View Full Version : Sternguard vets special ammo with storm bolters

Dan Robert Geiman
09-12-2013, 07:08 PM
so if i give the sternguard vets storm bolters does that negate the rapid fire rule for just two shots ?

09-12-2013, 07:24 PM
Bolters are a Rapid Fire weapon. Storm Bolters are an Assault 2 weapon. There's no such thing as a Rapid Fire Assault weapon. Incidentally, Rapid fire does mean you get double shots in 12", it means you get 2 shots in 12" and 1 at 24. There are no Rapid Fire weapons that are, say, 2 shots at 24, and 4 at 12".

Also, taking Storm Bolters prevents you from using Special Ammo. Never, ever, ever take Storm Bolters.

09-12-2013, 07:31 PM
They should be a free upgrade. Almost no one would take them but at least it wouldn't be as offensively bad as it is now

09-13-2013, 12:56 PM
Perhaps someone can tell me why the rules say you can't, but I have always interpreted the special issue ammunition to be just that, special "ammunition". I don't remember anywhere it says they can only be fired from a regular bolter only.

Now I would never interpret the ability to fire special ammunition using the storm bolter's assault 2 24" range, but I always saw it as a "5th" shooting option.

So basically you pay 5 points to be able to fire normal shots as a storm bolter i.e. 24" 2 shots assualt 2 str 4 ap5
but if you wanted you could fire using the special ammunition outlined in their profile i.e. you could fire the dragon fire rounds through your storm bolter, but it would be the normal str 4 ap 5 ignores cover RAPID FIRE.

See what I mean?
I have never used this because I couldn't convince anyone that I wasn't trying to cheat, but it seems to me that's why it would cost 5 more points.

Anyone know why it can't be interpreted as I have state above?


09-13-2013, 01:19 PM
Perhaps someone can tell me why the rules say you can't, but I have always interpreted the special issue ammunition to be just that, special "ammunition". I don't remember anywhere it says they can only be fired from a regular bolter only.

Now I would never interpret the ability to fire special ammunition using the storm bolter's assault 2 24" range, but I always saw it as a "5th" shooting option.

So basically you pay 5 points to be able to fire normal shots as a storm bolter i.e. 24" 2 shots assualt 2 str 4 ap5
but if you wanted you could fire using the special ammunition outlined in their profile i.e. you could fire the dragon fire rounds through your storm bolter, but it would be the normal str 4 ap 5 ignores cover RAPID FIRE.

See what I mean?
I have never used this because I couldn't convince anyone that I wasn't trying to cheat, but it seems to me that's why it would cost 5 more points.

Anyone know why it can't be interpreted as I have state above?

Special Issue Ammunition reads, in relevant part:

In addition to the normal profile for their boltgun (including boltguns that are part of a combi-weapon), models with special issue ammunition can choose, in each of their Shooting phases, to instead use one of the profiles below until the beginning of their next Shooting phase.

"In addition to the normal profile for their boltgun" indicates that the rule applies not just to "models with special issue ammunition," but models with special ammunition who also have a boltgun.

Somebody whose formal grammar is less rusty than mine might be able to correct me on this, but "in addition to the normal profile for their boltgun" is a prepositional phrase that needs a noun phrase to modify; it isn't any sort of clause (note the lack of verb) that might be able to stand on its own. So what does it modify? The only logical option (the only noun phrase in the entire sentence, in fact) is "models with special issue ammunition." So the rule applies not to all models with special issue ammunition, but to all models with special issue ammunition and a boltgun. This is, formally, what prevents a sternguard veteran with a meltagun from using his special issue ammunition with it.

Patrick Boyle
09-13-2013, 01:27 PM
Perhaps someone can tell me why the rules say you can't, but I have always interpreted the special issue ammunition to be just that, special "ammunition". I don't remember anywhere it says they can only be fired from a regular bolter only.

Now I would never interpret the ability to fire special ammunition using the storm bolter's assault 2 24" range, but I always saw it as a "5th" shooting option.

So basically you pay 5 points to be able to fire normal shots as a storm bolter i.e. 24" 2 shots assualt 2 str 4 ap5
but if you wanted you could fire using the special ammunition outlined in their profile i.e. you could fire the dragon fire rounds through your storm bolter, but it would be the normal str 4 ap 5 ignores cover RAPID FIRE.

See what I mean?
I have never used this because I couldn't convince anyone that I wasn't trying to cheat, but it seems to me that's why it would cost 5 more points.

Anyone know why it can't be interpreted as I have state above?


In 5th it was FAQ'd specifically, in the 6th codex entry for the Special Issue Ammunition wargear the profiles for the ammo types specifically replace your boltgun, or the boltgun portion of a Combi-weapon.

09-13-2013, 01:28 PM
A storm bolter is not a boltgun. A boltgun is not a storm bolter. You give up your boltgun to get a storm bolter. Special ammo modifies the profile of a boltgun. If you dont have a boltgun, there's no profile for you to modify.