View Full Version : Eldar Wave Serpent Shield in Close Combat

09-15-2013, 12:08 PM
Here is the situation: An Eldar Wave Serpent is assaulted from the front and a penetrating hit is scored. Can you use the Serpent Shield to downgrade to glancing hits?

The question we landed on is in the BRB, are 'hit resolved against the vehicle's rear armour' hitting the rear armour or you just using that value and they hit the armour facing you are attacking? This effect vector strike as well.

Long time listener, first time caller...

09-15-2013, 12:41 PM
"Resolved against" means you're attacking the rear armor for all purposes, so the serpent shield wouldn't work there. On the other hand, you're quite right that nothing prevents the serpent shield from working against close combat hits generally, so you could use it against a Death or Glory close combat attack.

09-16-2013, 01:49 AM
Or you could check the codex where I'm pretty sure it either says "only against shooting" or "doesn't work in assault"

09-16-2013, 09:27 AM
DrLove, where are you seeing that? All I see is:

The Wave Serpent's shield protects the bow of the tank - whilst the shields are active, all penetrating hits inflicted against the Wave Serpent's front and side armour are downgraded to glancing hits on a D6 roll of 2+.

09-16-2013, 09:49 AM
Maybe I'm just thinking of the last version of the rule book....