View Full Version : Warzones + Supplements = 40k happy times

08-31-2013, 08:56 AM
Anyone else feeling that between the new range of codex supplements giving an almost unprecedented amount of focus and detail on hitherto relatively neglected facets of the main armies and the Apocalypse War Zone books doing the same for specific theatres of war that 40k is heading into a very happy place indeed?

I mean to use an example close to my own heart we have had more new background material for the Eldar than we have seen in twenty years thanks to the Iyanden supplement and it is quite feasible we will get an in-depth look at a IoM-Eldar campaign via a War Zone book in the future. It's extremely exciting.

Mr Mystery
08-31-2013, 10:44 AM

In particular, Damnos gives me new Necron stuff, which is double ace cakes.

Looking forward to the next raft in print!

08-31-2013, 11:40 AM
Yes. Oh god yes.

Pretty sure the War Zones will indeed cover every faction eventually. By the looks of it, Damnos has some of the "missing" Space Marine formations (Vindicator Linebreakers!) plus who knows what, and doubtless there's plenty of Necron fun in there too. Pandorax has some more Black Legion and Dark Angels stuff.

What I'm loving about Damnos is that it's including brand new background. It's not just the campaign where Sicarius got his arse kicked and Tigurius led the retreat, but also goes into a new campaign with Calgar personally leading a force to take the world back. So now we know the Warzones are going to be a mix of classic campaigns and new things.

It seems to me that GW is really putting its money where its' "Forging the Narrative" mouth is. The expanded background, scenarios, artwork and rules in the warzones, supplements and codices themselves all seem to be geared to putting the background, the aesthetic, and the feel of 40k right at the heart of things. Which, personally, is as it should be: it's a setting you can play in, rather than a game which has a background. 6th is the anti-5th. I'm loving it.

08-31-2013, 12:30 PM
What is Warzones?

Capn Stoogey
08-31-2013, 12:31 PM
As much as my wallet would disagree, it is indeed a good time to be a 40k player.
Can't wait to get my new models and dex, and when I can get Damnos, to sink my teeth into all the new Ultramarines goodness :)

08-31-2013, 12:34 PM
What is Warzones?

War Zones. Like Damnos. Don't ask me why I made it one word.:rolleyes:

08-31-2013, 12:47 PM
War Zones. Like Damnos. Don't ask me why I made it one word.:rolleyes:

Ok another stupid question. What is Damnos? I don't pay much attention if it's not Tyranids. Just getting back into 40K.

08-31-2013, 12:51 PM
Ok another stupid question. What is Damnos? I don't pay much attention if it's not Tyranids. Just getting back into 40K.
New book release coming with the Space Marines this month. 68 page Apocalypse supplement about the Damnos campaign between Necrons and Ultramarines.

08-31-2013, 01:07 PM
As much as Forgeworld has covered Ork "Waaagh!'s" I would love to see GW whip out some new stuff for em.

08-31-2013, 01:19 PM
I'd be happy with some old stuff redone.

Sure, the complaint about the buggies / trakks is getting old but that's because so are the models.

Mr Mystery
08-31-2013, 01:23 PM
I'd quite like to see some red hot xenos on xenos action myself! Perhaps Orks/Eldar?

08-31-2013, 01:23 PM
Warzones are mini campaign books which provide background on a major conflict, datasheets, hazardous terrain features and scenarios for Apocalypse. Although they're expansions to Apocalypse, they're full of fun background which could easily be whipped up into a regular Campaign, or simply inspire your battles.

08-31-2013, 01:24 PM
It would be interesting to know (we never will) what resources are required to produce one of the War Zone books. I mean if they are reasonably cost effective for GW to produce we might see a lot of them and perhaps some where the IoM isn't features. I'd expect, though, they will follow the IA model of IoM vs Someone Else.

I'd love a Biel-Tan vs Orks book though.

Mr Mystery
08-31-2013, 01:28 PM
Dunno. Great joy of Apocalypse, is that it's very much for everyone.

Write in to them seems the best course.

08-31-2013, 01:43 PM
I expect everyone's going to get a turn. It's how they're drip-feeding Apocalypse formations out into the world, afterall.

08-31-2013, 01:56 PM
Thank you for the explanation.

08-31-2013, 02:42 PM
I'd expect, though, they will follow the IA model of IoM vs Someone Else.

I'd love a Biel-Tan vs Orks book though.

Or the infamous Tyranid / Ork perpetual war of Octarius.

Or the War of Dakka (Orks / Tau).

So many potential Ork books! And yet I have a gloomy feeling Armageddon is going to be it.

08-31-2013, 04:58 PM
Thought it was a really good price too, pretty cheap, nice hardback, LOTS of info.

08-31-2013, 10:29 PM
As much as Forgeworld has covered Ork "Waaagh!'s" I would love to see GW whip out some new stuff for em.

Once IG and Orks are both out they should do a Warzone: Invasion Armageddon covering the second war there, as we have the 3rd war covered in the Apoc book. If they hadn't just done Damnos and covered a lot of the Marine stuff, they could have waited for Nids to come out and cover SM and Nids with Warzone: Macragge Or they could skip IG for the moment, and once Nids and Orks are both out, do Warzone: Octavius featuring those two.

09-01-2013, 03:34 AM
let's see... what could be potential Warzones yet to come...
Malan'tai (Eldar vs. Nids)
Macragge (Ultramarines vs. Nids, unlikely because of Damnos, but an iconic battle nonetheless)
Octarius (Orks vs. Nids)
Rynn's World (Crimson Fists vs. Orks)
1st & 2nd War for Armageddon (Imperium vs. Chaos / Orks)
The Sabbat Worlds (because who doesn't love Gaunts Ghosts...)
maybe update/enhance the Imperial Armour settings like Taros or the Badab War?

09-01-2013, 03:48 AM
Malan'tai and the others campaign against the 'nids I assume you mean, not the eating of Malantai by Doom of? Cos that would be a bit boring.:)

Perhaps Ichar IV and Medusa V? The old global campaigns could be translated to War Zone format reasonably well I'd think.

09-01-2013, 04:30 AM
Malan'tai and the others campaign against the 'nids I assume you mean, not the eating of Malantai by Doom of? Cos that would be a bit boring.:)

Perhaps Ichar IV and Medusa V? The old global campaigns could be translated to War Zone format reasonably well I'd think.

yeah I was probably confusing Malan'Tai and Iyanden... kinda had it in my head that there were substantial battles on Malan'Tai as well and at some point the Nids just said "well f*** this, let's drop a nuke"... which I now realize is rubbish :)

09-01-2013, 04:34 AM
Well Iyanden, Idharae and Malan'tai all joined forces to fight the tyranids in 812.M41 so you might be thinking of that.:)