View Full Version : Fw characters and the new marine book.

09-09-2013, 10:02 AM
I emailed fw and all I got back was sorry cant answer the questions at this time. Our writers are busy with other stuff at the moment.

Personally my question is about vaylund cal of the sons of medusa. I would obviously be using the iron hands tactics. But looking at the rules of most of the badab war characters it says chapter tactics and says a rule. Example vaylund cal give fearless to the army. Then later it says if two or more models with the chapter tactic rule you choose. Now do i choose between the iron hands rules and the sons of medusa rules? Personally i choose the iron hands rules......

Patrick Boyle
09-09-2013, 01:33 PM
I emailed fw and all I got back was sorry cant answer the questions at this time. Our writers are busy with other stuff at the moment.

Personally my question is about vaylund cal of the sons of medusa. I would obviously be using the iron hands tactics. But looking at the rules of most of the badab war characters it says chapter tactics and says a rule. Example vaylund cal give fearless to the army. Then later it says if two or more models with the chapter tactic rule you choose. Now do i choose between the iron hands rules and the sons of medusa rules? Personally i choose the iron hands rules......

The trick here is how the old Chapter Tactics worked. Look again at your character and you'll note it should say something like 'All models replace Combat Tactics with...' under his Chapter Tactics, the problem being no one has Combat Tactics anymore. They really need to get an FAQ for all of their Marine characters out in short order.

09-10-2013, 03:24 AM
FW posted this reply to the same question on their facebook page:
"We do have an update in the works that will provide Chapter Tactics, or tell you which Chapter Tactics to use for many of the Chapters that we have featured."

09-10-2013, 04:57 AM
Thank you for your email. We will be providing some update to our Space Marine Characters to bring them in line with the new Space Marine Codex. However, it is likely to be a few months away yet before this is completed and up on our website in the downloads section. The reason for this is that the writers have to complete this work along side writing new Imperial Armour books.

09-10-2013, 09:03 AM
In the interim, some but not all of the "Forge World chapters" are descended from known first founding chapters, so I think that's a reasonable guide as to which chapter tactics they should get. Of course, it's less helpful for figuring out what will become of the old combat tactics replacement.

09-10-2013, 09:38 PM
They could ok the Combat Tactics as Chapter Tactics in the meanwhile...
Here's a list of the founding chapters from Lexicanum:

Astral Claws - unknown, maybe Ultras or Dark Angels
Novamarines - Ultras
Executioners - Imperial Fists
Fire Angels - Ultras
Star Phantoms - unknown
Howling Griffons - Ultras
Minotaurs - unknown
Raptors - Raven Guard
Mantis Warriors - White Scars
Red Scorpions - unknown
Fire Hawks - Ultras, they claim
Marines Errant - Ultras
Carcharodons - Raven Guard, allegedly
Sons of Medusa - Iron Hands

09-11-2013, 12:07 AM
Jeez the star phantoms character will be really good if they are based of ultras. He makes devs elites and heavy.