chaplain for that matter and the army name is sentimental of the first HQ I've ever had. Really should get on that.)

Another wide shot, featuring the Ravenwing Squadron, Unkindness of Angels and above them on the ridge Land Speeder Jehrico One. Flanking the Land Raider and Devastator Squad are the twin Predator's, The Judge and The Executioner. There is no jury.

Shown here is Assault Squad Echo, led by Master Gintus. The story behind this squad came a long time ago when GW still held small events in various cities across Canada. I participated in Conflict Montreal's tournament (4th edition I think.) where I was paired up against a vicious anti-meq Eldar army with an insane amount of Star Cannons. My army was ripped to shreds and I came out proudly with the Worst General award (I got a Fantasy Starter kit out of it, because maybe I'd have better luck there. It was hilarious.) and out of that was born... well, the squad speaks for itself. I just started pinning models around that time and while I was doing some shopping the idea for the marine to the left of Master Gintus was born. So I picked up some Dire Avengers and painted them up in the army colours of the opponent I faced at the Conflict. Thus leading to one of the most aggravatingly hard units to consider updating.

I've got more pictures if you wish to see something specific! Thanks for looking!

02-23-2014, 07:04 PM
Just finished working on my Standard of Devastation. It's my first attempt ever at freehand painting, especially at such a small scale.

Not sure about you, but I think it went rather well! Gotta paint the rest of the dude now, but I think the hardest part of my Command Squad is finished. Looking forward to getting these guys done, but will probably be shoved out of the way by my pre-ordered Knight! I've always wanted a Monstrous Creature, but a Super-Heavy Walker will work out just fine! Be ready for pics of that, because I'm going to try and hit the ground running with that guy!

Thinking custom colour scheme, maybe steel and turquoise or orange and white. I thought about it and I'm going to make it a house honoured by the Dark Angels and the Imperial Navy. There's one decal on the optional sheet that I just need to have on my Titan. (The one with the Skeleton Keys and Anchor.)

Can't wait until next week!

03-03-2014, 10:52 AM
The Standard Bearer has been complete and I'm 1/3rd done my Command Squad! (Standard Bearer, Apothecary and Company Champion, I've got plenty of other Veterans painted already.)

Really happy with this guy, I thought about putting a Lightning Claw on him, until I realized that this is the Standard of Devastation! Only a bolter will do for this guy! So I primed up one of my Umbra Ferrox pattern bolters and cut off the bolt-pistol on one of the extended hands and slapped it on there. I really want to get the others done, but between doing some real work and my new Knight, it might be some time before Master Alxe gets his full Command Squad.

Speaking of which, if you haven't already done so, my Knight has need of a colour scheme (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?42222-Help-with-Knight-colour-scheme!) and Friday is when it finally gets warm enough to prime models around here. So cast a vote and lets find out how my titan is going to look!

Thanks for stopping by!

03-03-2014, 11:52 AM
Looking good so far. Keep it up. :)

Darren Richardson
03-03-2014, 05:17 PM
wow your DA army really stands out, I'm loving the Cat Termies, they look amazing, and great paintjob on the Libby.

The Standard for your command squad looks amazing for freehand work.

I look forward to seeing more of this army latter on when you've added/finish more units... because lets face it no army is ever finished :D

04-07-2014, 01:30 PM
So I have a tournament coming in... *checks date*... oh crap, 20 days. So I've been painting my Knight titan with the colour scheme you guys helped me pick out and I'm loving the results! Today I'm working on the Chainblade and I thought I'd give you guys my most current W.I.P. shot!

I haven't got a name nailed down just yet, but I did think of a top contender a while ago. So meet: Propter Vestra Peccatum. The Consequence of your Sins.

04-25-2014, 01:34 PM
So, tomorrow is the Rumble in the North tournament and I've feverishly been painting since the last update, managed to get my Knight to tabletop ready standard, enough that I won't feel embarrassed to field him. I also had to conscript my brother to help get a shiny new Rhino painted and last night I finished my Apothecary. In honour of the event, I've assembled my forces and got them ready for a group shot. I feel this is the proudest they'll look until they get totally slaughtered tomorrow.

While I have hope for my army (I playtested and everything this time!) they are Dark Angels, and while I love 'em, they're not the strongest 'dex around. So here's hoping Propter Vestra Peccatum can kick some backside!

Keep your fingers crossed for me from around 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -5GMT, and thanks for taking a look!

