View Full Version : 1500pts Chaos Space Marines (Alpha Legion)

09-08-2013, 01:09 PM
Hi everyone!

Here’s a 1500pts test list. It is intended first and foremost to play with friend (who in terms of level of gaming are ahead of me).

Chaos Lord, Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of corruption, Steed of Slaanesh, Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Black Mace

- 10 Chaos Space Marines, 2x Plasma Gun, Veteran of the long war, Aspiring Champion, Power Weapon

- 10 Chaos Space Marines, 2x Flamer, 9x CCW, Veteran of the long war, Aspiring Champion, Power Weapon

- 27 Chaos Cultists, 2x Flamer

- 10 Chaos Cultists, 9x Autogun, Heavy stubber

Fast Attack
- 5 Chaos Bikers, 2x Meltagun, Chaos Biker Champion, Power Weapon

- Heldrake, Baleflamer

Heavy Support
- Maulerfiend, Lasher tendrils

- 3 Obliterators, Mark of Nurgle

So first of all to represent my legion most of my friends accept that I take the “Master of deception” Warlord trait with having to roll for it.

For the HQ I want to try the steed of slaanesh as a way to represent Alpha legion ability. The idea is to have the lord with the squad of bikes outflank the enemy and either kill an annoying tank or harass scoring unit.

The two unit of CSM are there to take midfield objectives. Those with CCW should be able to deal with horde and grab objectives.

The 27 cultists should serve as annoying possible scoring unit that could support the Maulerfiend in a charge.

The 10 cultist are their to sit on a objective that can be far, so they would be annoying and the enemy would have to either dedicate a unit to deal with them or let them keep an objective.

Heldrake… No need to specify?

Oblits, heavy support fire.

So what are your thoughts? Ideas, suggestions, critics?