View Full Version : New Space marines 6th ed allied with tau.

09-06-2013, 08:27 AM
I would like you guys to rate this list. 0 being not competitive at all and 10 being a guaranteed tournament winner. (Obviously I dont expect any 10).

Cato Sicarius

10x sniper scouts
10x tactical marines in rhino with scout rule from Sicarius giving outflank, flamer, multimelta, power sword/pistol sgt
10x tactical marines, razorback, TLLC, plasmagun, plasma cannon (split into combat squads or whole unit foot slogs while razorback supports the annihilator with las cannon shooty.

9x sternguard vets in rhino (or drop pod)with Sicarius, 2 heavy flamer, 7 combi-plasma or melta

Predator annihilator (TLLC +2LC sonsons)
2x New AA Hunter tank with the seeker missile

Tau Allies:

Commander, drone controller,2 shield drones, Iridium, MSSS, Neuroweb, joins unit with the riptide giving it ignores cover

10x Kroots with hound for acute senses ( will outflank)

Riptide, 2 drones, Ion, target, Interceptor, TLSMS (drones shoot 4 str 7 at BS5), riptide can shoot different target with str8 ap 2 large blast that ignores cover.

Thoughts ? Open to suggestions.

09-06-2013, 09:14 AM
Can't really measure the competitiveness of this list at all.

The Codex isn't even in most peoples' hands, so most people can't yet actually PLAYTEST the rules. You need PLAYTESTing to measure the effectiveness of an army and PLAYTESTing also increases experience. If you PLAYTEST you may find that half the army is totally useless and the other half is fantastic, then with some more PLAYTESTing, you'll get a chance to see what's good or not, and may find that your army won't really match the other PLAYTESTed armies of other players. PLAYTESTing also has the added benefit of learning the rules faster, which can open your eyes to strategies you might not have considered if you didn't PLAYTEST.

Maybe you should PLAYTEST the army and see how effective it is.

09-06-2013, 10:45 PM
I saw the new codex tonight and gotta point out first, your Razorback is overloaded. Check again, Razorback, capacity: 6!
Secondly, Sicarius can do outflank? Not 100% sure I saw that, scout, yes, inflitrate, yes but outflank? Double check.

Personally, I would say that dropping a Commader with your Riptide to me would make you "That Guy" but as this seems to be a tourney list, all's fair in love and war.

2X Hunter's, that's a pretty big hole of matso ball you've got hanging out if there's no flying to deal with. I might suggest that instead of taking a second Hunter and saving from the points your going to get back from that overloaded Razorback that you go for an Aegis Line with a Quad Gun.

Next up is that you look like you're going to play agressive with this, but with very few options to help you out in close combat. You've got every power armoured squad in a transport. They jump out and end up getting met by a bunch of raving close combat lunatics? Even Sicarius's Talassarian blade isn't going to help you then. Your putting a lot of strain on the Kroot to help keep CC threats off your back with this list. ;)

I personally am a big fan of huge troop formations (It hasn't got me anywhere extremely successful... yet :) ) but can see things happening with smaller amounts of troops. You're going to have to play conservatively with your Marine squads to keep them alive long enough to capture objectives.

I would say that you're going to want a dedicated close combat element in here somewhere, unless you choose to go conservatively, in which case I would say keep the Rhino with Sicarius and the Sternguard and use it to get to swift close combat threats and ditch the transports for the squads and use their points to bolster your troops.

So at this point I would say that you're somewhere between uncompetitive and needs luck. Your Riptide is going to be doing some pretty heavy lifting in the anti-MEQ department and hopefully the Predator picks up the anti-tank slack. 2 hunters seems like overkill now, but eventually "That Guy" will show up with 3 Heldrakes and I'll probably eat that. Nevertheless, I stand by my Aegis Line stance here, doing double duty as Scout and Predator cover will be more than enough to cover you. (Fingers crossed) Sicarius and his band of merry men will be a particular nuissance to anything that gets close, to you, but don't let them stray too far or you'll be hard pressed to find the progenoids afterwards. The Kroot won't last long, sorry to say, but in thoise numbers, it won't be long before they're blown to bits or sent packing. So basically, you'll have about 2 viable units to snatch objective at the end. I think you might need more.

To parrot what DrBored said, Playtest! Playtest! Playtest!, you'll quickly find out what flaws lie in your army that way.

Good luck!

09-06-2013, 11:11 PM
Usually I have little to say, but not with this list. I wish I read the list before I voted. Honestly I was voting simply on how effective Tau and Space Marines can be.

1. I get the Kroot and Space Marine squad outflank. What I don't get is why you using a multi-melta on an outflanking unit instead of a melta.

2. The plasma death squad hopefully is outflanking as well. If not oh well.

3. Don't know where you getting bs5 missile drones from. You need to read drone controller again which states which drones it buffs. The back of the book defintion is a short quick referance. In other words no bs 5 missile drones.

4. No pure tide or c and c chip. You realize your commander can buff and join your marines as well, can't fit in the rhino. For example your plama guys can be twin linked, ignore cover and be tank or monster hunter, re rolling hits and wounds vs a bloodthirster.

5. Twin linked would help with the riptde and missile drones, also the riptide can fire a strength 9 pie plate that can re roll pens

I get the majority toughness bit with commander and riptide. Commander will soak up hits with toughness 6 and a +2 save and can throw off wounds on the riptide or gun drones. The unit will be a bother to deal with, which I probably flat out ignore it.

It seems like you have good ideals, but not really sure on how to use them. It does help if I have the new marine dex and read what the marines can do.

Aspire to Glory
09-06-2013, 11:21 PM
Can't really measure the competitiveness of this list at all.

The Codex isn't even in most peoples' hands, so most people can't yet actually PLAYTEST the rules. You need PLAYTESTing to measure the effectiveness of an army and PLAYTESTing also increases experience. If you PLAYTEST you may find that half the army is totally useless and the other half is fantastic, then with some more PLAYTESTing, you'll get a chance to see what's good or not, and may find that your army won't really match the other PLAYTESTed armies of other players. PLAYTESTing also has the added benefit of learning the rules faster, which can open your eyes to strategies you might not have considered if you didn't PLAYTEST.

Maybe you should PLAYTEST the army and see how effective it is.

Don't be a jerk. Especially to new forum users.

09-06-2013, 11:33 PM
Doesnkt scout and infiltrate allow you to be able to outflank???

Hmmm Kroot can get +2 cover saves in woods that;s area terrain. Although I run 15 kroot instead of 10, although my weekend list have 13.

09-08-2013, 12:01 PM
A few clarifications on the list and also thanks for raising a concern.

So first of all, the concern: I was led to believe that a drone controller gave the commander's BS5 to all the drones in his unit and since joining him with the riptide forms a single unit I believe all the drones would benefit from it.

Next , the razorback unit splits into combat squads and 5 marines with the plas cannon will be foot slogging it up , a bit like a mini dev squad.

Then, cato confers scouts to the tac squad in rhino which is kept in reserve thus allowing the rhino to outflank since dedicated transports benefit from their unit's scouting rule.

My biggest hesitation is wether putting cato and the sterguards in a rhino or a drop pod and wether to use combi melta instead of the plasma.

The outflanking kroots are only a diversion/ linebreakers / contesters / wound soakers.

The hunter AA tanks dont only serve as AA but they can also work on any kind of skimmers so I dont consider them overkill but rather essential, especially at their price cost.

Feel free to keep the critiques up, I dont take it personal at all but rather very constructively.
Thanks again :)

09-09-2013, 01:23 PM
I may do Tau/SM, but not SM/Tau.