View Full Version : Apostrophes in Fantasy Names

09-14-2013, 12:35 PM
I've just been reading the new Space Marine codex, and noted that Vulkan He'Stan's cloak came from the salamander Sho'Valla and I think that's kind of my limit for all these bloody apostrophes.


Apostrophes are the herpes of fantasy writing. They are a bloody plague that seemingly infects everything. I am of the firm conviction that if a fantasy writer employs an apostrophe in the middle of a name as a shorthand for exoticism, they have just committed a cardinal sin, and are basically going to have to write something a million times better than need be, just to compensate for this horrible act of terrible, terrible writing.

I despise apostrophes in fantasy names, and only use them myself when I have to (i.e.: with the Tau, where it's mandatory for whatever reason), or when I'm taking the mickey out of the concept.

However, other people seem to love this stuff, eating it up like delicious ice-cream. To whit, the above poll.

Do you like fantasy names with pointless apostrophes, or do you hate them? Oh, and there's no "don't care/not bothered" option, because why comment on something you don't care about?

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09-14-2013, 12:38 PM
I like using them, especially to make ordinary names look slightly daemonic, along with adding a randon H, like bh'arry the bloodthirster. or kh'olin the keeper of secrets.

09-14-2013, 12:46 PM
They're only okay if you pronounce them like in Arabic or some other languages where they signify something specific. Otherwise they're just indulgent nonsense.

09-14-2013, 02:42 PM
I sha'n't use them in future.

09-14-2013, 03:22 PM
I sha'n't use them in future.

You missed the option for "Its not important, I don't care"

09-14-2013, 03:38 PM
I preferred the bi-apostrophed forms. I wo'n't make that mistake again

Joe TwoCrows
09-14-2013, 11:23 PM
Cap'nSmurfs (I see what you did there..) has it partially right... there are languages such as Arabic that have 'stops' or breaths in their pronunciation which are usually marked with an apostrophe when transliterated into English. And he has it partially wrong because anybody who claims to know what the languages and naming styles of the 41stM sound like and how they transliterate to 21stC English (except perhaps Jervis) is just being silly.

Secondary note: Polls with two false premises are also silly.