View Full Version : Demon Prince of Khorne Question

White Tiger88
09-14-2013, 12:32 AM
So this has been bugging me for a bit but if a Bloodthirster is my HQ choice it makes Demon princes of Khorne into Heavy Support.....does that mean Uraka the warfiend (named Khorne Demon Prince) Could be taken as a heavy support choice as long as i have a Bloodthirster? Well i don't think this would work i would love some input from others on the subject.

09-14-2013, 02:06 AM
So this has been bugging me for a bit but if a Bloodthirster is my HQ choice it makes Demon princes of Khorne into Heavy Support.....does that mean Uraka the warfiend (named Khorne Demon Prince) Could be taken as a heavy support choice as long as i have a Bloodthirster? Well i don't think this would work i would love some input from others on the subject.

1) Who the warp is "Uraka"?

2) If it says "Daemon Princes may be taken as Heavy Support choices" then it means the unit named "Daemon Prince" and not (whoever the warp) "Uraka" (is). A daemon price is an unnamed HQ choice, Daemon Prince is - for all intents and purposes - it's name. So you don't get to side-step through lawyering by saying that a special named character can be taken as a HS choice just because his description happens to say he is a daemon prince.

White Tiger88
09-14-2013, 03:16 AM
1) Who the warp is "Uraka"?

2) If it says "Daemon Princes may be taken as Heavy Support choices" then it means the unit named "Daemon Prince" and not (whoever the warp) "Uraka" (is). A daemon price is an unnamed HQ choice, Daemon Prince is - for all intents and purposes - it's name. So you don't get to side-step through lawyering by saying that a special named character can be taken as a HS choice just because his description happens to say he is a daemon prince.

This would be Uraka.....He is pretty much Skulltaker on Crack. (add his rules, some of a Bloodthirsters rules & a 200pt price tag)


Also i agree i wouldn't get away with it but its always interesting to see opinions :P

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-14-2013, 08:03 AM
Well, seeing as even when Daemon Princes could only be Heavy Support for Daemons, Uraka and Mamon were still important enough that they could only be HQ, I'd hazard a guess that even when they're updated to be in line with the new Daemons 'dex, they'll still only be HQ.

As is, RAW, they're only HQ, since they're not the Daemon Prince unit entry.

White Tiger88
09-14-2013, 03:03 PM
Well, seeing as even when Daemon Princes could only be Heavy Support for Daemons, Uraka and Mamon were still important enough that they could only be HQ, I'd hazard a guess that even when they're updated to be in line with the new Daemons 'dex, they'll still only be HQ.

As is, RAW, they're only HQ, since they're not the Daemon Prince unit entry.

I agree, it will be interesting to see if any of that changes when the Heresy Demon book comes out.

Lord Krungharr
09-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Uraka is almost pointless now as an HQ, even more than before, as he has no wings, and his axe is just a normal Axe of Khorne now. You can get that for 10 points as a Lesser Reward. But that model would look really really neat with some good wings, so just take him a a regular DP in the Heavy Support slot.

Mamon you don't need wings for, but you will need some fast Icon placement, so you can Deepstrike place him for a nice awesome template shot (too bad it's not Torrent also :(