View Full Version : 2000pt Space Marines Blood Ravens(Ultramarines Tactics)

Patrick Boyle
09-10-2013, 06:40 PM
So, this is my first dip into getting a list ready with the new book. Given the Blood Raven's primogenitor is unknown *cough*Thousand Sons*cough* I get some leeway in which tactics I go with list to list. In this case I took Ultramarines for a couple reasons, first it gets me Tigurius, who fits the BR psyker fluff well with his access to divination and reserves manipulation, and second so I can keep using my Telion counts as Cyrus(from Dawn of War 2) conversion. Anyway, on with the list...


Dreadnought(Davian Thule)

M. Melta
Powerfist with Heavy Flamer

Sternguard Veterans x10


Lightning Claw

3x C. Melta
2x C. Flamer
2x Plasma Gun

Tactical Marines x10


C. Melta
Melta Bombs

M. Melta

Tactical Marines x10


C. Flamer

Heavy Bolter

Tactical Marines x5


C. Melta
Power Sword

Lascannon/Twin Linked Plasma Gun

Scout Marines x6

Sgt. Telion
Camo Cloaks
4x Sniper Rifles
Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
Stormtalon Gunship

Twin-Linked Lascannon

Heavy Support
Thunderfire Cannon


Twin-Linked Lascannon
Lascannon Sponsons

Stormraven Gunship

TL M. Melta
TL Lascannon
Hurricane Bolters
Locator Beacon

So, some of the upgrade choices(the sternguard mostly, though the vet sergeants are a combo of fluff reasons and the fact I already have sergeants with my veteran helmet colors...) are just down to what I have modeled from my 5th ed lists. I'm currently assembling some new minis for things like arming the tactical squads with different heavies with the rise in upgrade costs, and I'm trying to get some version of this ready for the end of the month.

The general idea is pretty straightfoward. The scouts, Thunderfire and Predator provide supporting fire/hold backfield objectives, while the tactical squads move up supporting each other to take the midfield. The Stormtalon escorts the Stormraven on, hopefully turn 2 thanks to Tigurius, and provide the anti-air punch. Powers wise Tigurius will be rolling on divination mostly, aiming primarily for Forewarning, then Prescience and either Misfortune or perfect timing, whichever I happen to get. The locator beacon on the Stormraven, correct me if I'm wrong, will let him and the sternguard and the dreadnought drop with no scatter behind it within 6", so they'll be dumped off somewhere to harass backfield elements of my opponent's army and push off units holding rear objectives. Tactical Doctrine's use will be pretty straightforward, the other two will be saved for when I either really need to make a charge, really need to prevent one with some overwatch, or something goes horribly wrong with my fliers and I need to take some snapshots. Thoughts?