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View Full Version : Would you use these bases?

09-16-2013, 07:29 PM
These are some quick and easy bases I made and I was curious as to if others would use them. Do you think they're good enough, even if extremely simple, or are they too simple and not unique enough to be useful?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

John M>


09-17-2013, 03:49 AM
Use them, yes. Buy them, probably not. I have a few local vendors who could sell me the plasticard with similar (if not the same) patterns on, so to be worth buying them, they would have to come in at a lower price point. Also, every established company that sells bases will have something similar to these, most of which with a wider variety of detail so that not every 25mm round base is the same etc. On a personal note, I don't like the cobblestones much at all. They are too regular and far too spaced apart. To me, they just look goofy at the moment, and if I were to pay for bases, that isn't what I'd be looking for, especially if I could do a better job myself.

Try building up a set of each base size, perhaps a few with cracked bricks/stones or a small amount of battlefield debris. I'd concentrate on the bricks first. You should probably aim for as many bases in each set as you would expect to see in a typical unit that uses that base size; 10 for the 25mm rounds, maybe 5 for the 40mm. Probably only 2 or 3 for the chariot bases.

09-17-2013, 06:10 AM
thanks for the feed back, exactly what I was looking for. they are too regular and clean for me too, but I want to give them a shot. after I made the brick, I decided to do the cobble stone to see if they were any better, but they wwern't. these were made using the cheap roadway from xmas town stuff from michael's. I made them on a whim to see if they would be viable for my army, and then also to sell since I'd already have a mold, buti'm thinking I may not even try to cast and just scrap these.

I want a real nice fieldstone orcobble for my bret, and I know I can do better, I just figured if I could do something quick and cheap it might work out better.

Kaptain Badrukk
09-17-2013, 06:15 AM
The pattern works fine on the WFB bases (as a counterpoint argument), provided you can make it line up base to base.
It'd work well for a city themed WFB army where a block regiment marching on a uniform road or the like makes perfect sense.
For 40k I'm with Sotonshades, they're too regular.

10-04-2013, 11:51 PM
now how about bases that look like these. this is more of what I really want to be making for my armies.