View Full Version : The new recruit...

Lost Vyper
09-03-2013, 06:42 AM
This morning, i spent about three hours of talking about the WH40K -universe and playing a trial game with "the new guy" (actually, weīve been friends about 20 years, but new to this game). We have always encouraged new people to try out 40K, just to get more people in on "the habit" :D. Heīs feeling the Orks and he tried them out against my Dark Eldar (Small game,400p). He fared well, had loads of questions, good strategies and lost only 2-1 (My Ravager was the only thing left on the table, which blew his Nobz head off, who was holding the Relic). Itīs interesting, that "new mind" asks the kind of questions, that your "autopilot" has long forgotten. I had to check BRB more than in our normal 2000p game :). He has played Space Hulk and was a part of our now defunct D&D -group, so he knows his dice :cool:.

Itīs easy to get people play, if your club has loads of armies (even easier, if some of them are just sitting on the shelf) to pick from. I believe, thereīs at least 2000-3000p of Orks, so thereīs options...

Next, i suggested him to purchase the BRB and do "some" :p bedtime reading...

More the merrier, and i hope, weīll see more DAKKA in the future!!

- Lost Vyper

09-03-2013, 08:47 AM
That's the way to encourage people and ensure the propogation of the master race.... er wargaming!

09-03-2013, 09:00 AM
He chose the right army.

09-03-2013, 01:17 PM
Well done, sir.

Now tell him about Lootas.

09-03-2013, 01:33 PM
Don't tell him about nob bikerz. For your good, not his.

09-03-2013, 02:11 PM
If he's goin "the way of the Waagh!" then be sure and fill him in on Forgeworld's shenanigans, and any house-rules/updates to those models. The IA 8: Kastorel Novem book has a good size Ork Poster, that helps identify Orks, and some really cool artwork. Not to mention of course, tons of Ork stuff that he may find enjoyable. However the rules for certain models like the Lifta-Wagon and Big Squiggoth are reprinted/updated in the new FW Apoc Book. :D

Lost Vyper
09-04-2013, 11:43 AM
Last night, i was at work, got a text....it was my friend who wanted to play again (itīs like crack!) ...:)
so today was the same three hours, 500p, Emperors Will and i played Eldar. He wanted to try A Weirdboy as HQ and had a Deff Dred plus troops. He was close winning this time, he had FB and my Farseer on Bike was in CC with the DD. But then, Ere We Go and his whole Weirdboy+Troop Deep Struck and he gambled and landed on my DZ. My Farseer killed the DD (AMAZING!) and my bikes zoomed on to HIS objective. Game ended after turn 6 and he didnīt get to his objective on time and i held mine and his, 7-1 win with the LB for the Eldar. I advised him NOT to teleport too far away, but heīs a gambling man . Well, if the DD won, then he had been in my DZ killing my troop and the end had been different...but FUN!

Yes the Lootas...my favorite of the Ork army...just got my son some of them for his Orks...the Ork Anti-Air...or Anti everything...

Lost Vyper
09-06-2013, 12:17 AM
We played two Esclation League games last night, and the new dude was there just watching and soaking in information like a sponge....great...:) BATREPs from these games were filmed, one up now, one next week, check them out in the battle report section!