View Full Version : 40k analysis: Judgmental players.

09-01-2013, 05:48 AM
So I doubt many people will read this thread and even fewer will agree with me but over this marine pre release weekend I have noticed a rather darker side to the 40k community, now we should all be used to people airing their opinions on GW decisions such as price increases and hey everyone has their own opinion on that matter BUT I was not so used to having people openly judge other players based on their choices.

Now I don't get much time to check many 40k sites so for all I know this happens all the time, probably does to be honest, but as I began to read threads and blogs for the big boys in power armor I began to experience a large back lash from players due to one decision... that decision was that I chose to buy the LE Ultramarines codex.. I chose to buy this out of my opinion that the art work on the cover looks a lot more awesome then the standard codex. When I chose to post this opinion on other 40k based sites (No names will be mentioned) when asked about which codex I bought I found my self being barraged by people judging me simply because of answering this question. None of these internet voices asked why I chose said edition and instead chose to berate me both for forking out for an LE version of the book and naturally for choosing the ultramarine version, I am not new to the internet so I have experienced my own share of judgement and trolling but it does sadden me to see this so open and openly accepted in the 40k community... Maybe I am being to made of glass on this one but what are your opinions on this? Have you seen community members act out as *** hats judging to a point that gentle banter point? Should I just stop whining?

09-01-2013, 05:51 AM
There are a lot of people who don't seem to understand that pricing is arbitrary and determined by what a company thinks they can sell something for, not some basic % over production costs. A lot of them also don't realise that taste is subjective, so what is worthless to them may be of value to someone else. Sadly when it comes to GW and a lot of the borderline hysteria over prices it results in an unpleasant attitude of condescension towards people who buy their products and particularly the limited edition stuff.

It's very nasty and regrettable.

09-01-2013, 05:56 AM
keep buying whatever you fancy Hexx, who cares what anyone else thinks? there is a lot of hate, especially marine hate, but they are just jealous you are enjoying something.

09-01-2013, 06:01 AM
Eh, I'm buying all the LE's. (or at least on each book) because the presentation of the product is so much better. Its also helps that by waiting a month I can get them for the price of a regular codex in Australia.

Don't let people get you down, its your hobby!

09-01-2013, 07:14 AM
hahaha I might just go do that my self, well don't like it don't play it's that simple, black and white. Nothing to complex here, and I like back story changes at first it feels weird but they always add so much new things I can do who cares

Mr Mystery
09-01-2013, 07:16 AM
As for the OP, one can only assume there's a lot of 'only child' types out there in this hobby of ours. The type that cannot grasp there are opinions other than their own, and all are just as valid.

09-01-2013, 07:21 AM
I'm the only child of the emperor :P nar nar nar, we are all sons and daughters of our beloved father the lord emperor. I concur Mr. Mystery, and this makes me wonder is there a future for the hobby if we fight each other so much?

09-01-2013, 07:45 AM
It does make me my self worry about the future of the hobby with such childish types, but then again I look at the amount of good sport players and collectors in the community and that makes me feel better. The amount of childish types to good types is starting to shift to the former though, but as long as there are still people who enjoy the hobby enough and are adults about opinions I will have hope for it.

I am loving the new sternguard, vanguard and tactical kits I honestly see my self getting many of them in the following months to build my new marine force.

09-01-2013, 08:00 AM
I hate the hate... We are mostly grownups on here so enjoy the hobby for what it is.

This is not a school playground my 'football' team is not really any better than yours it just happens to be the one I fell in love with. Friendly ribbing and leg pulling go along with enjoying our differences but so many people still seem to think having a different opinion to their means your 'stupid' and 'don't get it'.

I feel your pain Hexx... Why can't we all just...get along?

09-01-2013, 08:05 AM
I completely feel for you Hexx, you earn your money, so you spend your money on what you like! Don't listen to what anybody says to you! People need to chill and stop taking this stuff so seriously!

Mr Mystery
09-01-2013, 10:34 AM
At the risk of sounding an arse, I also feel you can easily spot those without a job, or a decent wage. After all, nobody is under any illusion that this is a cheap hobby. And yes, some people aren't able to meet the price. Which sucks for them, but is hardly and issue that would affect me. Yet some seem set on martyring themselves all over the intertubes.