For the Lion and the Emperor and All Glory to TAR!

05-03-2014, 05:28 PM
Nothing terribly special this week. Added 3 new Marines to the army, very close to the big 60! Really want to try fielding a full 60 Tactical Marines in a game. And then Combat Squad them.

05-03-2014, 05:58 PM
looking good. a full 60 tactical marines can be fun, but not so much for the opponent, you sweep all before you :p
in third edition I used to field a captain, sixty tactical marines, twenty devastators, and something else to round out the list. couldn't be beaten, nothing could kill that many marines.

05-03-2014, 08:17 PM
I'm thinking about going with 60 Tactical Marines, holding my Ravenwing in reserve and waiting a turn or two to get them up the board then bringing in the bikes to strike at backfield units.

05-17-2014, 12:01 AM
I've settled into a painting routine, which is nice. At 11 p.m. when the Daily Show and Colbert Report come on, I finish my 3D work (And other Internet related activities...) change my water and paint for an hour. So I managed to put together a Lascannon Marine (A grand total of 2, count 'em, 2 man-portable Lascannons in my army.) I was going to paint up a second, but then I said screw it, clipped out another Dark Vengeance Tactical Marine. The Lascannon Marine took about 4 and a half sessions, and the Tactical Marine 3 sessions. So my running time for Tactical Marines is 3 hours average.

At some point I drill out the arms for my future Cataphractii Deathwing Sergeant, so I can swap between the Power Sword and a Power Fist. I really love this kit, I'll probably get enough to make a full 10 man squad.

Plan now is to get some of my Imperial Sector placed on the MDF I scavenged and hopefully start getting that painted up. I really need terrain for my board right now.

05-22-2014, 11:00 AM
Looking really good. You have a good highlighting technique which works well. Keep going, a big group of marines like that can be a impressive sight!


05-22-2014, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the kind words ElTanko! Much appreciated!

Got my second Lascannon Devastator done tonight and decided to post them with my only other Lascannon Marine. So on the left you can see old and busted Lascannon Dev and on the right is the new hotness in town.

Still on deck is the MDF I need to get cut out for my scenery before I can start sticking building parts onto them. I picked up my 7th Ed rule book today, and it allows you to take different buildings like the Manufactorum and Sanctum Imperialis pretty much for free (I haven't found anything to tell me they aren't free yet!) so I must get on them! I also went digging through my bits box and found CYPHER! I forgot I even had the pewter fella! So he's definitely going on the list too. I've got to prime a bunch of stuff, and there's still a nagging voice in the back of my head yelling: "Start working on your bloody Stormblade!" so I'll have to consider that soon. Anyhow, updates will come when progress happens!


*Edit* Was curious to see how many points I've added to my army this year, and after a quick summation, I've added 714 points between the Command Squad units, the Knight, the Tactical Marines and Lascannon Marines. Ballpark point cost for my entire Dark Angels army sits at around 4000-4500 points conservatively.

05-29-2014, 04:35 PM
Got the first of my terrain pieces glued together. Went for the Basilica Administratum first. Wanted to get the full 3 tiers done up. A couple of small mistakes with positioning but I think this is going to work out quite nicely.

I may make the Sanctum Imperialis as two corners outlining an actual building, so that you can get a bunch of models inside. It'll probably end up being two tiers. I need to find myself a tin can to act as a storage tank for my Manufactorum.

06-05-2014, 12:36 AM
This week I finished what is my most major conversion thus far, a Librarian on a Bike.

Woah I_C, let's not go nuts here. Librarian on a bike? Just what we need, another Dwez, Blackadder and Isotope99 in this place.

Well, I did it and I'm quite happy with the results. Voila:

I really like taking characters with exceptional colour schemes, like Librarians, Deathwing, Chaplains, Ravenwing, Techmarines and then tying the armour back to the chapter somehow.

With this one, I really wanted the bike to be the Librarians bike, I mean, nobody's going to get confused in the motor pool pre-battle on whose bike is whose. However, I wanted this to stand out as a bike that you know, belongs to the Librarian of the Ravenwing Company. So I split the blue of the Librarius down the middle with the black of the Ravenwing and as I did with my Chaplain Dreadnought and Deathwing Librarian, painted his left arm in Ravenwing black.

