View Full Version : Tournament list advice

09-03-2013, 02:49 PM
Thinking of attending this 4 man team tourney, my two other mates are gonna be playing Eldar and Marines, so need to find something else,

This is the tournament set up,

• Max 1850 points pr. team.

Force Organisation Chart
1 Primary Detachement
• 1-2 HQ
• 0-3 Elites
• 2-6 Troops
• 0-3 Fast attack
• 0-3 Heavy support
• 0-1 Fortifikation

Allied Detachments are not allowed

Army selection
0-1 Named Character/Special Characters/ named Monster
0-1 doubles outside of troops
0-3 same troop choice
0-3 of the same dedicated transports
0-2 stk. transport with front AV 14
0-2 stk. fly eller flying monstrues creatures.

So what would you take?? So far we do not know what the other team member will be taking, so everything is open;-)


Librarian Harker
09-03-2013, 04:49 PM
If you have any Imperial guard or Tau they would be a good compliment to your friends armies. In particular, both armies would benefit from the skyfire and interceptor units available to them stopping any drop pods and flyers from having too much dominance. Both armies excel at long range fire. With the guard in particular you can include lots of cheap troops, with sabre weapons platforms(if forge world is allowed) without breaking the tournaments army selection rules. Tau are stronger at the moment and could easily ruin your opponents day with their heavy support and elite choices.

Hope this helps

09-03-2013, 05:47 PM
Tyranids. If you have them that is. 3 gants 3 Tervigons, 2 Flyrants. One each of: Doom, Ymgarls, Zoanthropes, Biovores.

Fits all the rules while still being a killer list that most will struggle against.

09-03-2013, 09:13 PM
I think Orks would suffer under these restrictions, as any good Ork list would require lots of spamming. For Speed Freakz, you would need as many Battlewagons as possible; for Deff Skullz, you need Lootas and Big Gunz; For Green Tide, you need more infantry. I think, although it wouldn't do well, i would take Speed Freakz or Deff Skullz. No body really expects someone to toss a lot of Ork bikerz into the fray along side 2 battlewagons loaded with shoota boyz. Deff Skullz would probably fare better, but the spamming limitations would hurt even more. :(