View Full Version : 1500 Battle Brother's event - Raiding Eldar list

09-16-2013, 04:18 PM
Good afternoon BoL's - long time lurker, first time poster here

Me and a mate are heading to Battle Brothers in Nottingham in December, he plays Dark Eldar so i decided to compliment him.

This is my first Eldar codex list since the change over, im a little rusty and im looking for C&C, ideas and what not

Dark Eldar

Drekavac, Blight Lord. (Sliscus) - 150pts

9 Kabalites, Blaster, Raider, Splinter racks, Flickerfield - 176pts
10 Kabalites, Blaster, Splinter cannon, Raider, Splinter racks, Flickerfield - 195pts

Fast attack;
6 Reaver jetbikes, 2 heat lance - 156pts

Heavy support;
Ravager, Flickerfield - 115pts

total 792pts


Farseer Shelwe Sierann (Warlord), spirit stone of Anath'lan, singing spear, jetbike - 135pts

Warlocks (5), Jetbikes, singing spears - 275pts

Windrider Jetbikes - 51pts
windrider Jetbikes - 51pts
Windrider Jetbikes - 51pts

Fast attack;
Vyper, shuriken cannon, Bright lance - 70pts

Vyper, shuriken cannon, Bright lance - 70pts

Total 698pts

Grand Total - 1495

We did discuss taking baron hellion dude to make the farseer unit deadlier but wasn't entirely sure due to putting all the eggs in one basket (only a 105pts though. . .) but that would mean i drop a troops unit and a vyper to make the Dark Eldar the primary detachment

Let me hear what y'all think

Dave Mcturk
09-17-2013, 08:55 AM
imo at 1500 you are 'over-trooped' ...

i would drop a poison team and a GJB squad...

think nightshields on DE vehicles are a must ! [if just to annoy your opponents]
flickershields are probably useful on the gunship, but not the transport...

give the reavers blasters ... for an extra 3pts you get more bang for your buck ... and their best attack is the turboboost over infantry in the open...

im not a fan of vypers... even with the improvement to BS in the new codex... they are just too easy for quick kills... so if you must have them... save some points ... change the BL to EML and ditch the cannons... this means you can fire from 48" [hide behind the ravager !]
[they still have TL cats if you do end up at short range]

you have plenty of high ST anti vehicle [ravager/warlocks] so the vypers BL are a bit redundant... and with 8/3 or 4/4 they are more versatile !

like the sneaky tricks with the duke ... but he only boosts one squad so one is enough...
dont trust deep striking with vehicles ! they are too big and can easily end up parked in a corner ! [by your opponent] [a ravager is almost 6"x3" which is almost twice the size of terminator blob]

if you have some ...stick a small squad of spiderz in there for about 135pts you get a neat counter attack unit that can make a right mess of most things...

im prefering the shard on my farseer as it makes the unit fearless and gives some boosts in combat.. as he can 'replace one weapon' keep the spear as well !

good luck testing your army out ;)