So from this point forward, I believe terrain painting is going to take priority, but I did prime up a brand new Terminator Chaplain to replace my 3rd Edition Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit. So who knows. I'm thinking that in July, I may start a new thread for my Stormblade build. But that will be coming soon. I am determined on that front to finish it before summer is out.

Anyhow, thanks for stopping in to take a look!

07-02-2014, 06:14 PM
After a little over... 6 months, I finally got around to getting my Christmas gift from my parents installed. And well, it's quite simply awesome:

It's not one of those really fancy glass cases they have in GW's, but it's a damn good start I'd say. Better than sitting in the case that's for sure. I'm not sure where the case is from but the lighting is provided by Armacost (http://www.armacostlighting.com/ribbonflex.html) and this is their RibbonFlex Pro lighting, which is just a strip of LED's with an adhesive backing, and with a simple power converter, electrical tape and some amateur electrician work this was the end result! Very happy, and thanks to my parents for the great gift!

And on the subject of actual painting, my Interrogator-Chaplain is at the very beginning of the layering stage, so he's almost done. I primed up the rest of my Cataphractii Terminators, but I think I might start on a little something called: "Project Juggernaut" next. And you'll see what that is when it starts, I might need a new thread to devote to it specifically. Stay tuned ladies and gents, stay tuned. ;)

Darren Richardson
07-03-2014, 12:46 AM
awww now I'm jelous, you've got such a nice cabinet there, I wantssss one.....

as for your army, wow, great work IC, great work.

07-03-2014, 05:23 AM
Nice job. The display cabinet is a nice touch for showing off your models. Keep up the good work.

07-03-2014, 07:43 PM
Very nice models. I can never get my robes to come out looking that clean.

07-03-2014, 08:31 PM
I start off with Rakarth Flesh, covering it until you don't have any real thin spots where the primer is still showing through. Then I go on heavy with Agrax Earthshade really building up in the recesses until its almost opaque. Then I cover everything but the recesses in Ushabti Bone and that takes care of most of it, and then I finish by dry brushing only the most raised areas with Screaming Skull. I use this also as my technique for doing bone coloured models.

Hope that helps!

07-05-2014, 08:14 PM
Aww yeah! The army that has been, for years, named Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit's Dark Hunters has long been without its namesake. As of today, not even one hour ago, this is no longer the case. I give you, the new Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit.

I'm super happy with how he's come out. I like to keep the theme of Deathwing present with models that require a different colour scheme like Librarians, Apothecary's and Chaplains, as such I always keep these such model's left arms in the bone white of the Deathwing. I think it helps them stand out from everyone else's Chaplains.

And here's a fun treat, my latest model the Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit and the first model I ever painted for my Dark Angels army, Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit. Circa 2004. (HOLY CRAP, I just realized how long I've been playing Dark Angels! WOAH.)

I think I've come a fair way in terms of my painting.

Thanks for stopping by and having a look!

Darren Richardson
07-06-2014, 03:07 AM
wow I'll say you painting has most certainly gone a long way, about a million miles further, your new Chaplin looks amazing, I like the idea of keeping part of the companies colour scheme somewhere on the model, it does make him stand out much better....

07-28-2014, 09:45 PM
So my birthday present was an Imperial Sector for my RoB board and I'm finally getting around to getting some of the ruined buildings painted. So I know you want pics more than text so let's have a look see shall we?

First picture was taken a little before the second one, which is why the light fixtures have gold and ink on them. I'm thinking they're fairly close to done, all I want to do with these now is paint the lights and do some marbling on the tiles. I also have to do a test with Mourn Mountain Snow to see if I can glob it up in the corners to see if they're capable of making snow drifts.

What's left is to do to make up the MDF bases to fit in with the RoB board. So I'll set you up with pictures after I get that done, but I'm going to outline my process in case anyone can see a flaw with it:
- Add sand to base.
- Base paint.
- White primer spray to fit in with my board.
- Add the building to the base.
- Add large debris.
- Add snow flock.
- Bob's your uncle.

08-13-2014, 11:34 PM
Well, since last, I haven't gotten my MDF boards done up, but I did get this finished today!

The Basilica Administratum is done. Going with my other two Sanctum Imperialis pieces as seen here:

Overall the whole of these 3 buildings cost me 3 pots of Nuln Oil. At some point I really should've watered them down to extend their lives, but I've never been the sharpest power sword in the armory.

