View Full Version : A quick question about your bills....

Mr Mystery
09-01-2013, 10:40 AM

So, those in the UK, how much do you usually pay for your water and sewerage?

I'm in Kent, and have been in my tiny, one bedroom flat for around two and a half years. And having finally figured out I'm here, the respective companies are wanting just over £500 each.... Paid the supply bill, and got around £200 to go on the sewerage, so more or less in hand.

However, speaking to others, this does seem somewhat extortionate, and ridiculously high....

Can you let me know your usual annual bill for each?

09-01-2013, 11:56 AM
IDK exact figures as I'm not the bill payer, but I do know they're significantly lower than that from last time they were mentioned.
I think you do pay more living down south though 'cause of supply vs density issues...

Mr Mystery
09-01-2013, 12:03 PM
Defo need to challenge these.....

Found more paperwork, and it might be for three years. However, that's still roughly average for the UK, which seems too high for tiddly flat...

09-01-2013, 12:45 PM
get a water meter installed. if you don't have one, the bill is averaged for the neighbourhood, so if you live beside a big family, their bill is reduced a little by you, and yours is greatly increased by theirs. friend of mine had his bill go from a few hundred pounds to five pounds...

Mr Mystery
09-01-2013, 12:59 PM
Sadly part of a block of flats...so can't be metered :(