View Full Version : 1850 DA Raider List ... Playing Tomorrow

09-06-2013, 09:51 PM
Playing vs Orkz tomorrow ... most likely with Tau allies - instead of playing tri-raider i'm going to go with double and extra tactical squads instead - he can do green tide / kan walls / not sure on the new tau he picked up.

Librarian (Bolt Pistol & Force Sword – Divination) – 65 {Attached to the Command Squad}
Company Command Squad (5 Veterans with Bolters, Banner of Devastation) – 165 {Deployed inside a Land Raider Crusader}

Deathwing Knights (Knight-Master, 4 Deathwing Knights, Perdious Relic of the Unforgiven) – 245 {Deployed inside a Land Raider Crusader}

Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher) – 170
Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher) – 170
Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher) – 170
Tactical Squad (Sergeant with Bolter, 9 Space Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher) – 170

Ravenwing Bikers (Veteran Sergeant with Melta Bombs, 2 Ravenwing Bikers, Melta Guns) – 115 {Deployed in Reserve}

Land Raider Crusader (Deathwing Vehicle, Multi-Melta) – 290
Land Raider Crusader (Deathwing Vehicle, Multi-Melta) – 290

= 1850

09-06-2013, 09:53 PM
The leftover points I had left in the list went to the Perdious Relic and the Vet Sergent with Melta Bombs ... things I normally don't take.

09-06-2013, 10:11 PM
Well you should be fine as long as you don't end up with the Knights tarpitted by big mobz.

Hopefully you'll be combat squadding them Tact Squads. (And loosen up their formation, this is Tau we're talking about.)

You know what he's taking so it looks like you'll be fine so long as he doesn't shake it up by going fast/assault. Your list is rather ponderous and ill suited to deal with fast CC threats. Do your best to deal with potential markerlight squads and outflanking Kroot and it shouldn't go too badly for you.

Good luck!

09-06-2013, 10:34 PM
Now I know why I run 2 riptides with meltas and a hammerhead. Anyway I was looking at your bikes and wondered why you just put a libby on a bike and run the command bikes which are a tad better than the fast bikes. With the Faq you can take 5 bikes which gives you 5 rending bikes with a force weapon guy that shoot a lot of plasma with a +4 cover save moving normally, skilled rider adds +1 cover save.

Also I was thinking on taking 2 powers on the libby which would work nice in termy armour to with the deathknigbts, +3 possible for deny the witch rolls.

If the other side lack meltas and or powerclaws than I think you will be fine.

09-06-2013, 10:55 PM
Point cost is the main reason why I don't run bikes for the libby & command squad ... and generally they are pretty safe inside the land raider (hopefully keeping my warlord alive the entire game).

I'll easily shred any units with a power claw before it gets close (minus zagz, which is the only time i've had a LR popped unless I was tabled - and he wont be running him) .... tau's long range fire power / melta suits have me a little concerned but not overly (since it's going to be my main target prioity) and im not sure what all he has.

I normally play tri-raider with a techmarine on a bike with PFG trailing behind the LRCs with the command squad and two bare bone tactical squads inside the other raiders .... 3 raiders + 2 tactical squads = 152 bolter shots w/o the command squad stepping outside of their box. @ 1500 Points

.... with the new tau allies in I would rather throw in more tacticals than 3 raiders as a safety net.

09-06-2013, 11:25 PM
I don't see it hurting you in points. The command bikes are cheaper than the elite bike for starters. I have to relook, but the discount I think covers the bike upgrade.

Also keep in mind raiders block line of sigh to bikes rather well, which means if run right he will need to kill the raider to get to the bikes.

To do my ideal you will drop the regular cc squad which will free up points.

Nob bikers are the only real threat, but your smiting strength 10 terminators can easily crush them, funny even not smiting they can deny the bikers a save and wound on 3s. Although causing instant death would be prefered and canceling out the possible fnp.

Besides deathrollers I can't really see what he can do. Since he is running Orcs it will limit his options with Tau.

Deepstriking melta suits or the O'Shova bomb is a real threat. No riptides and meltas wil make your victory not hard to achomplish.

09-07-2013, 03:50 PM
Worked Well ... ended up being kill points won 11-4 slay the warlord, linebreaker, first blood in my favor.

He ended up playing orkz with deff dreads and a kan wall instead of orkz with tau allies - he also used the ork psyker and rolled to deep strike a 30 man unit of boyz twice, scattered and the unit died (on turn 1 which really helped in my favor).

The DWK inside the 2nd land raider worked really well being able to charge a group of kanz after they had been thinned ... I ended up not deploying the bikes in reserve.

Thanks for the Input.