View Full Version : Auspexes

09-12-2013, 03:57 AM
Auspexes are now special issue wargear so only unnamed HQs get to choose if for 5pts. Correct?

Not available to tac squads, etc.?

09-12-2013, 06:11 AM
yup - Techmarines are an obvious fit for that, and they give you the added utility of soaking a few wounds with their 2+ save where necessary (ducking with a 2+ LOS for being IC when dangerous stuff comes flying, like say a Wolf Guard Terminator catching bullets for Long Fangs, who have the 5++ but only 4+ LOS) and fortifying a terrain piece for you

09-12-2013, 06:24 AM
Interesting idea for the techy! Will look into that! I just don't understand why the auspex is part of the other sprues if you can't use them in game?

09-12-2013, 07:09 AM
Interesting idea for the techy! Will look into that! I just don't understand why the auspex is part of the other sprues if you can't use them in game?

It's really old gear that's why. Anyway not surprising since Dark Angels didn't have a bunch of them either. Which it turn really limits your cover denial.

When I saw the article about being on par with Tau with denying cover I laughed.
Tau can deny cover this many ways
- gear from commander or suit that does not shoot and give the squad he is in deny cover.
- seeker missiles auto do it
- flamers
- smart missiles deny cover
- marker lights
- large barrage weapon air burster

You have 6 systems that I know off that deny cover, meaning a good 1/2 of your army can easily do it without the aid of markerlights.

Marins have two flamers and auspex, and auspex just make cover saves worst by one.

09-12-2013, 07:59 AM
It's really old gear that's why. Anyway not surprising since Dark Angels didn't have a bunch of them either. Which it turn really limits your cover denial.

When I saw the article about being on par with Tau with denying cover I laughed.
Tau can deny cover this many ways
- gear from commander or suit that does not shoot and give the squad he is in deny cover.
- seeker missiles auto do it
- flamers
- smart missiles deny cover
- marker lights
- large barrage weapon air burster

You have 6 systems that I know off that deny cover, meaning a good 1/2 of your army can easily do it without the aid of markerlights.

Marins have two flamers and auspex, and auspex just make cover saves worst by one.

and Flamestorm Cannons (yeah i know...), and Castellan warheads, and LotD, and Dragonfire Rounds, so that's almost as many... not that that changes much of your basic point - Tau are still better than Marines at that...

09-12-2013, 08:13 AM
Maybe seventh edition will see the return of rules for the purity seals.

09-12-2013, 08:40 AM
Maybe seventh edition will see the return of rules for the purity seals.

there were once rules for those? really? what did they do? :)

09-12-2013, 08:43 AM
there were once rules for those? really? what did they do? :)

Lol. I have to look, but yeah purity seals had rules. I think it was something dealing with leadership or morale. Have to pull out the old marine dex.

09-12-2013, 10:49 AM
I believe you got to roll 3d6 pick the highest for consolidation, or maybe drop the highest for fallback moves. Something like that.

09-12-2013, 11:28 AM
Dose that mean Chaos will get to take spiky bits again.

09-12-2013, 03:35 PM
I believe you got to roll 3d6 pick the highest for consolidation, or maybe drop the highest for fallback moves. Something like that.

I think it's the first. That seems really familiar, I think it may had been cosolidation distance. Consolidation was a really big thing back than, and I remember everyone used to take the seals.

Siris Le Osiris
09-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Well one thing about the Auspex is if your target is not in area terrain going to ground isn't going to give you a save so you can make pesky 5+ save models die a tiny bit easier, really needed a bit more range though even 18

09-12-2013, 07:52 PM
All the more reason to give it to a Chapter Master on a bike with the Shield Eternal. He runs forward, ties stuff up, drops his Orbital Bombardment, drops cover saves, and if you're White Scars he Hits and Runs around and is generally a massive pain for your opponent.

09-13-2013, 03:17 AM
Interesting idea for the techy! Will look into that! I just don't understand why the auspex is part of the other sprues if you can't use them in game?

Think of the Auspex on the sprues as a small handheld scanner that can also recieve data from bigger, more advanced Auspex equipment, the wargear version is bigger and more advanced and tells the squads were the enemy are to give them the bonus

09-13-2013, 10:19 AM
So to summaries your idea, your saying

That's not an auspex 4846

This is an auspex 4847

09-13-2013, 10:58 AM
I believe you got to roll 3d6 pick the highest for consolidation, or maybe drop the highest for fallback moves. Something like that.

Purity seals (4e version) were for falling back: an extra d6 and remove one (it didn't specify the highest, just "one", so a canny player could use them to fall back nice and far from big threats).

Crusader seals were the ones related to consolidation: you could re-roll the d6, but only for moves made due to Righteous Zeal, not for ones after combat.


I'm not sure about 3e.

09-13-2013, 12:20 PM
Purity seals (4e version) were for falling back: an extra d6 and remove one (it didn't specify the highest, just "one", so a canny player could use them to fall back nice and far from big threats).

Crusader seals were the ones related to consolidation: you could re-roll the d6, but only for moves made due to Righteous Zeal, not for ones after combat.


I'm not sure about 3e.

Lol. I was thinking crusader seals. Cool I can looked at my 4th edition codex. I think I still like 4th edition better, but I can still make my 4th edition army if I use blood Angel assault marines as troops.