View Full Version : Base Size for Custom Objectives?

09-01-2013, 12:48 PM
I've decided to make some custom objective markers for my Knights of Blood. I was wondering if anyone out there knows what base size an objective marker belongs on. At least two of my ideas would look best on terminator bases, but I'm willing to make the choice based on what's most correct, rather than on what's coolest.

Thanks in advance.

09-01-2013, 01:50 PM
Objectives for Throne of Skulls are usually Terminator bases.

09-01-2013, 02:11 PM
A lot of places also use custom poker chips, which are conveniently the same size as a terminator base. But really, it doesn't matter too much. I've got some custom objectives, but they're all on small bases. You can do some cool stuff on large bases, though.

09-01-2013, 02:30 PM
I think that 40mm seems to be a tournament standard thing. They usually say terminator size or smaller. Also you can put a d6 more comfortably on a 40mm to mark objectives.

09-01-2013, 03:28 PM
40mm isn't too big. If you have an awesome concept for that size, do it. Honestly, when it comes to personalized objective markers, what's coolest IS most correct. Don't let the objective's base size concern you until you start considering making an objective marker out of a flight stand base.

09-02-2013, 01:01 AM
well, if you go based on the objective marker dice set... about 10mm?

There isn't a set size as such, but 40mm does seem to work well; you can add a reasonable amount of detail to them, they are reasonably easy to spot on the table at a glance, you can crowd a good number of models around them. Just make sure you and your opponents are either a) using the same size objectives (nothing like not controlling an objective because it is tiny, but you opponent is on his because the base is bigger) or b) measure the 3" from the centre of the objective or c) give the benefit of the doubt. To be fair, in most games I have played, it has been fairly clear if a unit controls an objective or not and unless you are at a tournament, it's hardly ever going to be that important...

Some of the best games I have played used huge objectives (crashed satellites, wrecked tanks etc). Whilst they made for great narratives, they can significantly alter the battlefield if you let them block LoS or movement (which made sense for those games, but certainly wouldn't in all cases).

09-02-2013, 01:34 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. I decided to mount them on terminator bases, and they look a lot better than an earlier first draft that had them on small bases.

Just so you know, the two objectives I've made so far are a memorial to fallen Space Marines (a shot-up looking back banner mounted atop a Reaper Minis "Pillar of Good" with a few Space Marine helmets laid on the ground alongside it) and a crashed - but not dead - assault sergeant (I had a lot of fun drilling bullet holes in his armor, and will enjoy splattering him liberally with blood). I'll post pictures in my Knights of Blood thread when they're done.

09-02-2013, 01:39 AM
The rule of cool prevails...

09-02-2013, 03:12 AM
Objectives for Throne of Skulls are usually Terminator bases.

If you mean the GW Throne of Skulls Tourneys at WW, I have done 8-10 of these, most recently March this year, and I have never seen nor used any 'standard' size for objectives. Markers varied from dice, to GW dice on skull things from the Lasgun dice packs, to markers on bases.

I do acknowledge hwoever there has been about 2-3 since I last went, so a stnadard could have been introduced.

I think objectives, unless as part of a scenario, should be no more that terminator base sized. It is better to have the ability for one side to clearly be in control - if you have a massive 8" objective it could be contested by about a million units.

09-06-2013, 09:12 AM
I try to do custom objectives for all my armies, and have two sizes. For games with 1 or 2 primary objectives, I use 40mm bases. For games with 3-6 with varying values or hidden objectives, I have a set of 6 built on 25mm bases. I have tokens with the numbers/values that fit under the 25mm bases, so that they create a decorative cap over the actual marker.