09-01-2013, 10:55 AM
I could NOT agree more with what you just said more Mystery...I agree that it does make me seem like an arse but its kinda true.

09-02-2013, 05:54 AM
Ah, I was really irked by this on the weekend actually. I keep falling into the trap of getting annoyed at the front page comments and general hate train - as most recently seen by the recent SM release. The thing that really bothers me is that the level of discourse is just plain boring, when we should be arguing the interesting nerdy stuff like trends, patterns, influences and themes.


I quite like being convinced by others and, especially with our hobby, something as subjective as aesthetics affords a lot of room to manoeuvre. I should learn in future to talk about it here in the lounge where people are, aptly, more laid back and insightful.

And also you've made a valid decision. The special edition isn't just a different art on the cover. The materials used are completely different - the pages and bindings is more akin to the very high quality forgeworld books. I only found this only after i had preordered thanks to the mountain of noise :(

09-02-2013, 06:05 AM
I just hope they've been proofread better than the heresy one was.. :rolleyes:

09-02-2013, 07:03 AM
The more I read of this forum, the more convinced I am that I made the right decision to move my hobby discussion here. Because it is just that; discussion.
Hugs all round. No. Not you. You play the wrong army. You can have a hug though! :D

09-02-2013, 07:31 AM
Yes, it seems that the art of debate at least to a large group of people has been lost. I also agree with Skullchewer I have seen a lot friendlier and debate themed discussion on here, not to see this is perfect mind you but it seems a lot more adult.

09-02-2013, 07:37 AM
You'll never find perfect on the internet...

09-02-2013, 07:40 AM
Yay hugs I feel all warm and fuzzy inside my metal body ok back to shredding tanks on a 6, so who was next?

but with money and this hobby you are right, I got into this hobby a year or two ago and it was expensive but seems to have become more expensive then I thought it would be I don't know why just dose, but can I raise a point isn't this hobby targeted at 14 year olds or so?

09-02-2013, 07:45 AM
You'll never find perfect on the internet...
I'm right here! Ha ha ha, don't hurt me.

09-02-2013, 07:47 AM
but with money and this hobby you are right, I got into this hobby a year or two ago and it was expensive but seems to have become more expensive then I thought it would be I don't know why just dose, but can I raise a point isn't this hobby targeted at 14 year olds or so?

I don't think the hobby in general is, but GW certainly feel like they're targeting a younger audience than when I started.

I'm right here! Ha ha ha, don't hurt me.

One member does not a forum make...

Dave Mcturk
09-02-2013, 09:22 AM
boyz and their toyz... [and girlz] .... think freedom of choice of toy soldier is something we take for granted ! ... during ww2 ... german toy makers only made their own soldiers... more propaganda than toy... assume that certain countries today are the same... nnnpd...

and at least we are just playing... not blowing sh1t out of each other for opening our eggs at the wrong end... or even believing in the great egg ! ...

enjoy the hobby ...

09-02-2013, 09:24 AM
and at least we are just playing... not blowing sh1t out of each other for opening our eggs at the wrong end... or even believing in the great egg ! ....

Maybe we should address that. What sort of heathen opens their egg at the wrong end? :mad:

09-02-2013, 09:26 AM
Wonder if that Edward VI era law about spending a day in the stocks for opening an egg at the sharp end was ever repealed? Totes barbaric. Everyone knows you open the blunt end.

09-02-2013, 09:28 AM
What are you crazy?

You heathen!

09-02-2013, 02:09 PM
Maybe I am being to made of glass on this one but what are your opinions on this? Have you seen community members act out as *** hats judging to a point that gentle banter point? Should I just stop whining?

It' just people who have to act all tuff and mighty being invisible on the internet. Also they think they are Jocks with plastic toy miniatures and dolls and are better than others.

Next time, I wouldn't worry about it. Just look at them, on how tuff, or awesome they are at rolling dice and playing with plastic toy soldiers. Kind of makes them look sad and pathetic eh?

09-02-2013, 05:18 PM
No worries its your mini's and your games. always remember most of these twits would never say 1/4 of the things they do on teh internet. And if they did well just remind them of What happens when you talk sh** you tend to get hit.