View Full Version : Abaddon BL competitive? 1850

09-08-2013, 03:12 PM
HQ- Abaddon
Khorne lord in terminator armor with spine shiver and hands of darkness

Troops- 4 x10 cultists 8 auto guns and flamer
1 x10 cultists 9 auto guns

Fast- heldrake w/ hades

Heavy- 2 xMaulerfiends
Land Raider w/ dirge caster

Elites- 5 terminators: tzeentch, 3xcombi meltas, reaper AC, harbingers, VotLW
3 Terminators: Khorne w/ icon, 2 combi flamers, 2 p. fists

My thoughts are lots of killy leaving troops more to roam, or get killed by everything else. Drake is for AA mostly. DS the harbingers in for rear armor or whatever. Abaddon and Lord can kill loads of MEQ and likely a lot of TEQ as well. Hand is for MC :) P. fists same. Any thoughts? I really want Abby to become competitive with SM out now and the flocks going that way.

Oh ya Abaddon on charge is S10 claw for MC then Lord can hand at I6