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View Full Version : Theoretical re-org of my White Scars

11-21-2009, 12:07 AM
I've had my minis for my White Scars army organized into a battle company, but this force was missing bikes in it and had what some would consider heresy-namely 2 devasator squads. So I've had a thought about how to fix these 2 problems and keep things at 100 marines

HQ: Command squad and Captain
Troops: 6 10-man tactical squads in rhinos
Fast Attack: 2 10-man assault squads (jumppacks)
1 8-man bike squad + 1 attack bike
Heavy support: 2 5-man dev squads in razorbacks

Fluff wise, the problem comes with some old article (that I've never actually seen) stating that the chapter doesn't use devastor squads, which makes little sense (sometimes, you've just gotta point a bunch of lascannons at something) but the more current fluff shows captains as having more say over how they form their companies.
Rules wise, it works. But on the fluff side, do I risk the wrath of any "purists"?

Of course, while I worry about this, I think I'll be making a side trip to Baal and ask why the hell my "swift as lightning" chapter has vehicles that are slower than another certain chapter...

11-21-2009, 02:49 AM
Fluff-wise the only "problem" I see with that TO is that you've got eleven squads plus command, and no company chaplain. That's six tactical squads, three assault squads (assault marines in a battle company do bikes, land speeders, and jump packs), and two short devastator squads. Of course, that's only a "problem" if you deploy the two assault squads and the bike squad at the same time - otherwise you could just as easily say you have an understrength company of 90 marines, which is hardly going to be uncommon.

If I recall, Salamanders "aren't supposed to use" assault squads, but that's been contradicted in one source that escapes me at the moment ... think it was an Imperial Armour book.

11-21-2009, 08:50 AM
Fluff-wise the only "problem" I see with that TO is that you've got eleven squads plus command, and no company chaplain. That's six tactical squads, three assault squads (assault marines in a battle company do bikes, land speeders, and jump packs), and two short devastator squads. Of course, that's only a "problem" if you deploy the two assault squads and the bike squad at the same time - otherwise you could just as easily say you have an understrength company of 90 marines, which is hardly going to be uncommon.

If I recall, Salamanders "aren't supposed to use" assault squads, but that's been contradicted in one source that escapes me at the moment ... think it was an Imperial Armour book.

That spare HQ I can fill up with anything, I've got librarians I can stick there and somewhere lost in the depths of the ancestral home is a chaplain on bike.

I didn't know the Salamanders thing, but Codex: SM has a picture of a Salamander assault marine (pg 113) (so somewhere that fluff is officially dead.)

As for having 3 assault squads, that doesn't seem any more anti-"sacred codex" than not having any devastators. Plus the White Scars (by fluff) tend to ignore the codex when other chapters aren't looking-if the captain were on a bike I could go 6 bike squads as my "tactical" option (also known as my win the lottery & form an assault company dream).
For land speeders, the pre-update Imperial Armor 2 had the Land Speeder Tempest as heavy support for the White Scars, but the latest update made it FA. I've e-mailed them my "concerns" on this (in that "win the lotto" dream, 9 would part of that company.)

But at the rate I'm going until the next league I'm in starts up, maybe there will be an Imperial Armor that has a focus on ol' 5th legion, like the next one's coverage of the Raven Guard.

11-21-2009, 12:14 PM
Oh, I was just pointing out that every company (by codex, anyway) has its own chaplain; he's part of the company headquarters staff. So from the perspective of collecting a "complete" codex battle company, you need a chaplain. That's all.

12-07-2009, 05:16 PM
Fluff-wise the only "problem" I see with that TO is that you've got eleven squads plus command, and no company chaplain. That's six tactical squads, three assault squads (assault marines in a battle company do bikes, land speeders, and jump packs), and two short devastator squads. Of course, that's only a "problem" if you deploy the two assault squads and the bike squad at the same time - otherwise you could just as easily say you have an understrength company of 90 marines, which is hardly going to be uncommon.

no he can use the extra bike squad it just has to come from the assualt companny thats allit could be an attached element

and for the dev. squads and not taking them unless you put some tank busting weapons in your tactical squads your gunna still want the dev. really only the decendants of the ultramarines follow the codex astartes (i play them) so they don't have to take dev. but you still can saying it's a blew strength squad thattook up a bunch of heavy weapons to support their battle brothers from afar:cool: