View Full Version : Best choices--tablets/readers for GW digital products?

09-08-2013, 03:36 PM
I'm wanting to make the transition to the digital versions of the rules and army books for 40K (and Warhammer, if I end up getting into that bottomless pit of fun as well).

My concern, obviously, is how the layout of the books appears on the different options--that is, how a codex appears on a tablet versus an e-reader. Interactivity and getting updates is also a concern.

I just wanted to ask those who are using the digital versions on tablets, ereaders, and what-have-you about their experiences. Pros, cons, and what they'd recommend to someone getting ready to dive in.

Right now, my preference is for a tablet, but I'm concerned about cost. I don't know if I'd be better off going with a cheaper tablet (say, one that costs up to $200.00 US) or going with a higher-end e-reader.

Anyway, I was just curious about what the community here has experienced, and what folks recommend. Thanks!

The Sovereign
09-08-2013, 09:08 PM
I download them on my iPad Mini, and I really like it. It has the rule tap feature, in which you can tap on gear and rules for a pop-up description without redirecting to a different page.

09-08-2013, 09:18 PM
I use my iPad - the interactive functions - especially for rules popups are really usefull when playing - the regular ebook versions that you can play on other hardware dosn't include any of them and is a more traditional ebook.

09-08-2013, 09:39 PM
I downloaded the space marine codex as an epub document for my tablet. My ereader app I normally used laid it out very wierd. I downloaded a different app that made it a bid better. I wish they would do them up like a pdf.

09-09-2013, 05:09 AM
I have an iPad and can confirm that the iPad versions of the codices are well sexy.

09-09-2013, 08:56 AM
vharing, that's what I was really concerned about with the epub versions. I had the thought that the layout might be weird, and there's nothing worse than looking at a table where the columns aren't spaced properly.

There's also the question of updates when they do the FAQs, but I had read somewhere that you can download a new version with the updated information.

I assume also that if you have a tablet version, you can download the FAQ's? Or is there an automatic update sort of thing?

09-09-2013, 10:56 AM
It automatically updates on the iPad.

09-09-2013, 12:12 PM
Good to know. I'm definitely thinking a tablet at this point, given the automatic updates and interactive elements. And thanks to all for the responses.

Is a 7" screen fine for the digital books? Or should I be looking for a slightly larger one? I'd rather not go larger than 9" for it, as 10" or more is getting into the "may as well use the laptop" territory.

09-09-2013, 12:13 PM
I use an iPad too, love the ease of use and the extra content. The new marine codex has loads of audio too. It's great hearing voice actors quoting the primarchs etc. Just make sure you get plenty of memory as the codexes and digital white dwarfs eat into it heartily.

09-09-2013, 12:25 PM
I hadn't thought of that. How much memory would be realistic for having the books run smoothly?

09-09-2013, 12:42 PM
I hadn't thought of that. How much memory would be realistic for having the books run smoothly?

On my iPad they all run smoothly it's just a matter of how much I can fit on it in one go.

On my iBooks I have 4 codexes and 8 black library books, that is 3.2 GB

3 issues of White Dwarf is 1.2 GB

09-09-2013, 01:34 PM
I was looking at the black library site, and it indicated that the iPad version has 'exclusive' features--does that mean that only the iPad version has the interactive elements? Or just more of them?

And, thanks for putting up with my gazillion questions.

09-09-2013, 02:16 PM
Not sure against the android versions tbh, but I love the added features the ones I downloaded have. For every unit option you can click on the option and it will open another in page listing giving the rules stats etc for each weapon type or ability. It's really fantastic.

09-09-2013, 03:49 PM
I was looking at the black library site, and it indicated that the iPad version has 'exclusive' features--does that mean that only the iPad version has the interactive elements? Or just more of them?

And, thanks for putting up with my gazillion questions.

The interactive features are ONLY. On e iPads, it doesn't really matter what size/capacity/specs pad you buy from another company, if its not an ipad your stuck wi regular ebooks that are just a book - th layout is different but they are otherwise identical to the print copy in contents which is why the standard ebook versions are cheaper than both print and interactive copies (their easier to create than e interactive ones)

09-09-2013, 09:18 PM
Mine has no extra feature in the epub version. Just text and pictures. Honestly I wont be getting another one of these. It was cheaper than getting the hard copy codex, but even then not worth the 50 bucks I paid.

09-09-2013, 10:00 PM
Ah, so if you want the extra goodies, it's the iPad or nothing.


Seriously, thanks for the information. It's really helped.

Y'all are another reason this site rules.

The Sovereign
09-16-2013, 09:47 PM
I will mention one thing: codex juggling. I just played a game with a primary and allied force, both using digital codexes on my iPad Mini, and it was a bit of a pain maneuvering back and forth between the two to look up rules (as well as the digital rulebook). I can't help but wonder if it'd be easier to have several books open to various pages at once.

09-16-2013, 11:27 PM
Performance wise the codices really stink on iPad 2 and below. They consume enough memory that its difficult to multitask between them as the system will regularly boot it out of the cache (forcing you to wait a few seconds every time you relaunch it). Not horrendous but it really erodes the electronic book feel that you normally get.on the iPad 1 it just plain stinks.

09-25-2013, 07:34 PM
I'm going to be picking up an iPad next week specifically for 40k, and only for 40k stuff. Is there any reasson I should go with a regular 64GB iPad 4 over the 64GB iPad mini? I'm only going to be using it for 40k so do I really care about all the extra crap on the regular iPad? To put it in perspective, I got a 'smart' phone two years ago (first cell phone) and I haven't downloaded a single 'App' since then.

09-25-2013, 11:30 PM
An iPad 2 has the same internals as an iPad mini. As an ipad2 owner I often wish my device was faster so it would be able to cope with codices and white dwarf with more grace.

knas ser
09-26-2013, 03:04 AM
I wouldn't trade my Surface RT for any other device. Does all an iPad does plus I can work on it. However, for this I think the answer pretty much has to be an iPad simply because Black Library give so much more support to it. The .mobi version of the codexes are a lost cause but the ePub versons open fine and work fine on a Surface RT. The Surface RT is also dirt cheap for what they are right now because Microsoft didn't manage to shift them all and the new version is coming out in a month. But as you're specifically focused on these codices, there's no other answer than an iPad right now. I wouldn't go for the mini in this case. I like it more than the larger ones generally but for codices you'll want the extra screen size, imo.

All that said, I know it's not the question you asked but I prefer hard copy for these. I like novels in e-formats for the convenience and reading page after page is fine. But when I want to flip back and forth all the time I still prefer physical books. ESPECIALLY when it's between multiple books. Just my feeling on this.

09-26-2013, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the scoop Gravedisease and Knas ser, very helpful. I'll definitely pick-up a regular iPad rather than the mini for 'power'. I totally understand what you're saying as well Knas ser. The thing that makes Apple products so popular IMO is the simplicity of use, definitely not the flexibility which is almost nil. If the iPad didn't have all the 'features' with the various 40k rulebooks and get them first I'd definitely go a different route entirely. I was blown away going into the Apple store yesterday that there were still lines out the door for the new iPhone 5. I immediately started thinking 'one of us, one of us!' hehe I'll still get all the hardcover books as well, they're awesome.

knas ser
09-26-2013, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the scoop Gravedisease and Knas ser, very helpful. I'll definitely pick-up a regular iPad rather than the mini for 'power'. I totally understand what you're saying as well Knas ser. The thing that makes Apple products so popular IMO is the simplicity of use, definitely not the flexibility which is almost nil. If the iPad didn't have all the 'features' with the various 40k rulebooks and get them first I'd definitely go a different route entirely. I was blown away going into the Apple store yesterday that there were still lines out the door for the new iPhone 5. I immediately started thinking 'one of us, one of us!' hehe I'll still get all the hardcover books as well, they're awesome.

Heh. I was about to laugh with you, and then I realized that I'm about to put the Surface 2 on pre-order. :D :D

Well it's home delivery, so even if I am just as bad, at least I wont look just as bad. ;)

09-26-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm with Knas Ser here... I love my Surface Pro... I use it for work and play. My 19 yr old son may be getting mine so I can get a Surface Pro 2 ;)

09-26-2013, 10:18 PM
Remember that I'm the goober who's going with the iPad because I want all those 'features' and I 'MUST' have it first...and I'll still get all the hardcopy books. I resisted as long as I could, the new SM codex pushed me totally off the cliff. I'm one of those people who walks into the LGS and the owner/managers get that gleam in their eye. I'm just as bad as those Apple junkies, I'm just lucky that my biggest vice isn't 'loved' by the masses.

Gots to keep it real, and thanks again for the advice. Very useful. :D

09-27-2013, 06:28 AM
Don't worry, it's ok. It's a device that begs to be used, i'm constantly finding new uses for it. My windows phone on the otherhand, i want to use it more but sometimes it's a struggle.

Alexander Rae
09-27-2013, 06:31 AM
I own a Google Nexus 7. I will not lie, I have torrented every codex as a pdf which all reside on the Nexus tablet simply for ease of transport. Whilst I am out I can look up every army and check things if I come up with ideas or am looking for solutions to problems. I want to point out though that I do buy buy every hardcopy codex and have them all at home, but carrying 16+books with me is impractical.

That being said, I purchased an ipad 2 recently specifically for the iBook enhanced editions of rules. The tap to read rules is superb. So much better than the eBook versions which arent even formatted properly and are a bit of a chore to read through. I purchased the Farsight eBook edition before I had bought an iPad and it is very awkward to read compared to my scanned books.

So if you are looking to buy a tablet for GW stuff I would recommend the iPad. You can pick up and iPad2 which is more than powerful enough for enhanced Codexes for a good price. But an android tablet and a copy of bittorrent is entirely servicable should you wish to go down those routes.

09-29-2013, 10:19 PM
So I picked up the iPad 4 yesterday and so far I've limited myself to the main rulebook, altar of war volume one, and the SM codex. Wow, just wow. I already know what I'm getting my brother and buddies for their B-days :D. I apprecaite all the info folks, it was most helpful!!!

09-30-2013, 06:22 AM
Look in this space soon. Since Black Library has published the recent codexes in Epub, I've been working on converting them to HTML5 - making it simple enough to load with a web browser while having all the features of the iBooks codexes.

FYI you can get a Nexus 10 32GB for $300 these days which can do everything that the iPads can do and do it with a better screen.

The new Surface RT looks good too.

09-30-2013, 10:10 AM
I'll be all over that Defenestratus! I'm still an American and that whole 'instant gratification' thing even gets the best of me sometimes, I was able to fight this for over a year though. Do I get any points for that? heh heh Currently only the iPad does all the 'kewl $h(t' with the 40k stuff. Just remember to make it as user friendly as possible, because I is the dumb when it comes to /patrick stewart voice on TECHNOLOGY! /patrick stewart voice off :D

knas ser
09-30-2013, 11:33 AM
I'll qualify this by repeating that the iPad seems to be certainly the best option for reading 40K rulebooks. But it's only my recommendation because Black Library have given it the best treatment. I came across this photo of the Surface RT (this is not the pro version): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/Wupideedoo/HK6I9.jpg

And this is a video review by someone:


It's just a really great device. The Surface 2 is going to be even better. Okay - sales pitch over. I just really, really like mine and it's dirt cheap right now because Microsoft over-estimated sales and the new model is ready to launch.

09-30-2013, 09:44 PM
Knas ser, it looks interesting, but also beyond me being able to do anything but break it :D. The network guys would hate me so much, I can already picture the looks I'd be getting. Me am the dumb when it comes to technical things, people are easy for me though /evilgrin

knas ser
10-01-2013, 04:37 AM
Knas ser, it looks interesting, but also beyond me being able to do anything but break it :D. The network guys would hate me so much, I can already picture the looks I'd be getting. Me am the dumb when it comes to technical things, people are easy for me though /evilgrin

LOL. It's actually really simple to use. I just thought it was cool to show how much it can do. Really it's as easy as pie and connects to all those things automatically. Stick a cable between it and a monitor or TV? Suddenly you have dual monitor. Stick a USB stick or external hard drive or SDHC card from your camera in it? Suddenly a new drive shows up just like on a normal computer. Don't see why your network guys would have any particular trouble. It connects up just the same as a laptop.

Anyway, no worries. :)

10-01-2013, 06:42 AM
Here's another reason to consider the iPad... Quartermaster and Adjunct. Quartermaster is a list building app (like Army Builder) and Adjunct is a VP/Turn counter specific to 40k/WFB. It's super handy to have the rules, the list, and a screen showing how the game is progressing. Superb stuff for managing the game mechanics.

10-01-2013, 10:38 AM
Hehe, I have a long history with my network team. They take very good care of me, a few are even close friends, but I'm that type of person who can look at a given piece of tech the wrong way and bust it good! I showed a couple of them your post and they dig it, but they told me to enjoy my iPad. They know me so well :D

Oooo Sizzly, Adjunct sounds awesome. I'll check it out. I have both Army Builder and Battlescribe, but I'm definitely a Battlescribe fan. Have you checked out Battlescribe before? I'll definitely check out Quartermaster, but I hope it's more like Battlescribe than army builder. thanks for the info dude.