View Full Version : Imperial Fists 1,500 points

09-13-2013, 08:45 PM
Power fist, Jump Pack, Digital Weapons

Tactical Squad
Veteran Sergeant w/ Fist, Combi-Melta; Multi-Melta, Meltagun; Rhino w/armor, dozer

Tactical Squad
Veteran Sergeant w/Fist; Missile Launcher w/Flakk, Meltagun; Rhino w/armor, dozer

Tactical Squad
Veteran Sergeant w/Fist, Combi-Plasma; Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun

Assault Squad
Veteran Sergeant w/Fist; 2xflamers

Tornado Squad
Two speeders w/Heavy flamer, Multi-Melta

Devastator Squad
Veteran Sergeant w/Fist; 4x missiles w/Flakk

I'm not adapting to 6th edition well, suggestions welcome.

09-14-2013, 04:13 AM
What type of games are you playing?

Friendly, competitive, somewhere inbetween?

From a competitive standpoint I think the problem you have is you have no redundancy.

Difficult to get in a 1500 point army I admit, but if you are fighting someone weak in assault they target one unit and you lose your bonus there, weak vs missiles? Well they deal with your devastators and you have a problem.

I would look at swapping out the rhinos for drop pods on your tactical marines, they can always come down empty vs combat armies, and allow you to deploy where you want on the table.

I would Ben potentially do the same for your assault marines and drop the jump packs to put them in a pod, this then gives you three pods and your choice of two where you want on turn one.

Personally I would also look at losing some of the fists off your sergeants, too easy for people to snipe em and then it's a painful loss to the unit, potentially keep the one in your assault squad.

Drop the Chaplin as he doesn't fit into the drop pod now and replace with another HQ.

Finally I would look at losing the flakk rockets to make way for an ADL for your static tactical squad and some pre emptive AA.

By doing those changes:

Rhino w/dozer for drop pod x 2 = 10 pts saved
3 x Power fists dropped = 75 pts saved
Assault squad in a drop pod = 0 points change
Drop the Chaplin = 140 points saved
Lose the flakk rockets = 50 points saved.

You now have 275 points spare for a HQ and extras.

So I would look at

ADL w/ Icarus Quad Gun (100pts)
Chapter Master w/ Stormshield (145pts)
Tornadoes changed to H.Bolter & Typhoon Launcher x 2 (10pts)

30 pts spare for gubbins.

The tornadoes are then better vs horde & armour without having o sit in rapid fire range of bolsters etc.

The chapter master gives you a S10 AP1 barrage which will help, and then finally the Quad Gunn deals with a fair number of flyers that can arrive before they get to shoot (also anything from reserve which includes Sly Marbo).

That I think is a more effective list with a bit more flexibility. And only one turn for people to deal with your assault marines before you charge.

Don't forget the changes to combat squads you decide before determining warlord traits, so before setup!

Hope this helps will be interested to hear your thoughts.

09-15-2013, 12:41 PM
Good call on the combat squad-ing. That's a bit of a gut punch for some of my plays.

You bring up some fair points, I haven't really seen many flyers yet and was just glad that the new 'dex saved me just enough on boots to be able to afford the flakk missiles.

Expound on the Chapter Master, if you would. I've never given them any credit, unless he's operating the quad gun; which he seems grossly overqualified for.
Since the Chaplain is no-longer effective, a Librarian w/psyker level 2 gives me some psyker coverage and a couple rolls on telepathy gives some decent support options. I've been playing too long to buy into Hero-Hammer, so I need an HQ that provides synergy rather than smashy.

I like the idea of the drop pods that saves me thirty points from extra armor and dozer blades, there were too many things deep striking before (chaplain and assault and tornadoes) to be able to reserve them.

Have missiles really become that effective? Consider me to be a small mole-ish creature, first emerging into the bright light of general LGS play. Needing 9 shots of missile per turn feels a bit extreme but I really don't know. Personally, I may have just had too many good days with the tried and true HF/MM tornado to change. That being said, the scale up to 2,000 points includes a HB/TL Typhoon wing, so I'm certainly not opposed to them.

So how about this new draft:

Librarian Psyker level 2

Tactical, veteran, fist, combi-melta, Melta, Multi, Pod

Tactical, veteran, sword, bombs, melta, missile, pod

Tactical, combi-plas, plas, plascan

Assault, veteran, fist, 2xflamer, pod

HF/MM Tornadoes

Devastators, lascannon, 3x missiles


ADL w/quad-gun

09-15-2013, 03:06 PM
Missed the extra armour so you actually have more points than I thought lol.

The chapter master was perhaps a bit whimsical, the orbital bombardment is nice for clearing out hordes or centurions that you will see doing the rounds. It's one shot though that is the issue. The Libby is a good choice for a nice all rounder lol.

Missile launchers are no better than they used to be, but their flexibility in taking on tanks or infantry with blasts.

I just think that heavy framers on an AV10 slimmer is not a great idea, to get close enough to use it means you die the next turn so its basically a one shot weapon. However if it has worked for you then stick with it.

Ideally the more you have on the table the harder the game is for your opponent. It is upto you but those guys with missiles and h bolters have a huge threat range.

Thunder fire is a good choice, for the devastators I would go with an all or nothing approach, the problem with a mixed squad is that when you shoot at tanks 3 x missiles and a las cannon are good, but at infantry you are probably wasting a lascannon shot. Just my opinion to be honest bit always try to focus each unit at one thing. Admittedly the speeders I suggest are split bit that's speeders for you.

Like the new look list another thing to consider would be centurions for the devastators, grav weapons with a missiles are a good combo.

09-16-2013, 09:19 PM
There's an interesting rules redundancy, whose practicality I'm confused on. Centurions at first, seemed like a good deal but they mostly waste their Imperial Fist training. Since a die can be re-rolled only once; then, twin-linking bolter weapons is redundant for them. As now they cannot benefit directly from their ability to re-roll ones.
Now, granted one could just kit them out with every upgrade, and that's a whole different unit. But that seems like a bunch of points onto a not very resilient FOC slot.
Now, let me explain not very resilient. With only three models (or however many you use) there are no cushion models between your assailants and your primary movers. So in-order for the unit to maintain an effective volume of fire, it has to be less imposing, and thus lower on the priority list, than your other units. And I just don't see that happening, especially at 90 points per model.
So, bully for every other chapter. I just don't see the merit in the centurions for the Imperial Fists. Now, assault centurions get some good Salamanders synergy. The sergeant may get some use out of Iron hands It Will Not Die. Load 'em in a Land Raider and have Khan make them outflank. And Black Templars are always looking for fire support that can keep up with Da Black Tide.
Ultimately there's no getting around the cool of the punch these guys pack, they simply suffer the same issue as my Tornadoes, they are really squishy for how close they need to be.