View Full Version : StormRaven question

09-06-2013, 12:38 PM
Hi Guys,

Am about to start up a GK army, as I love the models, no idea how its gonna go, but we will see:-)

Anyway was reading up on the StormRaven and Coatez, Coatez can assault out of vehicles, but does that mean if Coatez and a unit of ssay Termies are in the Storm Raven that they can come on the board disembark and charge in the same turn??



09-06-2013, 01:06 PM
Coteaz doesn't have any special rules about assaulting out of vehicles. If you've just been reading up on him before buying the codex, perhaps your internet sources have confused his "I've Been Expecting You" rule, which permits him (and friendly units within 12" of him) to shoot at units that have just arrived from Reserve?

Nothing in the GK codex that I know of alters the general prohibition on assaulting on the turn a unit arrives from Reserve.

09-07-2013, 01:52 AM
Ok, thats a shame:-(. On another point about the SR, can it transport Termies?? Could not see if it could or could not.


09-07-2013, 02:22 AM
Ok, thats a shame:-(. On another point about the SR, can it transport Termies?? Could not see if it could or could not.


Terminators are Bulky so a Storm Raven can carry 6!

09-07-2013, 07:41 AM
Thx Bob

09-07-2013, 08:24 AM
Storm ravens have assault ramps, so whatever u put in them can assault when they disembark, except if the storm raven deep strikes, and keep in mind if it moves more then 6 inches troops can only assault out of it if they have jump packs

09-07-2013, 08:52 AM
But, nobody can assault the turn they arrive on the board (unless they have some special rule allowing them to do so).

Archon Charybdis
09-07-2013, 12:50 PM
So normally there would be two restrictions that prevent a unit that has come out of reserves in a transport from assaulting. 1. You can't normally assault out of transport 2. You can't assault the same turn you come in from reserves. The Assault Vehicle rule would cover the first restriction, but you still can't assault due to having just come out of reserves. It's the reason I keep trying to convince my friend not to put his 200+pt HQ and squad of TH/SS termies in a kitted out Storm Raven. Having over 1/3 of your army do nothing till turn 3 at best is not a good strategy.

09-07-2013, 01:20 PM
So normally there would be two restrictions that prevent a unit that has come out of reserves in a transport from assaulting. 1. You can't normally assault out of transport 2. You can't assault the same turn you come in from reserves. The Assault Vehicle rule would cover the first restriction, but you still can't assault due to having just come out of reserves. It's the reason I keep trying to convince my friend not to put his 200+pt HQ and squad of TH/SS termies in a kitted out Storm Raven. Having over 1/3 of your army do nothing till turn 3 at best is not a good strategy.

This is why my stormraven carries objective-snagging tacs, while my land raider carries killy objective-clearing assault units.

09-07-2013, 01:22 PM
Thx for clearing this up:-)

Patrick Boyle
09-08-2013, 09:05 AM
Storm ravens have assault ramps, so whatever u put in them can assault when they disembark, except if the storm raven deep strikes, and keep in mind if it moves more then 6 inches troops can only assault out of it if they have jump packs

The Stormraven hasn't been able to deep strike for 6 months, since Death From the Skies, and Skies of Blood/Fury/Darkness(I think that's the GK one?) specify, jump packs or not, that if you deploy that way you can't assault.