View Full Version : Test models for new sm force.

09-02-2013, 07:52 AM
Hello, the following post is about the two test models I have recently done in preparation for my new Space marine force. Before I start any army I normally paint up a few miniatures to get the scheme to my liking prior to building a force. The pictures are not the best quality at the moment as my camera is currently broken, when I have it fixed and running again I will take some more professional shots. 47814782478347844785

Opinions, tips, constructive criticism are all welcome...I hope to get better and show my progress with more professional shots soon
Tally ho

09-02-2013, 08:30 AM
From what I can see, they look like a pretty good start. Only things I could say are paint the eyes (red or maybe amber, to go with the dark armor). Also, if you have a pin vice and patience, drill out the bolter barrels -- a little touch that adds a lot to the finished project.

Otherwise, keep up the good work!