View Full Version : Priming; On or Off the Sprue?

11-20-2009, 12:56 PM
As I sit here staring at the newest additions to the foundation of my IG, army a thought occurs to me... How should I prime all of this???? So I wanted to know how many people prime their models? On the sprue or off the sprue and why? Thanks for the input!

11-20-2009, 01:02 PM
Off the sprue.

Why? Because there will be little flash marks sticking up where the piece was fixed to the sprue. And also, the possibility of more flash or a moulding line. When you get rid of this with a file or knife you will have to repaint.

Or you could be gash and leave the moulding lines but then it would look awful.

11-20-2009, 01:11 PM
I do it on the sprue. Just remember to take off the moulding lines first. Some models i even paint on the sprue and put together later.... but hey thats just me.;)

11-20-2009, 01:35 PM
I like to go both ways. It usually depends on how many small pieces are on the sprue. If it is a few big parts then I will do it off, if it is a lot of small parts then Ill do it on. I have found that spraying small pieces is irritating.


11-20-2009, 01:42 PM
because I started with metal minis, I usually build my model fully and then prime it completely on the model. Vehicles, I'll also build first, but I'll segement them, like treads off (on sprue) turrets off, sponsons off, but built.

John M.

11-20-2009, 02:38 PM
I think it depends on your purpose for painting the minis.

If you're painting them to the highest standard you can, take them off the sprue. You'll never be able to get all the mold lines off the pieces while they're still on the sprue. Additionally, you'll still have the areas that are connected to the sprue to prime once you cut them off.

However if you're going for basic tabletop quality that you want to throw on a gameboard and get a game going, do it all on the sprue.

11-20-2009, 05:53 PM
personally i usually prime on the sprue, and with vehicles i even paint on sprue, as i find rhinos/defilers/LR's muc easier to paint on sprue then touch up after assembly, but for guys i only prime on sprue, then fully assemble and paint

The Dinosaur
11-20-2009, 06:04 PM
personally i usually prime on the sprue, and with vehicles i even paint on sprue, as i find rhinos/defilers/LR's muc easier to paint on sprue then touch up after assembly, but for guys i only prime on sprue, then fully assemble and paint

Im pretty much the same, big stuff is generally painted on sprue with touchups once removed. I paint for games over detail generally so its never a noticable issue.

I'll prime troops on sprue, remove and paint then assemble.. i cant paint assembled troops, cant get the knack of it.. :(

11-20-2009, 06:42 PM
I think the for/against for painting on the sprue could become one of those arguements that never is solved and just leads to screaming


(you get the idea)

My advice, do a few figures one way, do some more the other and decide what works best for you.

11-21-2009, 01:33 AM
Good points all around....
Right now I am removing the larger bits....torso/legs/autocannons/lasguns....and leaving the smaller stuff on the sprue for priming (as they tend to blow around when sprayed) ...I suppose i will continue to do it that way.

Ugh its going to take forever to paint all of this >.<

PS....anyone else think Dr. Henry Killinger would make a great commisar conversion???

11-21-2009, 08:17 AM
PS....anyone else think Dr. Henry Killinger would make a great commisar conversion???

Too much stange warp energy in the Magic Murder Bag. The Inquisition would like to have words with him about it. (unless he were some sort of inquisitor...)

11-21-2009, 01:04 PM
I always assemble the model first and then prime (i.e. off sprue).

Furthermore I never spray prime. Instead I use a very thinned down dark base colour and brush it on - adding Tamiya acrylic thinner to thin the paint not water. This gives just enough of a paint layer to bind the top coats without obscuring any detail.

11-21-2009, 10:42 PM
I always assemble then prime, since the vast majority of my models have some form of conversion and thus greenstuff. If I primed on the sprue or off but unassembled, then I'd have to redo it after I'd finished the model.

I will do certain models in sections and assemble afterwards. And I hold the splinter rifle of my warriors on with a small dab of bluetac, take it off for painting, and glue it on afterwards. I have trouble getting at the chest detail otherwise.

11-21-2009, 10:46 PM
Depends on the mini. I assemble and then prime most of my stuff, but things like attack bikes are a pain to paint after its assembled so I'd suggest priming it and doing a base coat on the sprue.