View Full Version : Finally, the 6th Lost Vyper Mission for WH40K

Lost Vyper
09-10-2013, 04:35 AM
In the spring, i made 6 missions for our FLGC. Five of those are still in use, but the 6th sucked, so it got canned. Now, when we roll for mission, we can truly use the d12, cos i got the 6th mission completely remade!

All of this started on saturday+sunday, when i made a small hill/mount filled with all kind of leftover bits and parts. It started to look like some kind of sacrificing place, with CC-weapons, heads, weapons and crates were stacked against it. I immediately made up a fluff about the place and a mission to go with it. If anyone is interested trying it out, you can use some piece of terrain, which is roughly the size of a Land Raider.

We test played this yesterday and after the modifications (we had to drop secondary points, cos those alone won the game for Eldar 5-3 yesterday) we are very keen to use this as a part of the Reseda Prime Battle Missions for WH40K, so roll the d12!!!!

Here are the rules:

6.The Gravehill

Alien planet holds a special burial mount which has psychic abilities. Every race that has landed in this area, has had serious difficulties holding the ground for further research. Mission is to keep the area secured, until a research team gets in to orbit and start their descend. Beware, no team has been retrieved, once they declared the area secured.

Divide the table in six sections before placing any terrain pieces. Throw a d6 and determine where the Hill is placed. After this, set terrain pieces, choose sides and who´ll go first.

The Hill with grizzly trophies is held (3p), when a unit (TROOP) is within 3” from it. Hill cannot be contested, but in this case, both players hold the area.

In the end of movement phase, every unit within 6” of the Hill, that have LD value, must make a leadership with 3d6 (using the LOWEST leadership value and EVEN if inside of a vehicle). If the test is successful, there´s no effect. If the test is failed, throw d12 and apply result to this table.

1. “Where are we?”
Unit is convinced, that they are in the wrong place. IMMEDIATELY run/drive 2d6 in random (Scatter dice) direction and all actions for rest of the turn are lost

2. “Enemies!”
If there is enemies in range in the shooting phase, all weapons have +1 shot, but use the Gets Hot! –rule

3. “It´s too damn hot!”
Whole unit is feeling the incredible heat emitting from the Hill and start to remove their armor. They have -1 modifier to their armor save for the rest of the game

4. “It´s so beautiful!”
Visions of the glorious dreams might come true, if you just sacrifice something to the Hill. One close combat weapon from each model is donated to the Hill. For the rest of the game, unit doesn´t benefit from the extra CC -weapon

5. “What´s with all of this damn fog?”
Unit sees fog rising from the Hill and lose sight. All ranged weapons have now maximum range of 12” until the beginning of players next turn. BUT, there´s no bonuses for saving throws, because, there´s no actual fog …

6. “There´s something in your back!”
Randomly choose a member of the unit. This member sees a hideous crawler in the back of another random member and shoots (use his weapon profile) him in the back of his head. It hits and wounds automatically, armor saves (if can be applied) are allowed

7. “Darkness falls…”
Nightly horrors creep in to everyone´s mind. Unit loses Fearless/ATSKNF – special rule (until the beginning of his next turn) and must make the next rounds LD –test
(if necessary) with -2 modifier

8. “It´s not enough!”
Unit feels their armor rusting and start to assemble more metal for their protection. They lose their Shooting Phase, but gather enough armor to get +1 armor save (Maximum of 2+) for the rest of the game. Their initiative has -2 modifier and their maximum movement is 4” in a phase

9. “You are not in charge!”
Everyone feels like they are in charge now. Others are just grunts waiting for orders. Unit is in disarray and have to make 3d6 leadership test in every phase, to get ANYTHING done

10. “Champion of the realm…”
More disarray erupts and challenges are issued. Independent characters/Upgrade characters MUST challenge someone within 12”. If the target (friend or foe) is within 6” from the Hill, he MUST accept

Independent characters/Upgrade characters are SURE that the Hill is effecting their unit and attack them and they´ll defend themselves if they can

12. “Worthless…”
The Gravehill doesn´t see you worthy and sends a telepathic wave of despair and angst. All units within 12” from the Hill are hit automatically, with d6 of S5 AP3 psychic blast wave. Vehicles/Walkers are hit to the rear armor. No cover saves allowed


Normal Game Length

- Lost Vyper