View Full Version : Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, and that....tales from.

Mr Mystery
09-09-2013, 05:59 AM

So, thoroughly enjoying playing Rogue Trader at the moment, where Lucius Drago, owner of the Carpe Diem and Glorious Endeavour is on the verge of sainthood, having scoured an entire planet of Xenos (I didn't), rescued one of the Emperor's Astartes (technically) and of course, that little thing of my ressurection (wasn't actually dead...all quite confusing!). Trapped in the Misery system, trying to destablise what passes for the local government, and meeting some limited success, whilst keeping tabs on the about-as-trustworthy-as-Paul-Burrell-appearing-slightly-more-trustworthy-than-actual-trustworthiness-of-not-very-trustworthy Ad Mech Magos. Who I've temporarily lost sight of.

Oh, and I think there's Grey Knights in the fleet. There was at least one. But I think he's dead. Certainly don't recall him surviving that issue in the warp and that... And an Assassin. And the Inquisition appear to be after someone or something in my fleet. But it's not me. I think. Mostly on account the Grey Knight didn't mulch my brains that time...

Then there's the Sister's with their auto-temple, who are about to set up permanent camp on Neo Terra, to found the cult of the Emperor, and sing my praises. Planet's nicely destabilised itself, so I'm seeing opportunity. And having found a new potential Agri-world, I'll soon be undermining and undercutting HAMMER, who control all the food supplies in the Misery System.......

How about you? Wax lyrical about your character!

09-09-2013, 03:36 PM
No, please don't.
