View Full Version : 2,000 Point Imperial Fist Army

09-09-2013, 08:19 PM
So I've spent the last couple of days working out my Imperial Fists Army with the new codex, here's what I've come up with:

HQ: 355
Lysander: 230
Librarian: 125
Mastery Level 2, Terminator Armour, Storm Shield

Elites: 635
5 Assault Terminators: 225
Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields
Contemptor Dreadnought: 195
Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 215
2x Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons, Carapace-mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher

Troops: 540
Tactical Squad: 180
Missile Launcher, Grav Gun, Veteran Sergeant
Tactical Squad: 180
Heavy Bolter, Meltagun, Veteran Sergeant with Combi-Melta
Tactical Squad: 180
Lascannon, Meltagun, Veteran Sergeant.

Fast Attack: 180
10 Assault Marines: 180
Veteran Sergeant

Heavy Support: 290
3 Devastator Centurions: 290
Sergeant with Omniscope, all three have Lascannons and Missile Launchers.

I am well aware of the hatred of Assault marines on this forum, but they give this army some well-needed manoeuvrability.
However, I would swap them for a Stormtalon (Lascannons/Assault Cannon) (140pts)
I was also tossing up between the Librarian and a Vindicator (125) or a 5-man Devastator squad with 2 Lascannons (110 Points)
If I do take the Stormtalon and the Dev Squad, then I can afford an Aegis line, leaving me 5 points left, and needing to find 30 more for an Icarus Lascannon.
I'm happy to get all kinds of feedback - also remember my main armies are Imperial Guard and Death Korps of Krieg, and I've only used my IF's as an Allied contingent for my Codex Guard,

09-10-2013, 02:32 AM
I'm thinking Flamers and a Power Weapon would probably make the Assault Marines more of a notable force.

Also I really don't see the point in Heavy Bolters in Tactical Squads. Missile Launchers are usually just better, although I suppose you are re-rolling 1s to hit. I would only take Heavy Bolters in Devastator Squads myself, so you get the weight for cheaper.

09-10-2013, 02:20 PM
Interesting list. No powerfst with the assault marines? I find powerfist in assault squads or bike squads useful vs the anoying wave serpents.

09-10-2013, 07:42 PM
Interesting list. No powerfst with the assault marines? I find powerfist in assault squads or bike squads useful vs the anoying wave serpents.

I would take Meltabombs, but I ran out of points.

I played a game yesterday v. Orks, they had 30 Boyz, 20 Shoota Boyz, 20 Boyz, 10 Flash Gitz, 5 Mega-Armoured Nobz, 20 Grots, 6 bikers, 3 Killa Kanz, 1 Battlewagon, 10 StormBoyz with the Character, the Mad Doctor, and a Big Mek with a shokk attack gun.

The Assault marines didn't do too badly, but they didn't do much. I'll give them a few more games before I do drop them, probably for the Storm Talon and an extra THSS Terminator.

The Librarian was brilliant, he had Telepathy, and stopping Ork Mobs from being fearless really helped. I won along the lines of 14-0 (I lost 8 of the Assault Marines)

The Centurions were amazing, I lost one, but the other 2 did brilliant. I definitely recommend an Omniscope, I ran out of vehicles to shoot at, so I unloaded 2 Frag Missiles into the Shoota Boyz, I killed 17 + 1 from the Lascannon, the Sergeant split-fired his lascannon, popping a Mega-Armoured Nob.

09-11-2013, 09:08 AM
Forgot about the melta bombs. The melta Bombs would be a really good ideal. With the bombs they can be a serious threat to vehicles and to MCs. 10 melta attacks can serious hurt a riptide from experance, although if I see melta assault marines I would target them with a vengence.

09-11-2013, 07:00 PM
Alas, only the Sergeant can take meltabombs, Vanguard can take Meltabombs on the whole unit, but it's only the Sergeant on a standard Assault Squad.

09-11-2013, 07:26 PM
Alas, only the Sergeant can take meltabombs, Vanguard can take Meltabombs on the whole unit, but it's only the Sergeant on a standard Assault Squad.

Awww. Guess they thought tha would be too good. Than powerfist would be better, or a chainfist if he can get one.

09-11-2013, 07:46 PM
Awww. Guess they thought tha would be too good. Than powerfist would be better, or a chainfist if he can get one.

Chainfists are Terminators only, but I do like the idea of a Power Fist. The Army has done pretty well so far, but if the Grav-Gun keeps proving to be a damp squib, then I'll change it for a flamer, and invest in some Flamers for the Assault Marines.

09-12-2013, 09:13 AM
Ya i think Gravguns should only be on bikes or centurions because of relentless. Something else on your tac squad will probably serve you better.

However, a combi-grav or grav pistol might be good on a character that way you can give a big nasty monster like a hive tyrant or daemon prince some good old Initiative 1 concussion before you charge it with your hammernators. Just something to think about.

09-12-2013, 10:40 AM
For some reason I want to always give chainfist to assault marines, even way back in 3rd. I am spoiled with sisters with eviserators and with old faith basically having a chainfist on my serepham.

Grav pistols may not be a bad ideal with a power fist. The pistol lowers to I 1 which swings at the same time as a fist. Hmm add in blind or invisibility on your unit a creature like a Bloodthirster will be ws 1 and I 1 with those effects in play.

09-13-2013, 08:39 AM
Although I did unearth my Landspeeder models during a clean out today, (HB/*** Cannon), definitely tempted to pop them in the case if I want to drop the Assault Marines. They have the added bonus of drawing the AT fire from my Dreadnoughts, Centurions, and Terminators. :( Damn, now I have a headache...