But my favourite thing, the thing that adds character to these buildings is adding a little bit of graffiti here and there. Little insider tidbits that help lend an air of mystery and narrative, such as:

Well, well. The governor's gone mad again eh? I really wanted to write something about him being in league with mutants, but didn't have enough room. The graffiti on the top floor says: "Emperor be praised! The Angels are here!" in case it's too blurry. I went ambiguously on purpose, thus the graffiti could be implying the Dark Angels or the Angels of Death who could be other Astartes chapters. Or perhaps imposters...

The other buildings have some other bits of graffiti including: "Spire Audax still stands! 147km -->" (Metric will survive 'til the 41st Millenium, deal with it.) and a little freehand Aquila.

But my favourite is this one:

The plot thickens...

Thanks for taking a look!

Darren Richardson
08-14-2014, 05:29 AM
your scenery looks great, love the added graffiti, adds to the character of the ruins...

11-21-2014, 04:43 PM
Wow, so I ended up hitting a little dry spell there for a little while, but nothing like a tournament to kick you back into clearing off your backlog! This tournament required me to get 6 brand new Terminators painted up for my army and it was the perfect occasion to finish off my Cataphractii Terminators and paint up a new assault cannon Termy. But let's get to pics first before more talking!

Group shot! Deathwing Squads Messengers of the Rock and Knights of the Old Days.

And because they're possibly the coolest models that Forge World makes, a group shot of my finished Cataphractii Terminators!

I've found my army colour scheme at last and it's the dark green of the Dark Angels, Red (Of varying shades, because sometimes deep red and bright red work really well.) and dark Purple with bright purple highlights. And obviously bone for Deathwing.

So happy to finally have these done, and I wasn't sure that they were going to get done with work in the way. But they're ready to go for the tournament I'm attending! I'm allied with Tau, so they're going to make some intractable objective holders.

I've got 3 boxes of Deathwing Terminators, and with them I'm going to make 10 Deathwing Knights! Hopefully it really won't take as long this time!

Thanks for taking a look!

Darren Richardson
11-21-2014, 05:55 PM
wow they look great, those Cati's fit in with the standard Termies very well indeedy...

12-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Well, as I'm posting this on Christmas Day, I think you can guess why. My folks, who're wonderful, wonderful people, (Even when they aren't giving me awesome things!) are about to make my gaming experience a whole lot more interesting!
I came down today to find this waiting for me:

That's one 2X2 Crashed Thunderhawk tile for my Realm of Battle board, seen most recently here during a 4000 point per side matchup of Dark Angels V. Tyranids/Tau/Space Marines.

(Twix included for scale purposes.) Really psyched to have such an amazing addition to my terrain board (Less psyched about trying to figure out where to put it, but that's a problem for later.) and now I have to figure out which chapter I'm going to paint it up. The tile came supplied as black, where all my other RoB tiles were grey, not sure why this is, but I'll figure my way out of it, shouldn't be that hard to work around, so long as my base grey applies flat in the end.

For the Thunderhawk itself, I might have to choose a chapter with a darker scheme. I'm thinking I might go with a Dark Angels Successor chapter like the Angels of Vengeance, Consecrators or Disciples of Caliban. But I'd really like to do something like the Angels of Redemption with the half green, half bone down the middle, but we'll have to see how it handles lighter paints.

As for what currently sits on my painting table, well, I got a substantial order of Mechanicum in not too long ago (Enough to make 1000 points to complement my Dark Angels.) and I've begun work on my (Nameless) Arch-Magos. I've got his Abeyant primed and ready to go, but I'm going to finish the Magos first and foremost. Also in the background of the second picture, you can see my Deathwing Knight Sergeant who's half-finished who got bumped by the Magos. He'll be finished in due time, and hopefully it won't be long before his squad follows, but I have just put a lot of stuff on my table.

So the: "What have I gotten myself into?" Painting list sits as such:
Primus (With immediate effect):
- Arch-Magos and Abeyant
- Thunderhawk Tile (Weather permitting, getting really close to the cold months and they aren't conducive for priming models.)
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Laslocks
- 5 Deathwing Knights
- 1 Thanatar Class Seige Automata
Secundus (4-5 Months later):
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Mitralocks
- 9 Thallax with Lightning Guns
- 5 Deathwing Knights
Tertius (Indefinite timeline):
- Ravenwing Dark Talon
- 3 Ravenwing Black Knights

Lion save me...

Thanks for taking a look, and Happy Holidays!

12-28-2014, 10:55 PM
I've just put the finishing touches on my nameless friend the Arch-Magos. I'm still working on a narrative that suits him, but I also have to go check sources for a name that fits along with names for the soldiers at his command. I suspect that alphanumeric's shall end up playing a roll in some way shape and form.

So for now, I give you Arch-Magos... "so and so".

So technically he isn't totally finished, the Abeyant has yet to see a brush and after the photos were taken, it appears it requires yet more primer. That will be rectified soon enough, as my Lord of the Machines is far too noble to be seen... walking(?) on his... tubes(?) (The Mechanicum does not make this easy it appears...) so his mechanical palanquin will be my next project. Plan is to paint it red along with the accents you see matching the Magos.

But until then, he'll be snaking around on his tubes.

Still, that's the fanciest base anyone I've ever painted has ever received.

Thanks for taking a look, and a big thanks to Bigred for featuring this thread on the Facebook page! I'm humbled to join such esteemed company!


The Thanatar was primed last night in what looks to be the last of the good priming weather before spring, but some spots were missed, so we're going to see what happens soon enough when you prime at below -5 Celcius...

01-22-2015, 11:21 PM
A little bit of progress on the Abeyant tonight, I'm pretty damn close to finishing the main part of the Magos's platform. Doing it in sections because this thing is flaking pretty hard, so I want to get it sealed with varnish ASAP before sticking the other pieces on it.

So here's some pics for ya!

I'm still trying to figure out if I want to go with weathering on these models, and if I do, it'll probably be fairly light, but noticeable. As someone who doesn't weather my models, I'm trying to figure out if the weathering comes before, during or after the layering stage is complete. Anyone have some good weathering techniques that they'd like to share? Because my Thanatar is on deck, and that thing might've seen some action.

Probably explain away the lack of weathering on this model in that, well, it's the Magos! He's a respectable character! His abeyant will be nothing short of a gleaming red beacon of knowledge and stability... or something.

At some point I've gotta stick a magnet above the lens that you can see in the second picture, because you get some pretty cool options on that thing, conversion beamer, graviton gun, rotor cannon (I just realized rotor was a palindrome!) or a meltagun. So definitely get that set up.

At current pace, I think this will probably see completion of the model by either the end of the month, or just after. Couple of long work days will cut into this. Either way, a spiffy new HQ choice for my second ever (3)40k faction!

Thanks for taking a look!

01-24-2015, 08:06 AM
looks really good

02-10-2015, 05:10 PM
Thanks Kirsten!

Some good amount of time has gone into the project and while it's not 100%, it's close enough that I'm ready to show off the finished product.

I'd like you to say hello to Archmagos Gladius Daschiel Glass of Ryza.

A militant member of the Mechanicus hierarchy on the Forge World Ryza tasked with stopping external threats to the Forge World before they arise. In his exploits, he's become aware of a plotted invasion by the Word Bearers Dark Apostle Arketus Bane, secretly a Fallen Angel hunted by Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit. Through mutual interest and ancient pacts stemming from Ryza's arcane knowledge of plasma technology, Archmagos Daschiel and Chaplain Ezrit have joined forces to hunt down the Word Bearer.


He was a lot of fun to put together and the Abeyant really adds tons of presence. It's not yet set on the base, and I have yet to warp the Cyber Occularis's into place and paint them, but it will be 100% done after that those are complete.

The plan is to do it up as a snow base to match with my RoB board which is also snow themed. So that's the next task and I'll do a quick update when both those are done.

The next planned project is my Thanatar Siege Automata and I am very excited to start that one. Hopefully it goes as well as this project.

As always, thanks for taking a look!

( "What have I gotten myself into?" Painting list update:
Primus (With immediate effect):
- Arch-Magos and Abeyant
- Thunderhawk Tile (Weather permitting, getting really close to the cold months and they aren't conducive for priming models.)
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Laslocks
- 5 Deathwing Knights
- 1 Thanatar Class Seige Automata

02-16-2015, 12:22 AM
Quick update for today, looking closely in my last posts was a somewhat finished Deathwing Knight Sergeant. I wanted to get that finished up and I have that done tonight.


For those of you wondering what it says under his Crux, it's simply 'Wrath'. (I may have watched that Deathwing game trailer a few too many times!)

