View Full Version : 2k White Scars. Old Vs New.

09-09-2013, 07:00 AM
So been playing around with my codex, and decided to do a 2k list up. Its very similar to the list i ran last year at a tournament. Ill have it here for comparisons sake.

bike, relic blade, storm shield
Command Squad
bikes, standard, champion, lightning claw x2, storm shield x2, flamer
Master of the forge
bike, conversion beamer

Bike Squad
extra bikes x5, melta gun x2, attack bike, multi melta, power fist
Bike Squad
extra bikes x5, melta gun x2, attack bike, multi melta, power fist
Scout Squad
combat weps and pistols, camo cloaks, melta bombs, combi melta

Fast Attack
Land Speeders x2
typhoon missles x2
Land Speeder Storm
heavy flamer

Heavy Support
siege shield, extra armor
siege shield, extra armor
lascannon sponsons


bike, relic blade, storm shield
TOTAL= 150pts
Command Squad
bikes, Company Standard, apothacary, Champion, 3x storm shield, 3x Lightning claw
TOTAL= 255pts
Master of the forge
bike, conversion beamer, power axe
TOTAL= 145pts

7x scouts
Camo Cloaks, 6x Sniper Rifles, heavy bolter, hellfire rounds
TOTAL= 110pts
5x Scouts
Combat Weapons
Total= 55pts
LandSpeeder Storm
Heavy Flamer
TOTAL= 45pts
9x Bikes
2x Meltaguns, Power Fist, Vet Sargent
TOTAL= 223pts
9x Bikes
2x Plasmaguns, Powerfist, Vet Sargent
TOTAL= 233pts

Stormtalon Gunship
Typhoon Missle Launchers
TOTAL= 145pts
3x Landspeeders
3x Typhoon Missle Launchers
TOTAL= 225pts

T.L. Lascannon, lascannon Sponsons
TOTAL= 140pts
Siege Shield
TOTAL= 135pts
Siege Shield
TOTAL= 135pts


The difference is massive and i cannot believe how much cheaper some stuff is.

Anyway, any comments or critique on the new list would be great. As I really cannot wait to test it, but will probably do some tweaking before i get a chance to get it on the table

09-09-2013, 07:26 AM
nice list

Patrick Boyle
09-09-2013, 08:16 AM
You'll have to do something about that stray point, but I'd suggest considering replacing the plasma gun bikers with grav guns. The relentless platform is ideal for them and if you're shooting at orks or daemons or something you can just use your twin linked bolter.

Also, your captain as is is more durable with the storm shield, but for the same points you can take Khan on his bike and have army wide scout, so that may be worth considering.

09-09-2013, 08:32 AM
I did think of that, Grav guns may be handy, Im tossing up finding a way to make 3 squads of 6 instead of 2 squads of 9, and having the 3rd unit have Grav guns in there. Theres a few things i can easily chop and change if need be. Hell i might just drop the axe on the Master of the forge and hand out melta bombs to the scout sargent in the 5 man squad. and maybe for the captain as well just in case.

Ive got a Khan model going on a bike, I may yet switch him out and try him instead of this captain setup, I may try and test both and see how they go.

09-20-2013, 05:54 AM
the Relic blade is a two handed weapon so you cant use it with the storm shield

09-20-2013, 10:42 AM
How did you get the second troops selection of bikes? You only get one per captain right? You had room in your FA slots just wondering.

09-21-2013, 08:24 PM
biker captains make all nike squads with 5 models or more a troops choice.

also why the MOTF on bike? i take it your giving him relentless so he can shoot his conversion beamer? but that doesn't work anymore. its not only heavy, its rules for using it state if you move you cannot fire due to the MOTF not being able to calibrate its firing trajectory or something. while i think he is redundant to the list and there is alot more better options.

other than that, nice solid list overall :)

09-21-2013, 10:27 PM
the Relic blade is a two handed weapon so you cant use it with the storm shield

Actually, you can. They FAQ'd it that you can take a two-handed weapon and a storm shield. It came up in the last codex as well. Two-handed weapons only disallow your from getting a +1 attack on the charge, not from having another weapon. It's why you never saw anyone with two relic blades (something I always wanted to do) because they didn't give you a +1 for having two cc weapons.

@OP: Nice list. A lot of mobile weapon platforms and the choice of being able to hit hard from up close or from far away. Although I do think you will be at a little disadvantage in the air due to the fact that the Stormtalon isn't the best AA gun. I might suggest switching out a Vindicator for a Devastator Squad with missile launchers and flakk missiles.

09-21-2013, 11:04 PM
The rules where a model can only hold either two weapons, or one two-handed weapon, disappeared with 4th. That was a long time ago.

09-21-2013, 11:15 PM
Two-handed weapons only disallow your from getting a +1 attack on the charge

They disallow +1 attacks for two melee weapons, you still get the charge bonus.

09-22-2013, 12:59 AM
They disallow +1 attacks for two melee weapons, you still get the charge bonus.

That's what I meant, just typed too fast. :/

09-22-2013, 02:15 AM
On the list, when you say 9 Bikes that includes an Attack Bike, right? Because you're still limited to 8 regular bikers, the 9th would have to be the bike. I just don't see it called out on the list.

09-24-2013, 01:53 PM
I am wondering if playing the white scars list with Iron Fists chapter tactics wouldn't be better. Extra armor saves are better than a better cover save which is something that can be removed easier. It will not die on your vehicles and characters is amazing. I just feel that the list may be more potent using Iron Fists.

09-25-2013, 08:45 AM
for me the best part of the White Scar chapter tactics is the Hit and Run special rule. Though the Iron Hands chapter tactics are also sweet.