View Full Version : 1400PTS 6E Imperial fist please reccomend allies

Nicholas Townsend
09-07-2013, 04:46 AM
Im looking for about 600 points of allies. This is my list they are imperial fists and im looking to add allies. Ideally i want them to make snse in a fluff way. I do not want imperial guard as im not a fan of the models. Thanks


Lysander 230

Command Squad 100
Plasma 40
Apothecary 15
Razorback 55
Twin Linked Lascannon 20

6 Terminators 240
Cyclone 25
Chainfist 5

Troops [b]
5 scouts 55
Missile Launcher 15
Sniper Rifle 4
Camo cloaks 10

5 scouts 55
Heavy Bolter 8

Tactical Marines 140
Flamer 5
Power Sword 15
Multi Melta 10

Rhino 35

Fast Attack

Storm Talon 110
Skyhammer 10

4 Bikes 84
2 Meltas 20
Attack bike Multi Melta 55

09-07-2013, 05:52 AM
My suggestion would be to not get allies. Use those extra 600 points for more SMs.

Nicholas Townsend
09-07-2013, 06:21 AM
I may get more marines but was thinking in the form of Dark angels,Space Wolves or Blood angels just to give the army a bit of variety.

09-07-2013, 08:02 AM
If you retool your list, you could take Dark Angels allies with the Standard of Devastation, then you would get Salvo 2/4 bolter shots that re-roll to hit thanks to Imperial Fist Bolter Drill chapter trait.

09-07-2013, 09:18 AM
If you retool your list, you could take Dark Angels allies with the Standard of Devastation, then you would get Salvo 2/4 bolter shots that re-roll to hit thanks to Imperial Fist Bolter Drill chapter trait.

The Bolter Drill only works on Imperial Fists, otherwise it'd be a good idea. I'd also wager that the DA Standard is DA only, but I could be wrong. I'd take 600 extra points in Imperial Fists or Imperial Guard - but that's just me.

09-07-2013, 09:21 AM
I'd also wager that the DA Standard is DA only

Ahh, so it is. My bad, disregard what I said.

Nicholas Townsend
09-08-2013, 08:12 AM
Ive come up with these allies

ALLIES 1 Black Templars
640 points
Emporers Champion 140
Land raider crusader 250
Multi Melta 10
Crusader squad 10 140
Multi Melta 10
Grav Gun 15
Sword Brother 10
Power sword 15
Neophytes 5 50

ALLIES 1 Space Wolves
Rune Priest w/ Runic Armor, Runic Axe, Chooser of the Slain – 135
Wolf Guard Pack x6 – 108
2 wolf claw x 30
3 power weapon x 30
Thunder hammer Storm Sheild x25
Total 85
Razorback Twin Linked Lascannon -75

Troops 5 Grey Hunters – 75
Plasma gun -10
Venerable Dreadnaught Twin linked Lascannon,Missile Launcer(would be imperial fist less points)
150 pts

09-08-2013, 04:57 PM
Just looking through the new codex, it looks like command squads can't take special weapons anymore. Not sure if this is by design or an accident, though it definitely states "Any Veteran may take items from the Melee Weapons and/or Ranged Weapons lists." No mention of Special Weapons, personally i would house rule and let you use them anyway but i just thought i would point that out. Unless by "Plasma 40pts", you mean 4x combi-plasma (which makes more sense now looking at the cost) in which case ignore that. Though i will ask, what is your command squad for? Lysander is in terminator armour, so he can't fit in that razorback with them. Though i assume he's coming down with the terminator squad anyway. No banner on that command squad either, so it's not as a force multiplier. So i assume you want them just for one turn of combi-plasma spam? In that case you can get much better point efficient units for that. A devastator squad with 4x plasma cannons is 130pts and do the job much better for example.

Personally i would ditch that power sword on your tactical squad, i find them rarely if ever useful on them, you don't really want them in assault anyway. Also i'm not a fan of missile launchers on scouts due to their BS3, but that's just a personal preference.

Skyhammer missile launcher upgrade for the Stormtalon is 15pts by the way, not 10pts.

Lastly i would just take more from the same codex for your remaining points. I would take another scoring unit, probably another 10 man tactical squad for another "durable" scoring presence. Also some more/better long ranged anti-tank as you only really have that one TL-lascannon on the razorback, should you keep it. Perhaps some missile/las devastators or a predator annihilator. Oh i forget you have the cyclone on the terminators aswell, but i assume they are deepstriking and won't be getting of any turn one shooting. Anyway just some of my thoughts.

Edit: Looks like command squads can take special weapons again in the recent FAQ.

09-08-2013, 05:08 PM
Im looking for about 600 points of allies. This is my list they are imperial fists and im looking to add allies. Ideally i want them to make snse in a fluff way. I do not want imperial guard as im not a fan of the models. Thanks


Lysander 230

Command Squad 100
Plasma 40
Apothecary 15
Razorback 55
Twin Linked Lascannon 20

6 Terminators 240
Cyclone 25
Chainfist 5

Troops [b]
5 scouts 55
Missile Launcher 15
Sniper Rifle 4
Camo cloaks 10

5 scouts 55
Heavy Bolter 8

Tactical Marines 140
Flamer 5
Power Sword 15
Multi Melta 10

Rhino 35

Fast Attack

Storm Talon 110
Skyhammer 10

4 Bikes 84
2 Meltas 20
Attack bike Multi Melta 55

Ditch the bikes.

Ally with white scars. Use Mr. Mustache on his super bike and add in two of the bike squads (need to be five to be troops). Give them fancy gravguns or whatever those fancy new things ate called. Plopp in a 3 man squad of fast attack bikes for extra fun, or maybe a squad of attack bikes.

Also got to have a dev squad. Soo cheap! 150 little points for five guys with four(!!!) lascannons with tank hunters. Or go plasma to hunt random stuff.