The sergeant, as yet unnamed, is hopefully the very first of a 10 man strong Deathwing Knights squad I hope to put together. Because, there's something about 435 points of T5, 3+ invul, 31 attacks on the charge, and for 1 glorious turn S10 AP2 (Not counting the sergeant who's S6 AP3 all the time.) that really gets a body, with not a whole lot in his codex to be excited about these days, fired up.

Thanks for taking a look!

03-26-2015, 10:05 PM


04-01-2015, 10:10 PM
Have decided that for every bit of progress I make on the Thanatar, that I'll do up another Angel for the main force, because one can only paint so much Khorne Red for so long.

It's actually scary how little time this took me. I took a day after I finished the Thanatar's leg assembly basecoat and decided to jump to work on this Knight. Only 4 sessions to get one of these guys done! Awesome! This won't take nearly that long to get 5 done, but I really am shooting for the full 10. 400+ points of full melee goodness. *Salivates*

I digress, the next portion of the Thanatar will probably take much longer as I'm probably going to do the torso assembly, which is two parts but those parts are huge. Terribly excited. Stay tuned!

Thanks, once again, for taking a look!

04-02-2015, 02:22 AM
those look excellent

04-14-2015, 10:10 PM
Thanks much Kirsten! ^_^

Thanatar progress has continued, but I'm gonna wait a bit to give you an update on that, but basically, the torso has been basecoated and the next move is the arm sub-assemblies and that glorious Mauler Bolt Cannon.

But in the interest of making progress, I've continued to chip away at my desired Deathwing Knight squad. So I just put the finishing touches on 3/10!

I also picked up a box of Skitarii who're bound to become a squad of Rangers, so who knows when that's happening, but it will be a glorious coming together of Angels and Machines in the forthcoming days! Excitement!

As always, thanks for taking a look!

04-25-2015, 10:39 PM
Some substantive progress on the Thanatar to share. Shading is done, and all that remains is the layer and highlight stage. Couple paperclip joints to keep torso to legs and here we are:


I've got a name in mind for this fella, I think. Officially, I'm thinking SA-41.XX12, but the boys on the ground, they call him The Rainmaker.

I'll update when she's all done. Thanks for looking.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
04-26-2015, 01:02 AM
You vary your style up nicely to fit Mechanicum and Dark Angels - pretty versatile!

05-07-2015, 10:58 AM
Alright, so the Thanatar is done, almost. I came to realize that if I wanted it done the way I truly wanted it, it would have to stay off the base until I got some practice in. Thus far, the extent of the basing for all my Dark Angels has been: 1. Apply glue to base. 2. Dip base in rocks/sand mixture. 3. Done!

This time however, I wanted the Mechanicum to fit in with my Realm of Battle Board, which is an Ice-World board. So I had to do something radically different, actually basing my models. (Dun-Dun-Dun!)

So I grabbed a Tech-Thrall, and without further ado:

So, part of me wishes that I'd put a little more effort into basing things in the past, as I love the look of this relative to the effort it took.

Basic breakdown was this:
1. Apply glue to base with foot positions already established.
2. Stick base in sand/rocks/bigger rocks mix, 2 parts sand for every 1 part rocks and .5 big rocks.
3. Spray with Army Painter Grey.
4. Overcoat with The Fang. (GW)
5. Lightly spray over painted with Army Painter White.
6. Cover edge of base with The Fang.
7. Apply patches of glue to base.
8. Dip in Citadel/Army Painter mix of snow flock/sand.

So now that this proof of concept worked really well, I'm going to paint up a couple of little terrain pieces, light pole and mechanical gubbins, for the Thanatar's far larger base and next update, FOR SURE, you'll see the completed Thanatar, and Throne of Man, it looks stellar in my display case already!

As always, thanks for taking a look!

I came up with a neat little painting guideline for my Mechanicum force, for all my Tech-Thralls, gold is off-limits. It's far too fancy to waste on the frontline fodder when there are other heat reflecting elements are available, so only coppers, irons, brasses and bronzes for the Tech-Thralls. Gold is to be used sparingly with my Thallax as well, limited to only icons or certain plugs. As you've already seen with the Magos, gold is liberally applied to wherever needed as the Magos requires. The Thanatar has a few gold elements, but it's mostly iron and red armour. Going to try and keep each Tech-Thrall and Thallax visually interesting by playing around with which elements are painted what, so you'll probably see armour pieces and weapons switch from bronze to copper to the red of the army theme.

05-09-2015, 10:31 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the biggest projects I've ever started has now been completed.

SA-41.XX12, The Rainmaker.

