View Full Version : So you play Dark Angels.....

09-14-2013, 12:27 PM
or Blood Angels for that matter. They drop this new Space Marine mega-dex. How do you feel about the comparisons? I've briefly looked at the differences
between the two. For the record, I play DA whenever I use marines.

I feel the DA codex stacks up nicely to the new Smurf codex. Tac. marines are carbon copies, minus the grav gun. But who's gonna put one on tac marine.
Scouts are 1 point different, but as I don't use them, the point is moot. Termies are slightly more for DA but have more flexibility and rules for the difference.
Standard bikes are slightly cheaper than if you're not going DA, but lack USR's and certain wargear.

Libby upgrade to ML 2 is cheaper for non DA, but most HQ things remain the same. There isn't much else extraordinarily different. The DA codex works in
the way I imagine it was meant to. Do homebrew or White Scars really do all bike better now? Move along if you want troop termies.

Are any of you planning to switch over to the Codex SM? Or keep going 1st legion.

09-14-2013, 12:44 PM
I am going to run them both. My First Legion Dark Angels and the lesser known vanilla marines...wait for it....the Dark Angles!

09-14-2013, 03:06 PM
Once again I will continue to use my ba codex. It isn't the first time they are not using the most up to date codex. Ah well

09-14-2013, 04:20 PM
I'm going to stick with playing my guys as DA successor chapter for three reasons

Thunder hammer/storm sheild terminators as troops, especially since they can also have a cylone launcher
Mortis dreadnoughts with the rifleman configuration from IA2 - we don't have a problem with forgeworld where I play
Divination for the Librarians

As 6th is about scoring being able to move "must haves" into the troop slot is great and IMO the Mortis is still the best SM anti-air around.

09-14-2013, 06:32 PM
I play all three, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels and Dark Angels (the DA because I bought a couple of metal Sammaels before FW started doing the Pre-Heresy gear, and then I picked up Dark Vengeance and I've had 10 company veterans for a while now, the BA were my first SM army, but IF fit the theme of my Cadians Better (122nd - Battle for Vogen), and I picked up a BA army 2nd hand from a friend, so I added in my old models.)

I must say though, I am running my Fists more at the moment, but that's probably because I *love* painting yellow (kill me now)

I think the BA will get a massive FAQ in the near future to bring them into line with the SM codex, or they'll just get a new book soon (couldn't be too hard to write it, could it?)

09-14-2013, 07:53 PM
I think the BA will get a massive FAQ in the near future to bring them into line with the SM codex, or they'll just get a new book soon (couldn't be too hard to write it, could it?)

Soon? Probably not soon. But eventually. I wouldn't count on a huge FAQ. We got the post-Space Marines FAQ already, and all it brought in line was servo-arms.

As 6th is about scoring being able to move "must haves" into the troop slot is great and IMO the Mortis is still the best SM anti-air around.

This is why I still use the Blood Angels codex. I'd rather be able to use assault marines as troops - so I can use more of them - and struggle to make them good.

09-15-2013, 12:11 PM
I don't think it matters in the slightest. If I want grav guns, I will paint up my Dark Angels tactical squads in green, give them grav guns, then count them as Ultramarines using the allies rules.

Mostly, I'll probably just use Azrael/Deathwatch to give scoring Terminators to my Deathwatch.

09-15-2013, 12:25 PM
Well the Dark Angels codex stands up fine as they're so close together. Blood Angels still have more expensive Tactical Marines and Devastators, but the difference isn't huge. Assault Marines are still overpriced even in the new Space Marine codex (seriously, when are they going to realise that trading a Bolter for a CCW, getting a Jump Pack and losing the ability to score is not worth 4pts?), so that doesn't matter for Blood Angels, and theirs can have Meltaguns.