View Full Version : New 1750pt Raptors list for competitive

09-08-2013, 09:39 PM
Chapter Master Issodon 140pts

3x Stormtalons wt 2x skyhammers , 1x Hv bolter 360pts

Scout squad wt Landspeeder storm (10men) Camocloaks, hv bolter 183pts

Tactical squad (10men) Lascannon, meltagun 170pts

Tactical squad (10men) Lascannon, flamer 165pts

Devastator squad (5men) wt rhino 4x Missile launcher 165pts

Vindicator 125pts

Aegis defence line quadgun 100pts

Librarian with jump pack, Digital Weapons, 90pts

Vanguard Squad (5men) 245pts
jumppacks, meltabomb (x1), 3x Storm Shields, 2x power weapons, 1x lightning claw, 1x powerfist, 1x thunderhammer

If the last Comp. is anything to go off, my META's mostly power armoured opponents though I hear that there will be a 3x Riptide tau list.
Any advice on changes will be taken on board.
Thanks for your time

09-09-2013, 05:45 AM
I would swap the Tac squads specials for what there roles would be. 2 Lascannons along with a short range weapon, I understand flamer for Def. Go either Autocannons and save 20pts or go both Plasma save 10pts with anti armor, MEQ and Riptide.

Lascannons are just expensive to put on 1 guy and limit what else the unit can shoot at.

For AA along with Quad, trn Las into AC and make 2 ML flakk. Still lots of shots downrange and AA so Hedrake doesn't come eat EVERYONE.

Fun list though!

09-09-2013, 06:20 AM
I would swap the Tac squads specials for what there roles would be. 2 Lascannons along with a short range weapon, I understand flamer for Def. Go either Autocannons and save 20pts or go both Plasma save 10pts with anti armor, MEQ and Riptide.

Lascannons are just expensive to put on 1 guy and limit what else the unit can shoot at.

For AA along with Quad, trn Las into AC and make 2 ML flakk. Still lots of shots downrange and AA so Hedrake doesn't come eat EVERYONE.

Fun list though!

Thanks for the feedback, it was my play to combat squad my tactical squads with the specials a offensive half and the lascannon staying back to cover. I'd love to have auto cannons but I can't see the option for this in the dex.
But I will definitely think about plasma cannons and those ML with Flakk for a nice surprise, I might even drop the hv weapons in the tactical squads and camocloaks on the scouts and take a Hunter/Stalker AA tank.

I've never had a problem with heldrakes, as long as my forces stay in the first 7 inches of my board edge for the first turn

09-09-2013, 07:51 AM
A couple of quibbiles I can see. One why the full sized scout squad without snipers (which are amazing in 6th with the big nasty MC everyone runs), and at the full squad size so they cannot get in the Land Speeder storm? I would think you'd either want the snipers and full size, or stay at 5 men and get in the storm.

Why Missile Launchers for the Devastators? Lascannons have drastically fallen in price and are IMO a much better competitive choice (that extra str and ap make a huge difference). Also why the Rhino for them? (never take flakk missiles competitively, they are far to expensive an upgrade for what they do)

Lots of air shooting and defense, although you might be on your own for a turn before your 'talons show up.

I'm still not sold on Vanguard Veterans. They are a whole lot of points for stuff that still dies like marines.

09-09-2013, 08:10 AM
Thanks for the Feedback, in answer to your questions
the scout squad will combat squad, with half going in the speeder and the other half taking the Hv Bolter and walking. though you rise a very good point about sniper rifles, I might swap in some if I can.
I prefer missiles for their multi-function (anti-tank and anti-infantry),I use the Dev. Rhino as a bunker for my Devs, keeps them safe from Heldrakes for a turn or as mobile cover for other units

As for the Vanguard, I understand exactly what you are saying........ they are the first thing to go if I start a overhaul of this list.

09-09-2013, 08:53 AM
Chapter Master Issodon 140pts

3x Stormtalons wt 2x skyhammers, 1x Hv bolter 360pts

Scout squad wt Landspeeder storm (5men) Camocloaks, 4xSniper rifles, hv bolter 122pts

Scout squad wt Landspeeder storm (5men) 5x bolters,meltabomb 105pts

Tactical squad (10men) Lascannon, meltagun 170pts

Tactical squad (10men) Missile Launcher, meltagun 165pts

Devastator squad (5men) wt rhino 4x Missile launcher 165pts

Vindicator 125pts

Aegis defence line quadgun 100pts

Ironclad wt droppod (with Deathwind Launcher), 2x Hv flamer, Chainfist, Assault Launchers 205pts

Thunderfire Cannon 100pt


Any advice on changes will be taken on board.
Thanks for your time