Such an astonishingly awesome model to work with. I almost dived into OSL for the inside portion of the plasma mortar, but will tackle on another project. (Can easily see myself getting another one of these.)

For some reason this model feels like more of an accomplishment than my Knight, even though that was a far more difficult technical challenge. For some reason, this beauty captures my heart and it just looks fantastic. Really quite happy with it.

One problem was the ammo hoppers, I didn't check the reference material, and accidentally stuck the ammo feeders into the shell ejectors. Whoops. Still, it taught me quite a lot about repositioning Forge World resin with hot water and the heat gun.

I'm also pumped about the base, in that it actually looks like I put in an effort! Which I did! My Dark Angels may not get the same love, but going forward, all other armies will be getting the full base treatment.

In all, if you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.

Over yesterday and today, I also worked on a Callidus Assassin from the Assassinorum: Execution Force game, and used it today in a game, and while it could've gone better (She got insta-gibbed from an overwatching Meltagun on her first charge.) I'm quite happy with how she turned out! (Is turning out, just letting the shade dry on the rock pillar, then it'll just be a simple drybrush.)


She's only slightly glued on to the base, so I'll take her off tomorrow and give the base the full monty. So by next week, somebody will certainly feel the kiss of Agent Vivian Faulkner's Phase Blade.

Time to update the to-do list!!
( "What have I gotten myself into?" Painting list update:
Primus (With immediate effect):
- Arch-Magos and Abeyant
- Thunderhawk Tile
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Laslocks 1/10
- 5 Deathwing Knights 3/5
- 1 Thanatar Class Seige Automata

The next project isn't on this list however, and it's also a huge project! I'll be painting up my Plasma Obliterator tower for my Dark Angels, which is an exciting task, because giant building plasma cannon! The model itself looks to be really not the best quality, so I think I may be busting out the greenstuff for this one.

Thanks everyone for your kind words, they're always appreciated.

And as always, thanks for taking a look!

05-27-2015, 09:53 PM
In between waiting for the brushes I need for my Plasma Obliterator, I decided to finish off my Deathwing Knights, whose squad name henceforth will be known as The Nephilim Reborn.

Glad to finish another project, which makes 3 this year! Documenting the progress is really making it work out well.

Also, big news for me is that I'll be taking the Angels down to Miniwargaming in late June to take on Miniwargamer Dave in their Warzone Apothis campaign! I've pledged to get the Plasma Obliterator done by then for the big internet screen debut! But the more exciting news is that, if the current release schedule holds water, I'll be able to do it with a brand new codex!! I MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE! Stay tuned and as always, thanks for taking a look!

Time to update the to-do list!!
( "What have I gotten myself into?" Painting list update:
Primus (With immediate effect):
- Arch-Magos and Abeyant
- Plasma Obliterator
- Thunderhawk Tile
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Laslocks 1/10
- 5 Deathwing Knights 5/5!!!
- 1 Thanatar Class Seige Automata

06-23-2015, 10:07 PM
After a month and a bit of hard work and a little trial and error on Object Source Lighting, I've finished my Plasma Obliterator, The Roar of Heroes.
14781 14782 14783 14784 14785

It was a lot of fun to do, but this kit is just awful to put together. If the main structure doesn't fit together "Just" right, the wall panels won't fit right, as is the case here. It doesn't fit flush, and while it doesn't look bad from a distance, it wouldn't hold up under close scrutiny. I got desperate though, I'm going to Miniwargaming next Monday and I'm really excited, but also have to get a Marine with a Multi-Melta done and base a whole bunch of guys too.

But this was my first attempt at Object Source Lighting, I think it worked out well, but what do you all think?

Next project on the block, I'll probably tackle a few more of my Tech-Thralls or go for my currently unassembled Dark Talon, since the new codex makes that thing amazing!

Either way, thanks for taking a look and let's update that to-do list!!:

( "What have I gotten myself into?" Painting list update:
Primus (With immediate effect):
- Arch-Magos and Abeyant
- Plasma Obliterator
- Thunderhawk Tile
- 10 Tech-Thralls with Laslocks 1/10
- 5 Deathwing Knights 5/5!!!
- 1 Thanatar Class Seige Automata

06-24-2015, 02:28 AM
looks excellent, good job

06-24-2015, 02:35 AM
It was a lot of fun to do, but this kit is just awful to put together. If the main structure doesn't fit together "Just" right, the wall panels won't fit right, as is the case here. It doesn't fit flush, and while it doesn't look bad from a distance, it wouldn't hold up under close scrutiny.

