View Full Version : Necron Royal Court options--sorry if this has been plowed before

09-05-2013, 01:19 AM
Hello Bols fans,

I had an interesting argument with a player at tonight's 40k game. Kerney, as we will call him, insists that in my army list of 1 overlord with a royal court, I can not have 2 harbingers of destruction each with a solar pulse. He interprets the rules differently. For the life of me, I belive I can, but just have a hard time finding the right page in the rulebook right now.

On the royal court page, when it talks about unique wargear options, I see it talks about unique options--one could interpret this as 'sets'. I explained to Kerney that as long as I made each cryptek with with a unique load-out that this would be kosher. I can't have two crypteks with two lances and solar pulses at the same time in the same court, but I could have two solar pulses if I had the second one take the gaze of flame--thus creating a unique option set. No one else has ever had a problem with this argument excpt him and a random passer-by. In my opinion and interpretation of the rules, I can only have the two lance/pulse combo if I bought another overlord....defeating the purpose via excessive point cost.

I feel the urge to remind folks that there was some controversy as certain clear rules before the FAQ came out. One player told me I couldn't embark on a night scythe in the middle of the game [the last page says I can, as does common sense--that argument applies to drop-pods only], that nightscythe passengers aren't harmed if the plane crashes and that harbingers can not take their upgrade weapons/badges of office if there was another of the same type.

Kerney vitriolically disagreed and said, again, each piece is unique to a royal court and that to have two solar pulses, I'd need two overlords. Of course, this begs the question: How much harder would it have been to explicitly say [at least on page 90] that per royal court, each non-weapon item is a unique and takeable only once per royal court. Other armies and the last edition books would explicitly write "one per army" or something to that effect.

I'm positive I'm right, but for the life of me, just can't find the exact words/rules/pages in the book. Or show me I'm wrong.

09-05-2013, 01:21 AM
Just thought of another example that might be relevant to this discussion.

A character in a film calls someone else 'An alien murderer.' This could mean either an alien who commits murder, or someone or murders aliens. Yay vagueness in the English language!

09-05-2013, 03:32 AM
Is this to do with the Harbingers? if so this covers it http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?26580-crypteks&highlight=royal+court

09-05-2013, 03:40 AM
it's very clear in the german version - which will probably not help all too much since you can't really prove anything with that and GW's translation are sometimes sketchy, but anyway...
In my version, p.90 (Royal Court page of the army list, in case it differs), at the bottom of the Cryptek entry, it says in italics:
[...]The Royal Court may contain any number of Harbingers of the same type, but each unique upgrade of the Harbingers may only be present once per Royal Court.

so that's that - no mention of the "sets" you talk about (which I don't really see where you get those from in your line of reasoning, but that's beside the point).

09-05-2013, 05:14 AM
So in clear terms: Yes you may have as many Harbingers of Destruction in your single court as you desire, but the Solar Pulse upgrade is unique to the Court (as are the other non-staff upgrades), so only one may take it.

If you want the second solar pulse, you would have to take a second Overlord to get the second Court.