It is a horrible, horrible design. I eventually decided it was easier to Orkify mine than to greenstuff and neaten all the gaps. You've done enough turd polishing that it would look pretty good from across a four-foot table, I think.

06-24-2015, 03:19 PM
Yeah the Obliterator is a pretty horrid model to put together, I ended up using spare bits of sprue to bridge some gaps in the deck plating together as try as I might it just would not go together snugly. Still it does look nice when painted up. Here's mine that I did for the Imperial Fists:


Looks even better atop the Aquila Strongpoint base.


06-24-2015, 07:04 PM
It really does look great on that Strongpoint, was mulling a purchase between that and a Fortress of Redemption. This has not made the decision easier...

Good work on yours!

ETA: Just saw that this bad boy got me my third thread feature on the Facebook page, thanks Bigred!

07-09-2015, 09:44 PM
Was going to jump into another big(ish) project and get my Dark Talon airworthy to drop some beautiful potential Vortex's on my enemies. But realized quickly that I've hit upon big project fatigue and decided to take care of some smaller models for a while.

So I quickishly painted up my new Interrogator-Chaplain and he shall be the Power Armour stand in for my army's namesake Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit, which means I now have all 3 versions, Power and Terminator Armour and a Chaplain Dreadnought. Which is really handy if I ever end up doing a campaign.

I've decided that the next few models will probably be infantry. Either I'll paint up my Tech-Thralls, the other Assassins, or some standard Tactical Marines, and the next big event will probably get me to finish the Dark Talon.

(Note: I had a head cold when I finished painting this and I forgot to put on and highlight his heraldry shield on his breastplate, this has since been rectified, but have yet to get new pictures.)

07-10-2015, 05:31 PM
Looks fantastic! I'm a sucker for two-tone, like the green over ushabti bone(?) on his robes.

07-19-2015, 09:57 PM
Thank you sir! Yep, Rakarth Flesh followed by a Agrax wash and then Ushabti as the final layer.

Just a quick one today, did a Tech-Thrall up over the last couple days, checking out the Battle Bunnies page, I saw that there's going to be a Taghmata Omnissiah "Red Book" coming out, which, is a Horus Heresy supplement that provides rules to make HH armies 40k Legal. So that got me a little fired up to paint some more Taghmata.

So first off I got a Tech-Thrall painted up. Not the biggest update in the world, but hey, spare time and all. I am getting faster about these guys though, a session for me usually lasts about 1-2 hours, and if I'm lucky I get to do about a session a day. And this took me about 3 sessions, excluding the base. So 18 Thralls left means 54 sessions to go! (How many points are these guys worth again?... Crap...)

While basing today, I decided to cross off something on the To-Do list and got Arch-Magos Glass's Abeyant based as well, except I forgot to add snow, which I think I'll do right about now.

Thanks for taking a look!

08-11-2015, 03:16 PM
After a good amount of hemming and hawing on the next project, and swearing I wouldn't jump into a big project, my Dark Talon is more or less done!


I've named her Angel of the Abyss, which is where her Rift Cannon sends heretics.

I didn't really want to tackle this thing at this stage, but my desire for airborne S10 AP2 Small Blast shots (With a chance to go Vortex!) was nigh-on overwhelming. So I buckled down and put brush to model (Was ready to pack it in when I hit those hull monuments, really annoying for some reason.) and banged this out in about a month. I think I'm still going to add a few decorations and a couple more decals to the model, but as it stands, I just need to base it and it's ready to hit the table and shunt my enemies into the Aether.

Next project is not determined, I'd like to do a few Marines before starting on my Ravenwing Command Squad, but I'd also like those done for an upcoming tournament. So we shall see, pretty well depends on a few outside factors, but the Command Squad is high on the priority list right now.

As always, thanks for taking a look!

10-11-2015, 06:02 PM
I've started posting on another forum, so I've neglected this one a little bit, but here's a few of the things I've been working on the last couple months:

Culexus Assassin:

Ravenwing Apothecary:

Ravenwing Standard Bearer:

Ravenwing Champion:

Ravenwing Command Squad:

Tech-Thrall 3-Man group 1:

10-11-2015, 06:05 PM
Part 2:

Castellax Battle Automata:

Tech-Thrall 3-Man group 2: